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Usa Citizen Denies Paternity Of His Child In Thailand


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See how he does not respond about the bar girl questions..

Not hard to see..

even a thai judge wouldnt blame a farang over a bar girl

Who needs a Thai Judge? You have declared him 100% guily on all imaginary charges.

Why not justhang hang him now or better still, firmly clutch the cheeks of your arse and swiftly lift your arms upwards and over your head until you can no longer see the light, you know its where you get your best thoughts.

roy gsd

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The girl can file the case in the state court where the alleged father resides. She does not have to be resident in the US to do so. This would not involve the Thai courts at all. The suggestion to contact a US based law firm with an office in Bangkok was so they could provide the interface between the girl and the US based attorneys. I agree it could get expensive. Unless the alleged father has deep pockets, it probably would not be worth it.

It would be worth contacting a women’s group in the area where the alleged father lives. They just might think this is worth going after just for the publicity of having a man abandon a poor third world woman with his child.


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Sadly, this thread seems to be centered more on the morals of the parents involved than the fact that there is a child involved. She can sue him in a US court and she can probably find a group to assist. When the father gets wind of this, if he has an attorney, he will probably either acknowledge paternity or take a DNA test. It's a lot easier to settle these things out of court than to get the court involved (at least fully involved).

If the court has to go all the way with the matter, it's going to cost him a lot of money (if he's the father). If he settles out of court, he will get by with reasonably small costs for caring for a child in Thailand.

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I had a Japanese friend who got pregnant from a US soldier while she was on vacation in Hawaii. As I was the only military person she knew at the time, she asked me for help when the guy said it was her problem.

Basically, nothing she could do in Japan would have any bearing on him. She could pursue the matter in court in Hawaii (and she had the financial wherewithal to do so), but her best course of action would have been to pursue this in the soldier's home state. Unfortunately, this was Texas, and this is not the best state to pursue such matters (from the woman's point of view.)

In the end, she decided to forget him as a lost cause and go on with her life. She has since gotten married and has another child with her husband, and he has been a good father to her first child.

For the OP's question, bottom line is that unless the man resides in a state where their might be an active women's advocacy group which might be willing to take on her case, she is pretty much out-of-luck.


For the posts that she is a bargirl or whatever, how does that affect the rights and welfare of the child? Child support is nto for the mother, it is for the child.

Not that is matters, but don't bargirls in Thailand insist on condoms? I think that most women who don't insist are women who are in love and are sure this is the man for them. But then again, I could be naive here.

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Sad story, especially for the child concerned.

If the alleged father has returned to the States, than it will be extremely difficult for the Thai mother of the child to be able to take any action to make the father share responsibility for the infant, unless she has finances enough to pursue this matter in America.

First it would involve finding the man and legally imposing him to take a paternity test to prove that he is or is not the father of this child. If test is positive, than she will have to sue for maintenance through the American legal system.

Her only hope at this stage is maybe to visit the American Embassy in Bangkok and make a plea on behalf of the child for help to trace this guy and for legal assistance. She would have to be very convincing that she is certain of who is the father, plus have knowledge of the guys name and some other personal details i.e DOB etc.

If this was just a one night stand or the woman is a prostitute, forget it, no chance. So by her visiting the American Embassy and convincing them to help would prove that the pregnancy resulted from a genuine relationship.

As they say, the proof of the pudding is in the eating or in this case the pudding club.

If the guy is residing in Thailand, pursuing the alleged father is of course much easier but will still involve having enough finances for legal fees and court costs.

Edited by sassienie
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