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Best Way To Go To Nong Nooch?


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Other than the all inclusive tour from the Nong Nooch office on Central Road, is there any easy way of getting to Nong Nooch Gardens for a person without transport that doesn't cost the earth.

Given that the tour includes tickets to the shows, and the departure point is in a convenient location for me to get to, is there a cheaper, and just as simple, way ( I'm not going to hire a motorbike ) of getting there. I'm assuming that the cost of hiring a baht bus, plus entrance and show fees would be about the same as the official tour.

I suppose I could catch one of the songtheaws along Sukhumvit, but it's a long walk from the main road to the gardens.

Thanks for any help. With the rapidly shrinking pound, I'm having to try and save money wherever I can.

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Other than the all inclusive tour from the Nong Nooch office on Central Road, is there any easy way of getting to Nong Nooch Gardens for a person without transport that doesn't cost the earth.

Given that the tour includes tickets to the shows, and the departure point is in a convenient location for me to get to, is there a cheaper, and just as simple, way ( I'm not going to hire a motorbike ) of getting there. I'm assuming that the cost of hiring a baht bus, plus entrance and show fees would be about the same as the official tour.

I suppose I could catch one of the songtheaws along Sukhumvit, but it's a long walk from the main road to the gardens.

Thanks for any help. With the rapidly shrinking pound, I'm having to try and save money wherever I can.

I would ask at a travel agency .The one on the corner of 2 nd road and Pattaya Tai ,seems to offer many such trips .

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I believe it now cost 400 baht to get inside including the show. I also believe there is no option not have to have the 'no show price anymore' It's maybe 20km down the road and should cost around 20 baht in the white baht bus to you take you to the turn off maybe then someone will give you a ride to the gate but as you say it's too far to walk and no shade. Maybe find out how much it costs to hire a baht bus vs how much the Nong Nooch tour bus cost, I suspect the tour bus may be cheaper but you are trapped until the return of the bus. A very good day out but very tiring and very hot.

If you can share the cost with a couple of friends you could hire a baht bus and do Nong Nooch, Buddha Mountain and Wat Yaan as well. Don't miss the big Chinese Temple.

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I believe it now cost 400 baht to get inside including the show. I also believe there is no option not have to have the 'no show price anymore' It's maybe 20km down the road and should cost around 20 baht in the white baht bus to you take you to the turn off maybe then someone will give you a ride to the gate but as you say it's too far to walk and no shade. Maybe find out how much it costs to hire a baht bus vs how much the Nong Nooch tour bus cost, I suspect the tour bus may be cheaper but you are trapped until the return of the bus. A very good day out but very tiring and very hot.

If you can share the cost with a couple of friends you could hire a baht bus and do Nong Nooch, Buddha Mountain and Wat Yaan as well. Don't miss the big Chinese Temple.

Best of luck with the proposed day-out and hope you enjoy it.If you do get a baht-bus,then he can run you right up to the entrance

of course.You did mention that you're trying to watch the pennies so maybe you'd like to find out if they have dual-pricing at the

Gardens.(I'm almost sure thay do.)I have a work permit,and 4-5 friends who've been to venues like this have produced them and

gotten Thai prices(it worked a treat for me in Chiang Mai).So,if you had one(or even a Thai Driving License)bring it along as it might

save you a bit.

Me myself,I never go to places that have this policy(even with my work permit)....because I don't agree with blatant racism that

these f*ckers get away with.I find that there's plenty of other stuff,like Pattaya-Water-Park/S.F. Cinema City etc.... that have

decent and fair ways of treating people(but that's all I'll say on that as I don't want to thread-deviate).

It was briefly mentioned by a previous poster of attractions around this area......namely the Chinese Temple,"Vihan Sien" and the

very closeby Buddha Mountain and Silverlake Vineyard.The vineyard and Buddha Mountain(Khao Chee Chan) are free-to-all

and the Chinese Temple holds some wonderfully interesting artefacts...it's very commendable of them to charge one-price-for-all

(only about 50 baht I think).I've been a couple of times and combined it with a trip to "Wat Yan".I find places like "Wat Yan"/

"Khao Chee Chan"/"Vihan Sien" to be a bit more frequented and appreciated by Thai people and much more

authentically enjoyable than the Nong Nooch Gardens which to my feeling is more representative of an exploitative, dual-priced

tourist-target orientated attraction.(not exclusively, but the "falangs" who attend here and pays waaay over the Thai price

are much-prized customers and relied-upon).

Anyways,if you go to Nong Nooch have a great day out,because from what I've seen of it on the web/magazines etc... it does look nice

I have to say.I'd agree with the above poster though that the other attractions he mentioned are quite enjoyable also............

and aren't as sore on the pocket,that's for sure.All the best anyway. :o:D:D

Edited by lalana
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Thanks for the help.

lalana, I've been before, on a half day tour, but it wasn't enough time to see everything. I had to miss the show just to be able to have a walk around.

Regardless of entry cost, I'd like to go back for a full day, but if possible save transport cost.

Absolutely a wonderful and magical garden. I half expected to see Alice chase the white rabbit!

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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I have been to Nong Noocy two times. A few years ago went with a friend that drove and we took all the time we wanted. That was great. This year I went alone and took the half day tour. DO NOT take the half day tour. From Pattaya you probably end up over in Jomtien at a parking lot where they collect people that booked the same tour. Then the big bus goes from there to Nong Nooch. You do not get enough time to walk around and liesurely browse things. I loved to sit and meditate in the big french outdoor garden area and the old Thai building replicas next to it. If you must take the tour, spend a little more and take the full day tour. It turned out that it rained like the dickens this day just after we got on the bus to leave Nong Nooch! So, I am not complaining about the tour!

Nong Nooch is not far from Jomtien. For 20 baht you can hop on a baht bus and ride from South Pattaya to the end of Jomtien. I suggest it would be easy to hop on a motorcyle taxi from Jomtien to Nong Nooch. I am not sure there are motorcycle taxis leaving Nong Nooch, but I have to assume there are because so many Thais use them for transportation.

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I believe it now cost 400 baht to get inside including the show. I also believe there is no option not have to have the 'no show price anymore' It's maybe 20km down the road and should cost around 20 baht in the white baht bus to you take you to the turn off maybe then someone will give you a ride to the gate but as you say it's too far to walk and no shade. Maybe find out how much it costs to hire a baht bus vs how much the Nong Nooch tour bus cost, I suspect the tour bus may be cheaper but you are trapped until the return of the bus. A very good day out but very tiring and very hot.

If you can share the cost with a couple of friends you could hire a baht bus and do Nong Nooch, Buddha Mountain and Wat Yaan as well. Don't miss the big Chinese Temple.

Best of luck with the proposed day-out and hope you enjoy it.If you do get a baht-bus,then he can run you right up to the entrance

of course.You did mention that you're trying to watch the pennies so maybe you'd like to find out if they have dual-pricing at the

Gardens.(I'm almost sure thay do.)I have a work permit,and 4-5 friends who've been to venues like this have produced them and

gotten Thai prices(it worked a treat for me in Chiang Mai).So,if you had one(or even a Thai Driving License)bring it along as it might

save you a bit.

Me myself,I never go to places that have this policy(even with my work permit)....because I don't agree with blatant racism that

these f*ckers get away with.I find that there's plenty of other stuff,like Pattaya-Water-Park/S.F. Cinema City etc.... that have

decent and fair ways of treating people(but that's all I'll say on that as I don't want to thread-deviate).

It was briefly mentioned by a previous poster of attractions around this area......namely the Chinese Temple,"Vihan Sien" and the

very closeby Buddha Mountain and Silverlake Vineyard.The vineyard and Buddha Mountain(Khao Chee Chan) are free-to-all

and the Chinese Temple holds some wonderfully interesting artefacts...it's very commendable of them to charge one-price-for-all

(only about 50 baht I think).I've been a couple of times and combined it with a trip to "Wat Yan".I find places like "Wat Yan"/

"Khao Chee Chan"/"Vihan Sien" to be a bit more frequented and appreciated by Thai people and much more

authentically enjoyable than the Nong Nooch Gardens which to my feeling is more representative of an exploitative, dual-priced

tourist-target orientated attraction.(not exclusively, but the "falangs" who attend here and pays waaay over the Thai price

are much-prized customers and relied-upon).

Anyways,if you go to Nong Nooch have a great day out,because from what I've seen of it on the web/magazines etc... it does look nice

I have to say.I'd agree with the above poster though that the other attractions he mentioned are quite enjoyable also............

and aren't as sore on the pocket,that's for sure.All the best anyway. :o:D:D

nong nooch doesnt have a cheap price for residents ,as we went about 1 year ago and i used my drivers licence which usually gets thai price ,but not there ,also we took our lad on the yellow submarine,same there you have to pay farang price.

enjoyed nong nooch but hot and i thought expensive.

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