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In Danger Of Being Adopted


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There's this dog.

For the last day or two it's been hanging around near our house and now it's sitting outside the gate using Big Brown Eye tactics to get past my defences. I really don't want a dog. I only put up with having dogs for twenty years in my previous marriage because I liked my wife more than I disliked the dogs she couldn't live without and fortunately I could offset the irritation of all that bounding, panting, barking, and slavish devotion with a regular supply of calming, purring, independent feline affection (cats, not my ex-wife. Although now I come to think about it...).

On the other hand, I can't hold out much longer. It needs a meal and some minor vet attention but what then? I suggested a co-ownership deal with a neighbour but they aren't keen and pointed out that the charm of our little corner of the moo ban is that it's blessedly bark free and that the razor wire and land mine notices (fake, of course) are enough to keep most of the villians out.

Now, if I can just catch his eye...


and then just a couple more minutes of this and he'll crack...


I'll feed it up. I'll get it to a vet and make it well and unable to procriate but I really don't want it as a family member.

Anyone want a dog? Will swap for cat, snake, mongoose WHY. Chas? Neinke??

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Come on, you are half way already..even putting up pics of the culprit, you sound like a proud dog owner already .. :D

Does he/she bark now? Could be because it feels there is nothing to defend, but if it is silent now, it will not take much effort to keep it that way.

Hope this helps :o

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Come on, you are half way already..even putting up pics of the culprit, you sound like a proud dog owner already .. :D

Does he/she bark now? Could be because it feels there is nothing to defend, but if it is silent now, it will not take much effort to keep it that way.

Hope this helps :o

I'm a soft touch but I don't want to be. It's having a nap under my car now - I need to go out but don't want to wake it up...

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Come on, you are half way already..even putting up pics of the culprit, you sound like a proud dog owner already .. :D

Does he/she bark now? Could be because it feels there is nothing to defend, but if it is silent now, it will not take much effort to keep it that way.

Hope this helps :D

I'm a soft touch but I don't want to be. It's having a nap under my car now - I need to go out but don't want to wake it up...

In that case replace the nap with...FOOD It will not mind being woken up... :o

And whilst you are driving you can get used to the idea that from now on a dog will be waiting for you when you come home...

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Go on GS you big softie that dog looks a cracker - I can feel the love but is it just your photography skills that have brought out those puppy dog eyes :o

Sadly Chez Begley Mansion Towers currently has its full allocation of animals at least until our latest addition to the family (kindly supplied by Nienke) has reached his first birthday.

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Come on, you are half way already..even putting up pics of the culprit, you sound like a proud dog owner already .. :D

Does he/she bark now? Could be because it feels there is nothing to defend, but if it is silent now, it will not take much effort to keep it that way.

Hope this helps :o

I'm a soft touch but I don't want to be. It's having a nap under my car now - I need to go out but don't want to wake it up...

He looks in good condition -- perhaps recently got lost or was dumped ?

I'd find it very hard to resist that face, too, but if a dog has been decidedly not part of your plans, it's better you don't give in and regret it later. He needs a committed human or two in his life. Get his picture into Citylife (Citylife have free online ads for charities now, too).

Can you leave some food for him nearby (not on your property) ?

I think you should take him to a vet. (Was he hurt ? What attention does he need ?)

I do hope someone here will be able to take him.

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There's this dog.

Now, if I can just catch his eye...


and then just a couple more minutes of this and he'll crack...


As I sit here and look at these pictures one song continues to come to mind...

" I saw her sitting in the rain...

raindrops falling on her..she didn't seem to care

She sat there and smiled at me.

And I knew.. ( I knew, I knew, I knew )

She could make me happy ( happy....happy )

Flowers in her hair...flowers everywhere

Oh I don't know why she simply caught my eye

She seemed so sweet and kind; she crept into my mind..."


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Come on, you are half way already..even putting up pics of the culprit, you sound like a proud dog owner already .. :D

Does he/she bark now? Could be because it feels there is nothing to defend, but if it is silent now, it will not take much effort to keep it that way.

Hope this helps :o

I'm a soft touch but I don't want to be. It's having a nap under my car now - I need to go out but don't want to wake it up...

555! you big pushover! :D

..actually, ive been guilty of similar! Go with Carib's cunning food plan, and Good luck with the doggy. :D

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I'm a soft touch but I don't want to be. It's having a nap under my car now - I need to go out but don't want to wake it up...

In that case replace the nap with...FOOD It will not mind being woken up... :o

And whilst you are driving you can get used to the idea that from now on a dog will be waiting for you when you come home...

Hey you were right! We just got back from collecting my stepson from school and there it was waiting for us in the driveway, tail wagging.

It snarled a bit when we went to open the gate but I pitched my son's gai yang out into the street which diverted it just long enough for us to make a dash for the door. It's outside now, pacing up and down - I must say it seems awfully protective already.

Is this normal?

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I'm a soft touch but I don't want to be. It's having a nap under my car now - I need to go out but don't want to wake it up...

In that case replace the nap with...FOOD It will not mind being woken up... :o

And whilst you are driving you can get used to the idea that from now on a dog will be waiting for you when you come home...

Hey you were right! We just got back from collecting my stepson from school and there it was waiting for us in the driveway, tail wagging.

It snarled a bit when we went to open the gate but I pitched my son's gai yang out into the street which diverted it just long enough for us to make a dash for the door. It's outside now, pacing up and down - I must say it seems awfully protective already.

Is this normal?

No, it is not normal, so it makes it even more special, he he he... :D

There must be a reason, that from all the gates in the moo ban.... it picked yours. Think about it ! Things don`t just happen, there is a reason for it !

Also taking in the dog is very good for karmapoints....Do you happen to need any? This is your chance !

You have a stepson, wooow the kid will love to grow up with an animal around. Very good for it`s education too, better understanding about nature and everything connected. You will never have to tell a stupid story about the birds and the bees. The dog will show how that works too. I cannot see anything else than just advantages of having this dog. :D

Cannot come up with more nonsense now, so I am out of here..

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Sadly Chez Begley Mansion Towers currently has its full allocation of animals at least until our latest addition to the family (kindly supplied by Nienke) has reached his first birthday.

Oh yeh, completely forgot about it. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARLEY!!!!!

Please give him a big (RAW) bone from me. :D

And GS, a three colored dog that pops up out of the blue in front of YOUR doorstep definitely means your lucky day! Reincarnation of a loved one ... :D:D

Oh, and please, don't listen to Carib with his birds and bees zoo. I bet you won't be pleased with another 6 to 8 reincarnations on your doorstep. :o:D

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And GS, a three colored dog that pops up out of the blue in front of YOUR doorstep definitely means your lucky day! Reincarnation of a loved one ... :o:D

Well, Day of the Dog, as I'm now calling it, did turn out to be a lucky day because we got a call saying that after months of frustration dealing with a variety of local bureaucrats my Yellow Book was ready for collection. However, on waking this morning at the crack of dawn for the alms collection we found she'd gone as quietly as she'd come.

Upped and left me without even a bark of thanks and now I'm alone with only an unopened pack of flea powder and a grooming comb to remember her by - not that I'm sorry, you understand. To cap it all, this morning's mail brought two bills plus a kilo of junk mail from Makro and my only call so far has been from our tenant to complain about a water leak from the apartment above.

Looks like she took the luck with her. The bitch.

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Looks like she took the luck with her. The bitch.

Ha, karma as well! Through your hesitance you blew your luck. :D:D


The dog returned yesterday along with another couple of (even bigger) bills...

Just how sure are you about this relationship between karma, canines and good fortune?

It's looking a bit shaky to me :o .

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You're just a cold hearted villain icon6.gif How can you possibly leave this cute, loving friend out in the heat. He's looking to you for simple love and friendship. How can you do this to him?

Edited by Tyke
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It's a simple; make up your mind.

You either start really taking care of this creature or you don't. Don't do it half as that makes the animal dependent on you. And not only for physical health. Dogs are pack animals. By providing it (some) care the dog will start seeing you as part of the pack, and your house and part of the street as his/her territory.

In case you really are not willing to have a dog as a pet (fair enough), you still could consider to spay or neuter it before completely turning your back to it.

If you're still in doubt then please consider very carefully that you'll have the responsibility for this creatures well-being for at least another 10 to 12 years. That includes training it NOT to bark your head off as your part of the mooban is blessed with non-barking creatures till now.

As for the karma thingy etc: most probably the dog is a reincarnation of a loved one with whom you still have some issues, in other words through the dog you've got a second chance to make it up (quickly) and to deal with these issues, so it won't bother you again and again and again over your next several incarnations.

So yes, this tri-colored animal has definitely all the potential to be part or the start of good fortune for you IF you provide it with a warm loving caring home. Don't forget, he/she came to you for a reason!!!!


who's practising her manipulation skills. :o:D

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Think of it as a bar girl and it's eyeing your wallet.

Hold that thought. Please. :o

(The worrying thing is that I've actually had worse. )

So yes, this tri-colored animal has definitely all the potential to be part or the start of good fortune for you IF you provide it with a warm loving caring home. Don't forget, he/she came to you for a reason!!!!


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Nienke is right. Either you do take care of the dog or don't do anything at all. To the dog it will be clear, it is either black or white. Besides all jokes, this is a plain fact.

But... since you stated that you were left behind with a grooming comb and a box of flee powder already, this could be your chance to put it to good use, and keep on doing it. Karma will buildup again, life will improve .

The last time you let the dog leave your tenant complained about a water leak from the upstairs neighbours. If you let the dog leave now, the bathtub will come crashing through the ceiling, and don't tell me I didn't warn you !


( helping Nienke manipulating) :o

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