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Non Drinkers


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Anyone here that does not drink and is living in los

When i was drinking mabye 6 beers a day couldent drink spirits ever, made me sick.

Now i dont drink not for 15 years just wondering what to do every day in los if one doesnot drink.

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It depends what you like doing I suppose.

There is a popular misconception that expats are all alcohol sodden old men.

Many do drink but no more than they do when socialising back home. Its a case of knowing your limits.

I'm sure that Thailand has plenty to offer the non drinker, after all its not like it was way back when, when the only thing to do each evening was toread the 3 month old papers, have a few Gin Pandits over a rubber of bridge at the club before going home to beat the servants. Cinema, Theatre, Music all thrive in BKK.

Personally though I love a few cold beers after a hot day in Thailand.

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It depends what you like doing I suppose.

There is a popular misconception that expats are all alcohol sodden old men.

Many do drink but no more than they do when socialising back home. Its a case of knowing your limits.

I'm sure that Thailand has plenty to offer the non drinker, after all its not like it was way back when, when the only thing to do each evening was toread the 3 month old papers, have a few Gin Pandits over a rubber of bridge at the club before going home to beat the servants. Cinema, Theatre, Music all thrive in BKK.

Personally though I love a few cold beers after a hot day in Thailand.

Whats the difference a few cold cokes diet .

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I didn't drink from 1965 to 2001, and never missed it.  Have averaged about one beer a month since then, and don't appreciate it.

A man who has to be drinking to enjoy life is......an.....alcholic.

The word is Alcoholic.

My reasons for not drinking are purly medical.

Listening to some people discribe there drinking i wonder could they stay without it for a month.

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I have not had a drink in years. One thing I do everyday is eat breakfast. One thing I don't do is puke. I also find my days are much more enjoyable without a hangover. I enjoy going to the mountains, zoo, plays. Walking arouind the various markets.

I also hit the occasional ago go, I spend a few dollars on ladies drinks and usually have a good time, and the next day I can remember wat I did.

I'm trying to learn Thai. I also spend some time trying to help the lady friend with her Thinglish.

I'm thinking about looking into Habitat for humanity or maybe and teaching certification, for some more structured activity.

I also often go to AA meeting's

Hope this helps Jim

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You could learn to play a musical instrument, keep some fish or plants or a bird or other pet. You could carve wood or study art or literature. You could weave baskets or learn origami. You could learn computer programming or web site design.

Frankly if you don't KNOW what you like to do (which is not as uncommon as some might think...I spent several years finding what I liked to do...gardening) then you need dto invest some time (and a little money anyway) into finding out. You'll probably have to learn something..OH GOD NO ...NOT SCHOOL AGAIN. you may cry in anguish..but many people find if there is no pressure to learn something and you approach it with the attitude that you can quit at any time if its painful...then it can even be enjoyable. THE THING IS .. IT IS NOT EASY AND WILL TAKE ALOT OF EFFORT ON YOUR PART....DEFINITELY SO GET STARTED TOMORROW AND DON'T STOP AT THE FIRST DISSAPOINTMENT OR FAILURE..KEEP GOING UNTIL YOU FIND IT.

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Anyone here that does not drink and is living in los

When i was drinking mabye 6 beers a day couldent drink spirits ever, made me sick.

Now i dont drink not for 15 years just wondering what to do every day in los if one doesnot drink.

No alcohol except RED WINE for nice dinners with lovely girls (sorry no BG) who invite me and feel more comfortable (no more shy...) when we are a bit "happy"...

Reading a lot (about anything) and learning thai takes a lot of time, so days are going fast... you should try.

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  • 4 years later...
Anyone here that does not drink and is living in los

When i was drinking mabye 6 beers a day couldent drink spirits ever, made me sick.

Now i dont drink not for 15 years just wondering what to do every day in los if one doesnot drink.

It depends on what you like to do, how old you are, whether you are single/married/other, what physical condition you are in, what mental condition you are in, etc. (just like back home).

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I am not a teetotaller.  I do drink a little wine sometimes (2 or 3 glasses a month), and maybe a cocktail while on vacation once a year or so.  But I do not drink as a habit.

But unless you are writing about going to the bars each evening and getting sloshed, then drinking or not drinking has little to do with what you can do here.  The beaches are beaches for drinkers and non-drinkers alike. Same with the movies, the mountains, the museums, the malls, the temples, JJ market--pretty much anywhere you would want to go.  Heck, even if you are the type who likes to go out to the girlie bars, they certainly don't require you to drink alcohol in order to sit and oggle. 

If you don't drink, then just go out and do what you would do if you did drink, but instead of a beer, get a juice or a soft drink instead.

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I don't drink and I still have fun here. I have a few hobbies that keep me occupied and also result in me socializing with people who share my interests.

Some of my hobbies include fishing, which I try to do atleast twice a week, and flying RC helicopters which I try to do for an hour every day to build my skills.

I also enjoy web design and building things that keep me occupied the rest of the time, especially now that I am at home while the wife is out working during the day.

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If you don't drink, then just go out and do what you would do if you did drink, but instead of a beer, get a juice or a soft drink instead.

Only problem is that when you do go out, someone in the group will always insist that you have to have a drink and sometimes gets upset when you politely refuse. If I'm forced to go a bar with friends then I always order apple juice and pretend it is something stronger to keep everyone from piling drinks on me.

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In the past i drank 1 once a week and have had weeks i drank 2 or 3 times but not that often. Now i haven't touched alcohol for 4 months and i don't really miss it.

I might drink in the future but not much anymore. I don't like hangovers.

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If you don't drink, then just go out and do what you would do if you did drink, but instead of a beer, get a juice or a soft drink instead.

Only problem is that when you do go out, someone in the group will always insist that you have to have a drink and sometimes gets upset when you politely refuse. If I'm forced to go a bar with friends then I always order apple juice and pretend it is something stronger to keep everyone from piling drinks on me.

 I have had that problem a few times with Russians, but normally, once I tell people I really don't drink, they leave it at that.

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Since I've given up drinking I've gotten into photography. Photography is a fantastic hobby to get into, especially in Thailand as there are so many images and interesting subjects that catch my eye.

10 pin bowling & cinema are 2 other things I also regularly enjoy now on a weekly basis.

Obviously, the internet and online forums is also a strong interest of mine, along my passion for good foods and finding new and interesting restaurants.

Being a non drinker frees up so much more time (and money), I'm enjoying life so much more without booze, it's not easy for me as all my friends both here and back home are big drinkers, but it's a change in my life that I'm so glad made.

Next step is to get myself to the gym!!

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I am pacing myself - first it was Barcardi rum in high school, then gave up tequila in college.

Lately, its been Zambuca - I figure at this rate we can visit this topic 3 lives from now and I will have giving up them all.

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Going to the gym is always good. The problem is mostly keeping on going. I have been on and of going to gyms. I hope that this time i will keep on training (have a good gym at home now)

I got hurt in Iraq, and that has precluded me from doing most of the sports I love.  So I have been going to the gym religiously for the last 3 years instead. Sometimes I really hate it and want to skip it, but then the guilt slips in, and I end up going.  After I finish, I feel much much better mentally, and then phsyically the day after.

For people giving up drinking (or smoking), being physically active is a gerat way to help you stay away from your previous vice.  Whether that is the gym, the tennis courts, the bowling alley, diving--whatever it is, keeping active helps.  It is sitting around doing nothing which gets the mind thinking of those past vices and increases the tempation for recidivism.

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Never drink, NEVER. I have plenty to do, los or anywhere else in the world. Work, play. Oh and I had to develop a personality of my own instead of relying on alcohol making me fun to hang put with or brave enough to talk to women. lol

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You know, outside of the UK and germany. Most people develop an invidual personality, which allows each person to interact interestingly with others, without needing to get absolutely shitfaced from 3pm till 12am every single day out of boredom.

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