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For Deedial Users To Uk Land Lines


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The 1.5 baht a minute for UK land lines from deedial was upped when I used it yesterday to over 400%, although still advertised on their website as 1.5 baht per minute.

Phoned customer services to be told they now have a very special price for 44 (UK) code land line numbers at 7 baht per minute, and they were NOT announcing the price increase on their website yet.


... So not worth using them now as it is about the same as the 09/08 on normal mobile services.

Went down to the deedial franchise company for Pattaya on 3rd Road, but it was closed up, maybe because Sunday though?

Good while it lasted, but think they just gave cheap calls to get people to buy their prepaid cards before they upped their prices to the average rate, as I did a few days ago.


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I had a meeting with the owner of deedial’s Pattaya’s franchise this morning.

He also knew nothing about the UK 441 code price increase, and phoned deedial’s boss immediately.

Dedial confirmed that due to a satellite problem for calls to the UK land lines starting with (44) -1, are now 7 baht per minute, although it was hoped to sort things out over the next few days and get the charges back to 1.5 per minute for land lines. Calling a UK Mobile remains unchanged at 7 baht per minute.

It was suggested by the Pattaya office to try using the zero normally left out (44-01) This seemed to work as I was told before connection the amount of minutes were left on my account, which seemed to be in line with the 1.5 per min charge. However, I did not wait for an answer as it was in the early hours in the UK.

Must add that the Pattaya office were very helpful, very much concerned about this problem and will be putting the pressure on until it is sorted out.



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