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How Can My Thai Wife Get Her Money Out?

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My thai wife is about to sell her house. It is our intention to live in Belgium with our son.

How can we transfer my wife's money, which will be between 6 to 8 million bath, in a legal, safe and benefit way to Belgium?

Is it interesting to leave some part in Thailand? which are the most benefit rates?

Thank you very much for you advise.

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But shop around between banks, and of course, it may be of bennifit to open an account with a bank before sending it.

They wont tell you, but clearance houses along the way takes cuts.

Check out HSBC to a HSBC at the other end. Yes they are seperate banks registered in diferent countries, but they have a common in house clearing house, and it's much quicker, and one less hand of greasy fingers to pass through.

They have a branch in Bangers CBD.

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i would agree with glyph.... legally you couldnt take that much out of thailand in your suitcase and when you got to belguim,they might want to know how you have so much euros....

Swift it or i could take care of it for you

Its legal if the Op can prove where the money came from which would be easy.

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