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American Expats Rally For Presidential Election 2008


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Dems Abroad Rally the Vote: VP Debate Screening

Did Democratic Senator Obama or Republican Senator McCain, both contenders for the US presidency in 2009, win the first presidential debate late last week? Folks who attended the most recent Chiang Mai Democrats Abroad meeting held at Peter Sheriden's home Sunday, September 28th, unsurprisingly gave Obama the nod as winner.

The next debate, one between Vice Presidential candidates Democrat Joe Biden and Republican Sarah Palin, will be televised in a screening by the Democrats Abroad and hosted at at the UN Irish Pub on Saturday, October 4th. The debate re-run will begin at 4 PM, however, participants are encouraged to arrive as early as 3 PM for fellowship and political hard talk. In addition to the debate, assistance with the write-in absentee ballot will be availible for those who have not yet received the official state ballot. Those who plan to attend the shindig at the UN Irish Pub should RSVP to (email address removed. Please PM the OP if you wish to make contact).

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Wow What a surprise! Dems thought Obama won LOL. Heres something for you all to discuss at your meeting: Do you realize Obamas econemic plans make no sence at all? All he does is say what you want to hear and give you feel good statements. Ex: Tax the Big Bad oil company profits!. Ok well anyone with a little common sence knows that will be an expence to the oil companies and that get passed on to who? You at the pump!

Ex 2: Raise taxes! He has voted to raise taxes on ALL wage earners every vote. He has never been for a tax break for ANY wage class. Raising taxes will hurt an already declining econemy.

But just keep on listening to what he says and not looking at what he has done. Follow like sheep. The scary part is not that he lies but that 40% of the people will believe him no matter what he says.

My .02

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Wow What a surprise! Dems thought Obama won LOL. Heres something for you all to discuss at your meeting: Do you realize Obamas econemic plans make no sence at all? All he does is say what you want to hear and give you feel good statements. Ex: Tax the Big Bad oil company profits!. Ok well anyone with a little common sence knows that will be an expence to the oil companies and that get passed on to who? You at the pump!

Ex 2: Raise taxes! He has voted to raise taxes on ALL wage earners every vote. He has never been for a tax break for ANY wage class. Raising taxes will hurt an already declining econemy.

But just keep on listening to what he says and not looking at what he has done. Follow like sheep. The scary part is not that he lies but that 40% of the people will believe him no matter what he says.

My .02

They should also probably explore the Democrat's involvement in the Community Reinvestment Act and support for various community groups (like Obama's ACORN) who used laws passed by Democrats to browbeat private institutions into making these bad loans, which are now the primary factor in the American Economy's down turn.


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Wow What a surprise! Dems thought Obama won LOL. Heres something for you all to discuss at your meeting: Do you realize Obamas econemic plans make no sence at all? All he does is say what you want to hear and give you feel good statements. Ex: Tax the Big Bad oil company profits!. Ok well anyone with a little common sence knows that will be an expence to the oil companies and that get passed on to who? You at the pump!

Ex 2: Raise taxes! He has voted to raise taxes on ALL wage earners every vote. He has never been for a tax break for ANY wage class. Raising taxes will hurt an already declining econemy.

But just keep on listening to what he says and not looking at what he has done. Follow like sheep. The scary part is not that he lies but that 40% of the people will believe him no matter what he says.

My .02

Well IMHO he did win the first 20 minutes on the economy, not with substance or economic logic but with his well practiced phrases and impractical promises and prevications. Mostly he just looked younger.

McCain wiped the floor with him for 45 minutes on the main gist of the debate, foreign policy.

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As Amerikan's abroad, one of the single most important reasons that we NEED OBAMA is to improve our immage overseas. Just ask around what most Thais and people from other countries say about who is the best leader and most will pick Obama over the 'old warrior' that thinks that war is the solution to all problems.

And the simple realization is that with 'MacDrain' will give us 4 more years of the same [or worse]..........It's time for real change!! or at least hope.

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Wow What a surprise! Dems thought Obama won LOL. Heres something for you all to discuss at your meeting: Do you realize Obamas econemic plans make no sence at all? All he does is say what you want to hear and give you feel good statements. Ex: Tax the Big Bad oil company profits!. Ok well anyone with a little common sence knows that will be an expence to the oil companies and that get passed on to who? You at the pump!

Ex 2: Raise taxes! He has voted to raise taxes on ALL wage earners every vote. He has never been for a tax break for ANY wage class. Raising taxes will hurt an already declining econemy.

But just keep on listening to what he says and not looking at what he has done. Follow like sheep. The scary part is not that he lies but that 40% of the people will believe him no matter what he says.

My .02

Well IMHO he did win the first 20 minutes on the economy, not with substance or economic logic but with his well practiced phrases and impractical promises and prevications. Mostly he just looked younger.

McCain wiped the floor with him for 45 minutes on the main gist of the debate, foreign policy.

is the H for humble??????

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As Amerikan's abroad, one of the single most important reasons that we NEED OBAMA is to improve our immage overseas. Just ask around what most Thais and people from other countries say about who is the best leader and most will pick Obama over the 'old warrior' that thinks that war is the solution to all problems.

And the simple realization is that with 'MacDrain' will give us 4 more years of the same [or worse]..........It's time for real change!! or at least hope.


We need to improve allot of things at HOME before we worry about what Thai's or other's think.

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McCain wiped the floor with him for 45 minutes on the main gist of the debate, foreign policy.

You mean when he (McCain) could'nt quite remember the names of either the Iranian, or the Pakistani president :o ....................... :D

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This is a debate I would not miss, promises to be very entertaining indeed.

We now know that Palin has experience in foreign policy because she can see Russia and Canada, so I can not wait to hear what other qualifications she has to become vice-president, and in all likelihood president.

I would love to hear McCain supporters views on her, or are they simply ignoring her and the very real possibility that she may become their next president?

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McCain wiped the floor with him for 45 minutes on the main gist of the debate, foreign policy.
You mean when he (McCain) could'nt quite remember the names of either the Iranian, or the Pakistani president :o ....................... :D

That only bothers me when I can remenber their names (and I can't). :D

Edited by Ulysses G.
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This is a debate I would not miss, promises to be very entertaining indeed.

We now know that Palin has experience in foreign policy because she can see Russia and Canada, so I can not wait to hear what other qualifications she has to become vice-president, and in all likelihood president.

I would love to hear McCain supporters views on her, or are they simply ignoring her and the very real possibility that she may become their next president?

palin's performance in the VP debate could be comedy gold. her solution to the global financial crisis? get a gun, take control of your life and put it in god's hands.

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i'd love to discuss british politics with fellow CMers were it not for the fact that the subject is so infuriatingly, mind-numbingly boring. at least the US has two distinct sides to its debate, in the UK now it's right arguing with centre-right over the same bloody policies. you can't even take the piss out of them because you can't tell where tories end and new labour begins. drives me berserk.

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As Amerikan's abroad, one of the single most important reasons that we NEED OBAMA is to improve our immage overseas. Just ask around what most Thais and people from other countries say about who is the best leader and most will pick Obama over the 'old warrior' that thinks that war is the solution to all problems.

And the simple realization is that with 'MacDrain' will give us 4 more years of the same [or worse]..........It's time for real change!! or at least hope.

Disagree. What we NEED is convey an honest understanding of the facts. Regurgitating these sweeping generalizations as you just have only serves to further advance the false portrayal of Obama as the "Choosen One", which the US media has created.

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Disagree. What we NEED is convey an honest understanding of the facts. Regurgitating these sweeping generalizations as you just have only serves to further advance the false portrayal of Obama as the "Choosen One", which the US media has created.

obama's done a decent job recently of not looking like the condescending elitist that the GOP has tried to portray him as.

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I think American politics is complete trash. As an American, I will not be voting in this or any election. Been this way for more than 30 years :D

I am actually quite excited about this round of elections. For the first time in a very long time, it feels like we will have the opportunity to vote for the BEST of two very strong candidates. Unlike the last few elections where it felt more like we were voting for the candidate that "sucked the least"/ lesser of two evils :o


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Being a poorly skilled pilot does not make you presidential material. McBush has voted against every veterans bill in the last 4 years. Look it up, don't take my word for it. I am a veteran, my daughter just got back from her third Baghdad tour, my father,all my uncles and my grandfather were all vets also. None were ever fooled by the repeated lies of the republicans. Check out McBush's interview last week when he thought that Spain was in South America. Even after being prompted that Spain is our ally and in Europe, he went on and on, oblivious to reality. The old fart is losing it in more ways than one. Guten morgan Johnny.

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I think American politics is complete trash. As an American, I will not be voting in this or any election. Been this way for more than 30 years :D

I am actually quite excited about this round of elections. For the first time in a very long time, it feels like we will have the opportunity to vote for the BEST of two very strong candidates. Unlike the last few elections where it felt more like we were voting for the candidate that "sucked the least"/ lesser of two evils :o


I agree 100%. I still haven't made up my mind who I prefer.

McCain is a genuine hero who refused to come home from prison in Hanoi before his men even though he had been tortured for years and knew that he would be mistreated even worse for refusing the deal and staying.

How many of you think that you could do something so honorable? I know that I would have been on that plane home without a second thought.

He is getting old and I don't get why he picked his Vice Presidential nominee, but he has a history of doing the right thing.

Obama is an intelligent, well-spoken black man who is determined to make the world a better place. He might be a little naive, but his heart is in the right place.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Being a poorly skilled pilot does not make you presidential material. McBush has voted against every veterans bill in the last 4 years. Look it up, don't take my word for it. I am a veteran, my daughter just got back from her third Baghdad tour, my father,all my uncles and my grandfather were all vets also. None were ever fooled by the repeated lies of the republicans. Check out McBush's interview last week when he thought that Spain was in South America. Even after being prompted that Spain is our ally and in Europe, he went on and on, oblivious to reality. The old fart is losing it in more ways than one. Guten morgan Johnny.


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History of voting AGAINST EVERY veterans bill just doesn't seem right to me .Sorry for the caps...I am not versed enough to figure out the italics you use UG. Next time I stop by I will ask your help.

Edited by bunta71
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I think American politics is complete trash. As an American, I will not be voting in this or any election. Been this way for more than 30 years :D

I am actually quite excited about this round of elections. For the first time in a very long time, it feels like we will have the opportunity to vote for the BEST of two very strong candidates. Unlike the last few elections where it felt more like we were voting for the candidate that "sucked the least"/ lesser of two evils :o


I agree 100%. I still haven't made up my mind who I prefer.

McCain is a genuine hero who refused to come home from prison in Hanoi before his men even though he had been tortured for years and knew that he would be mistreated even worse for refusing the deal and staying.

How many of you think that you could do something so honorable? I know that I would have been on that plane home without a second thought.

He is getting old and I don't get why he picked his Vice Presidential nominee, but he has a history of doing the right thing.

Obama is an intelligent, well-spoken black man who is determined to make the world a better place. He might be a little naive, but his heart is in the right place.

A general misconception..

Per the UCMJ, McCain was ordered to stay by his COC.

He did not make that decision, it was made for him.

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Yanks would be better off w/McCain. BO has no substance and is less qualified than McCain's running mate Palin, while BO's own running mate Biden is more qualified then he is to become president. Hopefully you yanks won't fall for the poor choice and choose BO.

Edited by britmaveric
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History of voting AGAINST EVERY veterans bill just doesn't seem right to me .Sorry for the caps...I am not versed enough to figure out the italics you use UG. Next time I stop by I will ask your help.

doesn't wash does it? bush pared back the veterans' fund by $14billion, where was mccain's objection then?

i've never really understood this need for the president to be a commander-in-chief anyway. surely an accomplished politician and statesman is preferable to an ex-squaddie?

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A general misconception..

Per the UCMJ, McCain was ordered to stay by his COC.

He did not make that decision, it was made for him.

That may be true, although I have done a lot of reading about what happened to him in Vietnam and have never heard about it before, but I still would have been on the plane home and I bet that you would have been too. :o

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