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Starting My Bar/cafe With A Partner

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I wish to start up a bar with a Thai girl who is not my GF,she has a degrree in management,and experience as a manager in a bar.

I will be putting down the capital and we will work together,and sometimes i will come back to australia whilst she runs it.

Eventually next yearr i will go to either sunbelt or the other one to arrrrange it but i just have a few quick questions.

My plan is to find a vacant shophouse in Pattaya.

Convert into a cafe bar,opening early hours to serve breakfast,have a big screen tv,pool table etc,and close late 1am.

This will be a open beer bar type cafe,serving alcohol etc and having girls to off.

Now the questions are, Can i have 2 business partners?

Someone told me to take the lease,let the thai business partners have the businness?

Do i still have to register a company?

Do i still have to show 2 mill capital?

How much capital do u think i nneed to start up?

Suppose i was to have 2 thai businness partnners is this better for me?

i want the cheapest option whilst safeguaRDING myself.

I dont plan to be in thailand all the time just about once a week every 2 months.

How do we obtain a liqour licence?

is it better to register a company or can i sublease?

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I wish to start up a bar with a Thai girl who is not my GF,she has a degrree in management,and experience as a manager in a bar.

I will be putting down the capital and we will work together,and sometimes i will come back to australia whilst she runs it.

Eventually next yearr i will go to either sunbelt or the other one to arrrrange it but i just have a few quick questions.

My plan is to find a vacant shophouse in Pattaya.

Convert into a cafe bar,opening early hours to serve breakfast,have a big screen tv,pool table etc,and close late 1am.

This will be a open beer bar type cafe,serving alcohol etc and having girls to off.

Now the questions are, Can i have 2 business partners?

Someone told me to take the lease,let the thai business partners have the businness?

Do i still have to register a company?

Do i still have to show 2 mill capital?

How much capital do u think i nneed to start up?

Suppose i was to have 2 thai businness partnners is this better for me?

i want the cheapest option whilst safeguaRDING myself.

I dont plan to be in thailand all the time just about once a week every 2 months.

How do we obtain a liqour licence?

is it better to register a company or can i sublease?

It might pay you to go to Sunbelt or Indo Siam sooner rather than later.

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Your probaly right,its just i didnt want to start applying for 2 mill baht companies if i didnt have to.The bar i want to start is a boy bar with my female partner,it will be a open beer bar type.However i have to safeguard myself too.

i realise its not going to make millions so its more orr less a stepping stone.

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Your probaly right,its just i didnt want to start applying for 2 mill baht companies if i didnt have to.The bar i want to start is a boy bar with my female partner,it will be a open beer bar type.However i have to safeguard myself too.

i realise its not going to make millions so its more orr less a stepping stone.

Email the boys with your outline of what you want to do. They are good operators

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I wish to start up a bar with a Thai girl who is not my GF,she has a degrree in management,and experience as a manager in a bar.

I will be putting down the capital and we will work together,and sometimes i will come back to australia whilst she runs it.

Eventually next yearr i will go to either sunbelt or the other one to arrrrange it but i just have a few quick questions.

My plan is to find a vacant shophouse in Pattaya.

Convert into a cafe bar,opening early hours to serve breakfast,have a big screen tv,pool table etc,and close late 1am.

This will be a open beer bar type cafe,serving alcohol etc and having girls to off.

Now the questions are, Can i have 2 business partners?

Someone told me to take the lease,let the thai business partners have the businness?

Do i still have to register a company?

Do i still have to show 2 mill capital?

How much capital do u think i nneed to start up?

Suppose i was to have 2 thai businness partnners is this better for me?

i want the cheapest option whilst safeguaRDING myself.

I dont plan to be in thailand all the time just about once a week every 2 months.

How do we obtain a liqour licence?

is it better to register a company or can i sublease?

First step is to write a business plan.

Startup capital - how much to start the business, legal fees (cannot be avoided), rental deposits, refurbishment (not as cheap here as you'd imagine), stock, other - pool tables, pickup truck etc.

Sales forecast - how much you expect to sell each month - food, drink, bar fines, anything else you expect to bring in cash - BE PESSIMISTIC

Expenses - monthly outoings - rentals, drinks, food, salaries

Break Even Point - amount sales you need to break even - then figure out how many sales you'd need to make enough cash to keep you happy

Are these numbers good enough ? Is is worth it ?

Next - go to see a lawyer - you'll need to do this to setup any type of business - figure on at least 25,000 Baht to set it up. The lawyer is the one that will keep you out of trouble.

Finally - how will you differentiate yourself from all of the other bars in that area ? Will you have something that will bring customers to your bar instead of others.

You may want to consider anothe business that doesn't have so much competition.

back home - you wouldn't open your own burger joint next to McDonalds would you ?

Good luck


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yere thanx Pedro,i think your right about plannnning,im not sure how to worrk out sales forecasts however,especially in slow season.

I dont really know the first step,meaning do i see a lawyer first or arrrrrrange lease on a shop?

I suppose registering a business or i suppose a company should come first?

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yere thanx Pedro,i think your right about plannnning,im not sure how to worrk out sales forecasts however,especially in slow season.

I dont really know the first step,meaning do i see a lawyer first or arrrrrrange lease on a shop?

I suppose registering a business or i suppose a company should come first?

Nope. Seeing a lawyer comes first or you'll repent at leisure. :o

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Indo-Siam here. Early in 2005, my firm will probably open an office in Chonburi or Sri Racha - mainly to support activities related to the www.bangkokstaff.com division of my company, but we will also evolve representation for our incorporation services division.

With that said - the most important thing about launching a bar in a place like Pattaya is having a local EXPERT with deep roots there do thorough and exhaustive due diligence on the top-to-bottom "food chain" of land ownership - all the way down to the dirt. History is replete with examples of bar owners being wiped out of existence due to one or another level of landlord not getting paid. It will be yearsuntil my company is able to do such due diligence in Pattaya - so we will not be supporting nightlife-type busineses - because we respect our own limitations, and I will not put customers at risk.

With respect to scope of establishing a company - I was recently educated concerning the legal minimum investment for starting a Thai Private Co. Ltd. That being: seven shareholders, each owning at least one share, with each share having minimum par value of 5 baht. So - a company can legally be established with 35 baht total start-up capitalization. In general, my company will decline to get involved with start-ups that start with less than 1,000,000 baht registered capitalization (this is my arbitrary decision, but based on my own evolving risk analysis).

Concerning "gay friendly" - I'm not particularly concerned about sexual orientations between consenting adults - as long as clients can pay their obligations. I have established to following activities as those that my company will not in any way support:

1) Anything involving illegal drugs.

2) Anything involving traffic in endangered species.

3) Anything involving human trafficking or pedophiles

4) Anything involving fissionable materials

5) Boiler rooms

6) Anything that I deem to be injurious to or illegal in my home country (USA) or my adopted country (Thailand).

Based on my determination that my company lacks required experience of qualifications, I also defer businress involving:

1) Property purchase

2) Establishment of schools

3) Involvement with companies pursuing going public on the SET

4) Sole Proprietorships and Limited Partnerships

5) Joint ventures with significant Thai corporations

Finally, I've learned to stay away from certain fields in Thailand. Foreigners that get involved in these industries tend to have unusually high ratres of "accidents". The first two are:

1) The ice making and delivery industry

2) The sugar manufacturing industry

Concerning the wisdom of opening a bar: Hard to say. I've seen many a success - but MANY more failures. The key thing to remember is that the list of expense items is incredibly long - well over 500 line items. Until you sit down and brainstorm the list, it is hard to even comprehend all the minute things that cost money - rtight down to toothpicks, toilet paper, light bulbs, scouring powder, incense sticks,etc., etc, infinitum.

But - the list of possible income items is remarkably short: Sale of:


Cigarettes and cigars

Clothing and merchandise


Pool table fees

Coin operated games


Occasionally: membership cards.

From these revenue items, subtract the cost of goods. With what remains, you must pay the 500+ cost items - that include rent, salaries, license fees, and security/protection.

Revenue/income is highly seasonable - but many of the expense items are fixed cost, year-round.

Not the type of business I would want to pursue, personally.

Good luck!


Steve Sykes

Managing Director

Indo-Siam Group



[email protected]

Skype: sykesbkk

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Is this a troll ??

First post says bar will have 'girls to off' and next post says it is a'boy bar'

Hardly a typo error is it ?

Not necessarily, the way i read that was "boy bar" meaning a bar for the boys to goto, to me it didnt read as "boy to off"

of course, i could be totaly wrong

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Troll or not, its still useful information.

Also one of the forum sponsors got a free plug, so it can't be all that bad.

It might pay you to go to Sunbelt or Indo Siam sooner rather than later.

With me, I couldn't get into a Taxi fast enough to see someone like Sunbelt. :o

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Is this a troll ??

First post says bar will have 'girls to off' and next post says it is a'boy bar'

Hardly a typo error is it ?

Not necessarily, the way i read that was "boy bar" meaning a bar for the boys to goto, to me it didnt read as "boy to off"

of course, i could be totaly wrong

He was worried that the advisors might be anti gay. That was how Indo Siam read it. :o

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Beer Bars are a tough business in Pattaya but of course their are SOME success stories.

The odds of success will be the highest with an existing beer bar. I'm bias because I'm in the business brokerage but the facts are year in and year out... acquiring an existing business will outperform a start-up. The main reason is ringing the cash register the first day rather 4 months later with nobody knowing who you are. The good-looking employees will go to where they will make money. A bar that is just starting up usually has a hard time attracting talent because the place is empty. A good existing bar has trained employees and punters already. A huge advantage if you have the odds of being successful or not. The disadvantage of a beer bar is that your staff can easily go to another beer bar. But if you have lots of punters, most won’t leave and its easy to get new ones because of the bars reputation.

Here is what I would do. Sign the confidentiality paperwork. Have the proper non immigrant visa while you are doing your research. (We can sponsor you) Then go check out the businesses for sale as a mystery punter. No one knows you are thinking of acquiring the bar so you’ll see which bars are busy night after night. Once you find one that you like to own, we can set up a meeting with the owner. You can ask him or her all the questions you like. If that meeting goes well, you put in an offer to purchase with conditions. Once those terms and conditions are accepted between you and the seller, you do more due diligence such as looking at the financials, looking at receipts of beer purchased from vendors, meeting the landlord, review and acceptance of the lease in your name. Only if you are comfortable do you proceed to the closing. If not the transfer is off and you look at other bars. If you do decide to acquire that bar, you’ll normally get one month of training fee from the seller if you like. We recommend don’t rock the boat. Get your feet wet then slowly make changes on ways you feel you can improve the bar.

The good thing about doing it this way, if you decide after your research, to bite the bullet and just start-up on your own. You'll be much more knowledgeable on what works and what doesn’t.


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NO it will be a boybeer bar rrun by female management catering for gay farang,and women if they want as i will be having mostly muscular guys.

I noted sunbelt will sponsor your visa etc,so im going to use sunbelt also to find out about my lease,whether i really have to have 2 mill capital when i can buy the bar out for 100000 baht etc.

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whether i really have to have 2 mill capital when i can buy the bar out for 100000 baht etc.

You have to "Capitalise" the company to 2m Baht, remember if you go the extra, and go to 3m you can get 2 w/p's - maybe something to think of if you are ever looking for a friend back home to invest as well. How you "Capiutalise" the company is something that will need a consultation with your advisor.

But, go as fast as you can and speak to a reliable accounting/legal firm like Sunbelt. :o

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NO it will be a boybeer bar rrun by female management catering for gay farang,and women if they want as i will be having mostly muscular guys.

I noted sunbelt will sponsor your visa etc,so im going to use sunbelt also to find out about my lease,whether i really have to have 2 mill capital when i can buy the bar out for 100000 baht etc.

Bill ... you are in Ozland ... stay there ( best advice )

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Finally, I've learned to stay away from certain fields in Thailand.  Foreigners that get involved in these industries tend to have unusually high ratres of "accidents".  The first two are:

1)  The ice making and delivery industry

2)  The sugar manufacturing industry 

Hi Indo,

"accidents" Can you enlighten me about these, what do you really mean.


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Dear badboy,

If you're not a troll, then it appears you're sincere but not well informed. The business that you propose to enter is extremely competitive, requiring lots of hands-on time that you don't plan to spend.

Have you known this lady more than five years? Have you seen her degree, met her family, observed her business methods? Probably not.

You'd enjoy it more if you just wasted 100,000 on boys.

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Dear badboy,

If you're not a troll, then it appears you're sincere but not well informed.  The business that you propose to enter is extremely competitive, requiring lots of hands-on time that you don't plan to spend.

Have you known this lady more than five years?  Have you seen her degree, met her family, observed her business methods?  Probably not.

You'd enjoy it more if you just wasted 100,000 on boys.

Not a word from Billy for 10 days. I'd guess he's trolling elsewhere :o

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