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Gold would be the big beneficiary if the dollar declined, and Rickards’ top price for gold per ounce is–wait for it–$44,552! That price is the absolute highest possibility. Rickards and others predict that in the next few years, America will go back on some sort of gold standard. Meaning, the dollar will be backed by gold, but Rickards has stated on many occasions that there probably will not be a100% gold backed U.S. dollar. Instead, Rickards contends it will be more in the neighborhood of 40%. If that is the case, then gold would be $17,821 per ounce using Rickards numbers. It appears gold prices are going much higher.

today dear children we are developing a strategy based on gold price wet dreams forecasts.

phase 1: once the price for ounce reaches $17,821 we are going to steal at night the dentures of grandma and grandpa from their bedside tables.

phase 2: we keep them in a safe and secret place (below the doghouse in the backyard),

phase 3: sell them when gold reaches $44,552

phase 4: and then live happily ever after :whistling:

Rickards " I'm not predicting $40,000 Gold "

Germany's Gold safe in the US ... :o

Jim Rickards Audio - KWN Gold Special http://www.kingworldnews.com/kingworldnews/Broadcast/Entries/2011/11/19_Jim_Rickards.html

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Germany's Gold safe in the US ... :o

whether Germany's gold is safe, existing or non-existing is irrelevant to the question "where is gold going in this market?" and of course it is totally irrelevant for a "gentleman of own means" irrespective of nationality who decided to retire in Bangkok, Samui, Phuket, Pattaya or the boonies.


Gold would be the big beneficiary if the dollar declined, and Rickards’ top price for gold per ounce is–wait for it–$44,552! That price is the absolute highest possibility. Rickards and others predict that in the next few years,
Rickards " I'm not predicting $40,000 Gold "

then... who's the liar? :huh:

Germany's Gold safe in the US ... :o

whether Germany's gold is safe, existing or non-existing is irrelevant to the question "where is gold going in this market?" and of course it is totally irrelevant for a "gentleman of own means" irrespective of nationality who decided to retire in Bangkok, Samui, Phuket, Pattaya or the boonies.


It's your time of the day :lol:


friendly reminder:

Naam posted 2010-11-14 - "for the benefit of those TV-members who are looking for information i consider it my duty to point out flaws, incorrect facts and/or assumptions as well as wishy-washy or outright ridiculous claims.

disclaimer: i (actually "we") hold a substantial amount of physical, paper and 'mining' gold and after the 2009 mother load of investment opportunities (which are gone now) i see fair value in holding a certain percentage of gold because we are facing an uncertain future. but the afore-mentioned does not prevent that i keep on acting as 'advocatus diaboli' in this thread as a counterweight of goldbugs who float on cloud nine."

disclaimer update: presently we hold neither paper nor mining gold, physical only.


Twice in a week, Financial Times pays grudging respect to gold


'Indeed, all the gold controlled by the US government, which has by far the world's largest official reserves, equals just 3 per cent of America's official debt, which just passed the $15,000 billion mark. Even Italy, a particularly large holder of bullion (in third place globally with the 10th largest economy) would be able to retire less than 6 per cent of its enormous sovereign debt if it were to dump its 2,451 tonnes.'

... at todays price ! .. :rolleyes:


Twice in a week, Financial Times pays grudging respect to gold


'Indeed, all the gold controlled by the US government, which has by far the world's largest official reserves, equals just 3 per cent of America's official debt, which just passed the $15,000 billion mark. Even Italy, a particularly large holder of bullion (in third place globally with the 10th largest economy) would be able to retire less than 6 per cent of its enormous sovereign debt if it were to dump its 2,451 tonnes.'

... at todays price ! .. :rolleyes:

therefore Italy will wait till gold hits (as per Rickards forecast) "$44,552", pay off all her debt and Italians will live happily ever after spending the difference.


Twice in a week, Financial Times pays grudging respect to gold


'Indeed, all the gold controlled by the US government, which has by far the world's largest official reserves, equals just 3 per cent of America's official debt, which just passed the $15,000 billion mark. Even Italy, a particularly large holder of bullion (in third place globally with the 10th largest economy) would be able to retire less than 6 per cent of its enormous sovereign debt if it were to dump its 2,451 tonnes.'

... at todays price ! .. :rolleyes:

therefore Italy will wait till gold hits (as per Rickards forecast) "$44,552", pay off all her debt and Italians will live happily ever after spending the difference.

something like that :lol:


Back in Thailand again, this time for a much longer time because unfortunately my grandmother died a few weeks ago. She was the reason i went back every few months to take care of her. Since May she got more sick and i took care of her so she not have to die in a hospital. She was 94!

Now back in Thailand and moving everything here. My 'wearable' gold has been going up and down in dollars/euro/baht. My ING already sold with a little profit as i changed my opinion about still having something in the stockmarket. It jumps up and down too much and i don't want to daytrade.

My silver 'stash' was growing slowly and i have my finger on the trigger when it goes through 30 hopefully to 25 in the coming days. That 'supercommity' bullshit was a disaster waiting to happen, they can't do anything right it seems. GO RON PAUL!, it seems he has the only solution at the moment.

If he wins though it is not good for gold and silver, so keeping my eye on his campaign to make sure i get out of a percentage of PM on time.


Back in Thailand again, this time for a much longer time because unfortunately my grandmother died a few weeks ago. She was the reason i went back every few months to take care of her. Since May she got more sick and i took care of her so she not have to die in a hospital. She was 94!

My silver 'stash' was growing slowly and i have my finger on the trigger when it goes through 30 hopefully to 25 in the coming days. That 'supercommity' bullshit was a disaster waiting to happen, they can't do anything right it seems. GO RON PAUL!, it seems he has the only solution at the moment.

If he wins though it is not good for gold and silver, so keeping my eye on his campaign to make sure i get out of a percentage of PM on time.

Hey Kuhn Jean sorry to hear about your grandmother passing. Although 94 is a very good run these days it is never easy to watch a loved one leaving.

I agree on the super committee & was waiting for some time now to see what the excuse will be given on Nov 24th when the 1.4T in cuts are supposedly going to kick in.

Many of them are military spending cuts so I imagine a lot more black flags coming in the next few days to explain why they will not be able to trigger the cuts....Or some other excuse as to why they will be postponed.

As for Ron Paul I agree he is America's only hope available but.....If he gets elected I do not see it changing PM's for a very long time. The size of the mess was not created overnight & will not be repaired by anyone overnight.

As much as I agree & hope for Ron Paul & also fear for his safety if elected.

After all he is going up against the biggest threats in the world....IRS,FED,CIA

Germany's Gold safe in the US ... :o

whether Germany's gold is safe, existing or non-existing is irrelevant to the question "where is gold going in this market?" and of course it is totally irrelevant for a "gentleman of own means" irrespective of nationality who decided to retire in Bangkok, Samui, Phuket, Pattaya or the boonies.


Discussion just started on FOFOA for those interested ....

'There is an elephant in the room. Jim Rickards has been making some bold predictions while on his book tour for Currency Wars. He says that in the case of a collapse of confidence in the dollar, the U.S. could confiscate the gold owned by foreign governments, Germany in particular, that is stored in NYC at the Fed. He says the U.S. could then use this gold to dictate a new international monetary system based on U.S. currency, just like last time. '


Jim Rickards has been making some bold predictions while on his book tour for Currency Wars. He says that in the case of a collapse of confidence in the dollar, the U.S. could confiscate the gold owned by foreign governments...

...and in the wake of this confiscation the society of lesbian penguins in Patagonia is expected to crown Rickards as Emperor of Antarctica and Protector of the holy sites Cape Hoorn and Ushuaia.

for the coronation benign smiling white-dressed men will arrive and dress Rickards in a white imperial jacket adorned with many decorative ribbons.


a question Churchill. PM me if you want your answer kept a secret.

my question is "does your Mama know what kind of plockshpotz you read and if she knows... does she approve?" :huh:

The application of gold backing would allow stricken nations such as Greece, Portugal, Spain and Ireland to depart from the restrictive eurozone and the accompanying depressive austerity policies, if they wished. The bonds would give them time to devalue, adjust and grow again, and also isolate the crisis from other European nations.

today dear children a finanusial eggsburt, who uses the Guardian's blog section, describes a miraculously simple method how the deeply indebted ClubMed PIGS could get rid of their financial problems and live again as before happy like pigs in shit.

to make it simple we focus on Greece who's central bank holds [HALLELUJA!H] 6.4 million ounces of the yellow metal worth nearly USD 11 billion, marked to market equivalent to approximately 2.5% of Greece's public debt. this gold can be used as collateral for gold backed bonds, however at the usual evaluation of 2/3 of its prevailing value.

now let's take our calculators and figure out 2/3 of $10.8 billion and we arrive at $7.25 billion avaible as collateral which is 1.67% of the total debt...



Case for gold in the eurozone bail-out

'But now the use of gold to fund a eurozone bail-out is coming closer to reality. Buried within a draft of the European Commission study on joint ‘eurobonds’, reported by the Financial Times this week, is the suggestion that gold could be used as collateral for these bonds.

In order to “enhance” the guarantees on the eurobonds, the draft says, governments could provide collateral, including “gold reserves which are largely in excess of needs in most EU countries”.

'For eurozone countries, gold-collateralised bonds could unlock a large pool of new financing.'

continued ... http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/c7f61068-1472-11e1-8367-00144feabdc0.html?ftcamp=rss#axzz1eRUOZLiO

'For eurozone countries, gold-collateralised bonds could unlock a large pool of new financing.'

it is a waste of time to argue with people who think that "2 + 2 + 1 = 17.5" :whistling:

'For eurozone countries, gold-collateralised bonds could unlock a large pool of new financing.'

it is a waste of time to argue with people who think that "2 + 2 + 1 = 17.5" :whistling:

and the EU make decisions based on sensible mathematics :lol:

Van Rompuy , Barroso and Merkosy - finances ... :blink:



'For eurozone countries, gold-collateralised bonds could unlock a large pool of new financing.'

it is a waste of time to argue with people who think that "2 + 2 + 1 = 17.5" :whistling:

and the EU make decisions based on sensible mathematics :lol:

irrelevant and lame diversion from discussed subject. why not draw parallels to double pricing in Thailand or xenophobic tribal behaviour of south american Indians?

by the way Churchill... my question is still not answered. here we go again: "does your Mama know you use her computer to read ridiculous blogs (and post them in Thaivisa) who's authors seem to have escaped from mental institutions?"


precious metals resilient to global crisis. gold down only 11% in two and a half months.

Normally I wouldn't question your objectivity, but I think that you are only harping on this because of your losses during the recent plunge in Latinum prices. Granted, you could never have foreseen the romulan blockade of the alpha quadrant, but still you should have diversified.


precious metals resilient to global crisis. gold down only 11% in two and a half months.

Normally I wouldn't question your objectivity, but I think that you are only harping on this because of your losses during the recent plunge in Latinum prices. Granted, you could never have foreseen the romulan blockade of the alpha quadrant, but still you should have diversified.

the Latinum losses weren't too bad but i had to realise very heavy losses by closing my Unobtainium shorts meant as a hedge to protect my substantial investment in Cardassian vineyards which produce a rather good Kanar Portwine.

how was i to know that virtually 100% of the Unobtainium market has been cornered by a Ferengi trader with the chinese name F.L. Ying and that the Jem'Hadar would spray the vineyards with a toxin because all of them are attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings whenever they are not in battle?

life is difficult! lately i have heard that most of my assets are "Fiat". never drove a Fiat in my life but now i own a good part of an Eyetalian car company? :o


precious metals resilient to global crisis. gold down only 11% in two and a half months.

Normally I wouldn't question your objectivity, but I think that you are only harping on this because of your losses during the recent plunge in Latinum prices. Granted, you could never have foreseen the romulan blockade of the alpha quadrant, but still you should have diversified.

the Latinum losses weren't too bad but i had to realise very heavy losses by closing my Unobtainium shorts meant as a hedge to protect my substantial investment in Cardassian vineyards which produce a rather good Kanar Portwine.

how was i to know that virtually 100% of the Unobtainium market has been cornered by a Ferengi trader with the chinese name F.L. Ying and that the Jem'Hadar would spray the vineyards with a toxin because all of them are attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings whenever they are not in battle?

life is difficult! lately i have heard that most of my assets are "Fiat". never drove a Fiat in my life but now i own a good part of an Eyetalian car company? :o

Sounds like sour grapes. No doubt you're seen on tinfoilhat.com that the Kilingonese darsek is on the verge of collapse. Don't know how you keep calm in these troubled times.


Sounds like sour grapes. No doubt you're seen on tinfoilhat.com that the Kilingonese darsek is on the verge of collapse. Don't know how you keep calm in these troubled times.

we all have our little secrets



J.P. Morgan’s commodity analyst, Colin Fenton downgraded the space to

underweight overnight as he believes the policy failures in the US and Europe

have darkened the 6M outlook. We believe the outlook for gold remains

strong compared to the industrial metals, which will likely be affected by the

higher perceived risks to global growth. He highlights that gold’s long-run

upward trend is secure in an abnormally high vol environment for the metal. If

the 200-day average gold price is tested and holds, he believes is a strong

confirmatory signal of weaker USD ahead. We would like to highlight the still

firm upward trend of gold equities’ outperformance of S&P over the last

decade. Surely the trend is your friend.


Sounds like sour grapes. No doubt you're seen on tinfoilhat.com that the Kilingonese darsek is on the verge of collapse. Don't know how you keep calm in these troubled times.

we all have our little secrets


Must be a Yale man. Around here we drink only TruBlood.

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