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How Many Entry Clearance Managers Are There In Bkk

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My girlfriend’s v v was refused on 11th October. I contacted the embassy at BKK and got no-where! I contacted my MP who contacted the foreign office in London to ask them to request that someone different had a look at the application again. I finally received a letter from the foreign office today stating that the entry clearance manager re-looked at the application and have still said no visa.

In October I spoke to the entry clearance manager and asked her to please have a look at the application, she said she would but she would still NOT reverse the decision to grant a visa!

My question is, does anyone know if there is there more than one entry clearance manager at the embassy in BKK?

Because if the application has been reviewed again by the same woman that I spoke to, then no wonder it has been refused!!

Thanks in advance


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Hi Phil,

The Entry Clearance Manager is the head of the visa section and therefore there is only one. A visa officer does not need the authority of the ECM to refuse an application but each one that is denied has to be reviewed by the ECM in order to maintain consistency in the decision making process.

If your MP is unable/unwilling to take your case further then the only other avenue is to seek legal advice but this can be costly. On the form only the general reasons for the refusal are stated. You should establish why the visa officer came to the conclusions that he/she did and also obtain a copy of the interview notes in order to establish whether the decision was reasonable.


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Cue - The Scouser....

btw Good win last Night Scouse.... :o

My pessimism worked :D I watched the highlights on the telly and Spurs had it in the bag until that silly sod handled the ball for no apparent reason. Just when I was about to switch allegiance to the other Merseyside team...........That's right............Tranmere Rovers.


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There is definitely only one ECM at the embassy. It used to be Jane Lacey-Smith but don't know who it is now. The ECM does have someone above them in the embassy hierarchy but that person wouldn't necessarily concern themselves with the running of the visa section.


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