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I the UK i always suffered from hayfever every summer. Been in Isaan since January this year and for the last week i have all the signs of hayfever, itchy eyes and sneezing etc.

Is this the time for hayfever here..........

Common throughout the year. Big tree with yellow blossoms sends me crazy. Any brand of the small cheap as chips anti-histimynes (wrong spelling) clears me in a few days. Make you a little drowsy but takes away the suffering.

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I'm a chronic hay fever sufferer (in my home country, Perth Aust, where it is worse coming into summer with all the pollen around), live in the heart of the rice paddies in Isaan but very rarely raise a sneeze most anywhere in Thailand, all year round and even during the rice field burn offs around Song Khran. It's been 8 years of bliss.

As for this time of year? Just after the wet season and heading into 'winter' strange time to be getting it but then again it depends on your allergies, I guess, and I feel for you.

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I came over to Satuk last Christmas and really suffered, went to the local pharmacy and got the equivalent to Piriton for 15 baht/50. As namkong789 says they make you drowsy but do work, I brought them back to the UK for our summer but as it didn't amount to much I never needed them. :o


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