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Police: Bad Boys Or The "fonzie" Factor


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So you mean except the kanchanaburi killer ??

Or except the pai canadian killer ??

Or you mean phuket specific ?? Like the 2 armed plain clothes cops that came to my mates house after he broke up with his crazy local wife ?? They turned up and he happened to have a very strong set of locked bars closed with the door open.. They waved cop ID's and said to open the bars.. He asked what for and asked to see the ID closely and they pulled guns and aimed at him.. As he had them outside the house with bars blocking the door he wasnt letting anyone in.. Made a dive for the bedroom.. They told him if he stayed here that he would end up shot or found with drugs.

Or you mean gov types with power not police.. Like the Gov council guy that turned up with 2 hired guns and kidnapped tornados wife in full daylight.. Bag over the head, handcuffs, and took her to his own house (shows how much he cared about being caught) where she was then held and drugged.. Forced to sign papers saying she had been given cash and sign land papers.. They left her locked there and she escaped. When this was reported to the police Tornado was informed there were 2 nakhon hitmen lose and his name was on a contract.. Police advice "Dont go home then"..

A certain Soi Eric bar owner who has been taken into the cells and given a good going over for undisclosed reasons..

Another guy I know was told to leave the island or be found with drugs in his house..

Your not in Kansas anymore Dorothy !! I suspect your one of those women that thinks equal rights and not hitting women extends to the third world. If that fascade ever lifts for you it will all come crashing down rather rapidly..

I would believe those are isolated incidences and the chance that they are happening to anybody individually are low. However your chances might be greatly increased by stepping on somebodies toes that might get a ball rolling -- and a senior member of the police force certainly has the power to do so. Also keep in mind that you might be very much untouchable as long as nothing stupid happens; but imagine the scene being in an accident, going to the police station to declare your innocence and having said police individual in front of you or whispering a few words over lunch break.

I personally do know of several similar cases as Livinlos mentioned, others where immigration made funny visits to the office after road rage incidents with rather expensive cars, checking on papers. Those things happen and they can end much more serious than back in the west.

Does that mean you should roll over and let everything happen to you? Certainly not. Does this mean that you have to move house just because the police chief hates your cat? Also not.

But it certainly means to keep a low profile, and see the bigger picture. Is it worth fighting the fight over it (but mayvbe loosing the war)?

If a nice, well-tempered chat with the guy does not solve the situation, ignore it as all Thais would do. Being ignored is the biggest lowdown for a bully, and he will look for targets elsewhere soon. Serious concern should only arise if he starts to pursue you in an active manner, then it will be the time to cut your losses or look at least for advice what to do in a serious altercation (in a legal sense) with this person.

As a side note: one might certainly discuss if this person saw it as anything serious that he kicked a cat, where we have thousands of them running around feral. I know I do not make myself any friends with it saying this as there are some sensitive people on ThaiVisa, but a Thai kicking a cat will not see that as even worthy of aggravating you, he just lashed out at a very minor target that was in direct reach (poisoning it would show intent and planning, his reaction not even that he really has a problem with you personally).

Maybe you are over-reacting, maybe not (I am sure you know best as you were there and I was not), but in the end it WAS just a cat, and it was on his property if I remember your other post correctly. For me the case would be closed right there.

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So you mean except the kanchanaburi killer ??

Or except the pai canadian killer ??

Or you mean phuket specific ?? Like the 2 armed plain clothes cops that came to my mates house after he broke up with his crazy local wife ?? They turned up and he happened to have a very strong set of locked bars closed with the door open.. They waved cop ID's and said to open the bars.. He asked what for and asked to see the ID closely and they pulled guns and aimed at him.. As he had them outside the house with bars blocking the door he wasnt letting anyone in.. Made a dive for the bedroom.. They told him if he stayed here that he would end up shot or found with drugs.

Or you mean gov types with power not police.. Like the Gov council guy that turned up with 2 hired guns and kidnapped tornados wife in full daylight.. Bag over the head, handcuffs, and took her to his own house (shows how much he cared about being caught) where she was then held and drugged.. Forced to sign papers saying she had been given cash and sign land papers.. They left her locked there and she escaped. When this was reported to the police Tornado was informed there were 2 nakhon hitmen lose and his name was on a contract.. Police advice "Dont go home then"..

A certain Soi Eric bar owner who has been taken into the cells and given a good going over for undisclosed reasons..

Another guy I know was told to leave the island or be found with drugs in his house..

Your not in Kansas anymore Dorothy !! I suspect your one of those women that thinks equal rights and not hitting women extends to the third world. If that fascade ever lifts for you it will all come crashing down rather rapidly..

I would believe those are isolated incidences and the chance that they are happening to anybody individually are low. However your chances might be greatly increased by stepping on somebodies toes that might get a ball rolling -- and a senior member of the police force certainly has the power to do so. Also keep in mind that you might be very much untouchable as long as nothing stupid happens; but imagine the scene being in an accident, going to the police station to declare your innocence and having said police individual in front of you or whispering a few words over lunch break.

I personally do know of several similar cases as Livinlos mentioned, others where immigration made funny visits to the office after road rage incidents with rather expensive cars, checking on papers. Those things happen and they can end much more serious than back in the west.

Does that mean you should roll over and let everything happen to you? Certainly not. Does this mean that you have to move house just because the police chief hates your cat? Also not.

But it certainly means to keep a low profile, and see the bigger picture. Is it worth fighting the fight over it (but mayvbe loosing the war)?

If a nice, well-tempered chat with the guy does not solve the situation, ignore it as all Thais would do. Being ignored is the biggest lowdown for a bully, and he will look for targets elsewhere soon. Serious concern should only arise if he starts to pursue you in an active manner, then it will be the time to cut your losses or look at least for advice what to do in a serious altercation (in a legal sense) with this person.

As a side note: one might certainly discuss if this person saw it as anything serious that he kicked a cat, where we have thousands of them running around feral. I know I do not make myself any friends with it saying this as there are some sensitive people on ThaiVisa, but a Thai kicking a cat will not see that as even worthy of aggravating you, he just lashed out at a very minor target that was in direct reach (poisoning it would show intent and planning, his reaction not even that he really has a problem with you personally).

Maybe you are over-reacting, maybe not (I am sure you know best as you were there and I was not), but in the end it WAS just a cat, and it was on his property if I remember your other post correctly. For me the case would be closed right there.

Well, thank you that's a good point that he really doesn't mean anything too harmful - others were fear mongering the kick was meant for me.

He did kick my cat while we were standing on the lane between our two properties, ostensibly because the cat annoyed him previously. The only real problem is he's a cop so I didn't feel like I could kick him in the balls . Instead, I wrote about it .

However I have no doubt he will have some very very bad luck within the household sometime in the not to distant future.

Edited by HorseDoctor
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Well, thank you that's a good point that he really doesn't mean anything too harmful - others were fear mongering the kick was meant for me.

He did kick my cat while we were standing on the lane between our two properties, ostensibly because the cat annoyed him previously. The only real problem is he's a cop so I didn't feel like I could kick him in the balls . Instead, I wrote about it .

However I have no doubt he will have some very very bad luck within the household sometime in the not to distant future.

So I see you have at least some humor about it. It surely was an annoying incident, but you seem to see it in the right perspective.

Keep your head up, life here on Phuket is too good to get it dragged down by some bully neighbor.

And your last point is true, he will have to carry the bad kamma he has accrued by his acts.

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I would say "Get a gun bigger than his & make sure he sees it".

This .50 Cal handgun is just the ticket. Compared to his puny 9mm or .38 this will have him quaking in his boots. He will address you as "Sir".

Desert Eagle


Mmmm I rather prefer a shotgun, far easier to hit a target in panic situations and when you're out of ammo you can use it as a big stick. :o

However another inequity we fat, white potatos suffer is the inability to own firearms. I find that regulation deeply offensive as I"ve handled guns, rifles and shotguns all my life with no mishaps.

Last year a horse went down from a busted gut and I went over to the nice cops house to ask if he would come over and shoot it, or let me for Christ's sake. He refused .

The entire neighborhood barged over and sat around giggling while this animal suffered horribly. After that I did convince the local vet to give me big bottle of barbituate for future consideration .

Perhaps a poisoned dart gun would be legal?

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However another inequity we fat, white potatos suffer is the inability to own firearms. I find that regulation deeply offensive as I"ve handled guns, rifles and shotguns all my life with no mishaps.

Personally I think "we" farangs get into quite enough bother as it is without introducing firearms into the equation. Much as it would be very satisfying to wave something like a .357 under their noses we all know how it would end up. He'd back down pronto and retire to plan his revenge in his own time. You'd never be able to relax or walk out at night again.

Thais don't win fights by meeting eyeball to eyeball in the main street at high noon.

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Calahan: "See this? This is a .44 Magnum. Most powerful handgun in the whole world. It'll blow your head clean off."

Well that was then & this is now.

The .454 or the Nitro .600 are more powerful.

Please reread my post. I said "Get a handgun & make sure he sees it." If you need to discharge the weapon something has gone wrong. You've heard of "penis envy" well this is "pistol envy".

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Calahan: "See this? This is a .44 Magnum. Most powerful handgun in the whole world. It'll blow your head clean off."

Well that was then & this is now.

The .454 or the Nitro .600 are more powerful.

Please reread my post. I said "Get a handgun & make sure he sees it." If you need to discharge the weapon something has gone wrong. You've heard of "penis envy" well this is "pistol envy".

I'm inclined to agree with Mr. Harries on this one. Besides, remember, Potatoes are not allowed guns of any kind. Though I guess it could be one of the worker's !

Believe me I've had some revenge fantasies , mostly involving explosives on his spindly stilted house -really don't want to hurt anyone - looks like it wouldn't take much to collapse a column or two , just enough to make it tilt at an uninhabitable angle .

THese fantasies will have to remain just that. For now..

But this incident had driven home to me how much I dislike it here. It's beautiful, yes , the weather is great , yes but that just isn't enough anymore.

I really really do not like the people . I think men have it made here but for a single woman, not quite past her prime. It's time to

move on.

The horses though .. to abandon them here...No I can't do it I need a cargo plane.

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Believe me I've had some revenge fantasies , mostly involving explosives on his spindly stilted house -really don't want to hurt anyone - looks like it wouldn't take much to collapse a column or two , just enough to make it tilt at an uninhabitable angle .

THese fantasies will have to remain just that. For now..

But this incident had driven home to me how much I dislike it here. It's beautiful, yes , the weather is great , yes but that just isn't enough anymore. I really really do not like the people . I think men have it made here but for a single woman, not quite past her prime. It's time to move on. The horses though .. to abandon them here...No I can't do it I need a cargo plane.

Who hasn't had fantasies :o Mine usually involve sexual prowess with a one of legendary beatiful Thai ladies. Unfortunately, I have yet to discover such a woman, which is fortunate for me as my fantasy also requires me to have the studly body and sexual drive to match. Sometimes, the fantasy life is indeed best not realized.

And now back to Fonzie. He wasn't tough and it was a fabricated myth. If you recall, he was always polite with Mrs. C, and acted responsibly with the ugly sister of Richie C. In real life, Arthur Fonzarelli, was Henry Winkler the Yale drama graduate, who once considered being a rabbi. What we think is toughness or bad boy nonsense is often our imaginations running wild and the product of vivid written tales, like TV land scripts. What we think are bad boy cops hel_l bent on sinister plans are really unsupervised, untrained boys trying to do a man's job. Look at what they deal with on a daily basis; Beligerent drunk tourists, corrupt government officials, Thai domestic dsputes and a depressing collection of drug & alcohol related tragedies. It's a recipe for creating angry frustrated people made worse because they have not been trained to deal with that sort of stuff. Rather than look for complex answers, perhaps, the reasons are simple.

BTW, where do you exercise your horsies? Do they have land to run about on?

Do you ever take them to the beach for a frolic at the shore? Horsies like to roll around in the sand.(I found that out the hard way :D )

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huggybear, don't worry she is a bit rambling in her posts. However she has a point, it is often stated that us farangs shouldn't mess with the cops or hi-so's or we will end up feeding the fishes.

I guess my point to the OP would be, if you make noise with this guy don't be surprised with the consequences. Me? I prefer to lay low and fly under the radar as best as possible.

As Mickey Rourke said in Barfly " I don't hate cops, I just feel better when they are not around".


I am making an effort to keep my cats on my property and I certainly am not going to engage him in any way. I"m also not going to tuck tail and move just because he's an asshol_e pig neighbor. It's ridiculous to even suggest that is my only option or else, as some were saying .

However, I will put a very powerful Celtic Curse on his household next new moon.

dam_n , I'm fresh outta eye of newt. :o

And you can also go bellyache on a different website too, can't you? And there's a lot more than this too badmouthing Thailand and people you shouldn't be badmouthing....

Seems I'm not allowed to post a URL (new to the forum) but try Britishexpats Far East forum

quote from Horsedoctor:

Heres an example of how it is to live here .. 2 days ago , my neighbor, a high ranking police officer walked up while I was on the lane between out properties and kicked my cat.

Advice from long time residents? Move, immediately . He doesn't like you. You'll end up dead

I'm trying to upload pics of horses I took at a beach rental stable, absolutely sickening The proprietors s would go to jail in UK , ( Pics awaiting aproval - I've got a lot of pics of trash too )

How many horses have been killed crossing that 4 lane road rom the stable in Chalong? Last one , a friend was there and she said the owner DID NOTHING to help the horse , it was an hour before a vet showed up to put him down .

No Thai cops would do anything.

No compassion for animals . I'm really going to stress that on the site .

And don't get me going about the 1-2 go crash UGH if you knew all the illegalities.. See InvestigateUdom.com for a lot more And then DO NOT FLY Thai airlines, any of them .

Seems to me the people who like it here are here for easy sex, or their husbands are, and they enjoy having maids they pay nothing .

There is a smiling face put on for " Madam" or the tourists and then there is the real Thai face

Thai-Two-Faced Land . A CURSE on this Country

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you know what. ive had enough of this thread. it was only a matter of time before it turned into a *&%#fight, and its run its course now.

to the OP, please do not open more threads with the same topic/material. you have seen the outcome twice now.


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