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As A Farang, Would You Have A Mia Noi?


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I would say its probable that most farang men do not have a mia noi but some do have gigs,( bit on the side as someone else referred it to ) . some thai men have both,.and the funny thing is most thai wives dont seem to mind, in my opinion its a financial thing, if he can support 2 families they will put up with it, this is testament that some thai women will marry out of love and tolerate almost anything for money, as ( again in my opinion ) anyone really in love would NOT tolerate it,.i have a conscience and it wouldnt be for me,. some dont and can,

cant afford those extra luxuries.anyway it would usually end up in tears,not worth the bother.

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Could anyone please define "mia noi"?
A bit on the side getting monthly payments/allowances ? :D ,and maybe from more than one man :D

funny, with that new avatar you have, I never read your posts anymore. :o

My avatar was red carded for less than that ! And, BKK what have YOU done with yours. :D

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There is alot of idle chatter on this thread; I mean no substance.

I had a mia noi; she lived with me for 10 months. Caused chaos with the family, wife, etc. However, I did learn something. Its actually very easy to love more than one woman at the same time (who said humans are monogumous?). It was also very enjoyable.

I split up with her, but because of the strong love between us, we came back together, but we are now not 'married' (in the mia noi sense). We toned down are relationship a little; a little like being married for some time. We dont make all the lovey dovey 'noises' because the relationship is strong nor do we need the 'marriage classification'; she also has her life (family, etc), so its not always necessary to be together all the time, and she wants to do her own thing sometimes (she is still quite young). So we have the love without all the 'where are you now, what are you doing' 'noise'. Not sure where this is going, but will continue to enjoy it for as long as it lasts (a year already). :o

I liked Heng's piece earlier about ladies having the easy life being wives. He is spot on. Me I have lived in Thailand so long now I am almost Thai (with my ex mia noi). Bet Taksin is missing Thailand. hehe

My tip: avoid very beautiful women. This will lead to no end of problems.

" My tip: avoid very beautiful women " ...How true, never had this problem in the UK :D
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I'm been married exactly a year this coming monday and I'm pleased to say I've had no desire's whatsoever to have a secret bunk up let alone a mia noi. :D

Not bad for a 32 year old looker like myself who lives in pattaya. :o:D

mia noi or bit on the side costs money here,so maybe your looks aint enough,a little bit pompous too,thats a good possibility girls arent flocking to be with you.

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