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What Does This Mean Here? (tutting?)


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quite a few times when i'm walking with my girlfriend (shopping centre, etc), some guys will tut tut. I don't know if that is it's name, but it's the kind of sound you make with your tounge in your mouth. The kind of thing you would do if your child or a young person done something wrong, and you would do that noise and wag your finger. Or the kind of sound you would make if you wanted a cat or dog to come to you.

me and my girlfriend are 18 and 19, and the people doing it are about the same age, or not too much older, maby up to mid or late 20's.

i'm interperating it meaning 1 of 2 things.

1 - they think my girlfriend is good looking (and she really is beautiful, so this could well be the reason why).

or, 2.. they are in disaproval of my girlfriend (thai) being with me, a western boy.

it happens regularly, maby about 4 or 5 times now in my 2 months stay so far here.

when it happened today, firstly i thought of reason number 2 which got me pretty fired up. Then I asked my girlfriend if it meant what i thought, but she said it could be because reason 1.

does anyone have any experience with this? or does anyone know what it means?

(sorry if you don't understand about what noise i am talking about).

appreciate help


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Hmm…I’m thinking #2

In most cases it has nothing to do with you -farang boy. Some thais do think this way (or someway about the thai girl being with a farang), not all tho, and not all thai boys either.

But hey if it doesn’t bother your thai gf, just be cool and ignore them.

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Hmm…I'm thinking #2

In most cases it has nothing to do with you -farang boy. Some thais do think this way (or someway about the thai girl being with a farang), not all tho, and not all thai boys either.

But hey if it doesn't bother your thai gf, just be cool and ignore them.

it bothered me a lot today.

if it's #1, i can understand. And i can also understand they are dicks.

if it's #2, that's a whole different bundle of fun that will open up next time it happens :o

thanks for the reply

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You're all wrong guys....In Thailand they make that sound when casualy trying to get someone's attention - noticed tuk-tuk drivers do that often when pimping their rides, it is not offensive at all. I was bothered at first, wanted to rip somebody's head of the shoulders because back in my country is considered demeaning and offensive too. In Malaysia, guys make that sound when trying to get women's attention, or teasing gays. However, believe it or not in Thailand is totally opposite.

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Oh ho hold up brother!!!, ….be careful now, this is still thailand

Running around jabbing the thai boys with your butter knife?…LOL

Me think U might get their machete!…hmm :o

If it's in fact the #2,--how would your GF feel then?

i might get a shop boy, about 18-19 years old, working in sportsworld, in his sportsworld uniform, pull out his machete and take me on?

that's some unseen thailand that i havn't come across yet.

how would my girlfriend feel if it's #2? Didn't seem bothered too much by it, it wasn't some racist guy directing his shit at her, it was at me :D (if it is #2)

ps. don't have a butter knife, but i do have a plastic butter cake knife in the bin. Think i should take it out with me next time? Could do some damage to the eyes.

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You're all wrong guys....In Thailand they make that sound when casualy trying to get someone's attention - noticed tuk-tuk drivers do that often when pimping their rides, it is not offensive at all. I was bothered at first, wanted to rip somebody's head of the shoulders because back in my country is considered demeaning and offensive too. In Malaysia, guys make that sound when trying to get women's attention, or teasing gays. However, believe it or not in Thailand is totally opposite.

so... those guys were trying to get my attention? (sorry if i don't understand).

Thanks for the reply :o

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Oh ho hold up brother!!!, ….be careful now, this is still thailand

Running around jabbing the thai boys with your butter knife?…LOL

Me think U might get their machete!…hmm :o

If it's in fact the #2,--how would your GF feel then?

i might get a shop boy, about 18-19 years old, working in sportsworld, in his sportsworld uniform, pull out his machete and take me on?

that's some unseen thailand that i havn't come across yet.

how would my girlfriend feel if it's #2? Didn't seem bothered too much by it, it wasn't some racist guy directing his shit at her, it was at me :D (if it is #2)

ps. don't have a butter knife, but i do have a plastic butter cake knife in the bin. Think i should take it out with me next time? Could do some damage to the eyes.

It's the metaphor, you silly!!

Don't worry, I don't think the thais will bother YOU that much, if they see a farang boy walking around w/ that….errr…a plastic butter cake knife in his hand!!!…… LOL

Farang Bah bah jing jing - the word from the thais here, me think :D

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It is possible that the Thai people 'tutting' was an outward display of disapproval of you the 'farang' and your thai lady, I have had this several times however I just try to ignore their small uneducated racist minds. On the other hand it could be that those tutting possibly had sweetcorn stuck in their teeth and were simply trying to remove it (ok possibly not!)

just ignore them and smile, they are just Thai.

:o DSG

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It is possible that the Thai people 'tutting' was an outward display of disapproval of you the 'farang' and your thai lady, I have had this several times however I just try to ignore their small uneducated racist minds. On the other hand it could be that those tutting possibly had sweetcorn stuck in their teeth and were simply trying to remove it (ok possibly not!)

just ignore them and smile, they are just Thai.

:o DSG

By all means, do ignore them because they are "just Thai" and "uneducated and racist too " !!

Read your own posting again, you western superior thinking idiot !

Go home to where you came from, to your superior country where everybody is ofcourse educated to incredible high levels, but now try to take some lessons in social education, you absolutely do need them.

YOU are the racist here !

Edited by Carib
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It is possible that the Thai people 'tutting' was an outward display of disapproval of you the 'farang' and your thai lady, I have had this several times however I just try to ignore their small uneducated racist minds. On the other hand it could be that those tutting possibly had sweetcorn stuck in their teeth and were simply trying to remove it (ok possibly not!)

just ignore them and smile, they are just Thai.

:o DSG

By all means, do ignore them because they are "just Thai" and "uneducated and racist too " !!

Read your own posting again, you western superior thinking idiot !

Go home to where you came from, to your superior country where everybody is ofcourse educated to incredible high levels, but now try to take some lessons in social education, you absolutely do need them.

YOU are the racist here !

Idiot and fool? wow you big bully! :D Just because I am western and superior, you think I'm an idiot? Hold on a minute, are you Thai? lol

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It is possible that the Thai people 'tutting' was an outward display of disapproval of you the 'farang' and your thai lady, I have had this several times however I just try to ignore their small uneducated racist minds. On the other hand it could be that those tutting possibly had sweetcorn stuck in their teeth and were simply trying to remove it (ok possibly not!)

just ignore them and smile, they are just Thai.

:o DSG

By all means, do ignore them because they are "just Thai" and "uneducated and racist too " !!

Read your own posting again, you western superior thinking idiot !

Go home to where you came from, to your superior country where everybody is ofcourse educated to incredible high levels, but now try to take some lessons in social education, you absolutely do need them.

YOU are the racist here !

Ahhh I see so by your ahem... "logic" Carib, only racists come from "western" societies.

Good thing you are on these boards to instruct the rest of us in geopolitical race relations.

So why not explain to us the Thai cast system and it's superiority over western "superior" thinking?

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I missed where he said it was Thais tut-tutting. It's probably both #1 and 2. Jealousy mostly. You have money (or so they think), and (because of that) a beautiful girlfriend. You shouldn't let it bother you. You should hear them when you're 60 and have a 20 year old GF. It's more like an ugly worded threat, but I don't understand the language (she tells me they're jealous, and she's mid-30's and knocked out). You should know why she's with you. If you let it bother you, it's because you think she's there for the money. If it doesn't bother you, it's because you know she loves both you and your money.

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i am confused and interested although honestly i think a photo of you and your girl friend could really help us here although i understand if you dont want to post one.

for example, if you are dressed in dreadlocks and a tattoo like a backpacker and your gf is dressed very cute and looks beautiful it could be disapproval.

if both of you are very young looking and cute, it could be light-hearted approval.

if your gf looks like a hardcore prostitute (no offense) it could be making fun of you.

you say this is happening from shop keepers? that seems quite odd mate.

i have gotten some of this disapproval from young thai males (i am also young farang) but never from someone working in a service type of job.

so post your photo or tell us of your physical appearance if you want it can help.

does this only happen in stores from the staff?

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Sorry Rambo, you obviously don't know the proper way to get your stabbing done.

This is the proper tool for stabbing someone. A flat blade will be an easy wound to sew up. You want to make round holes that cant be easily sewn up. Also if you can smear the end in sh*t you will help sepsis along quite nicely. Finally this is much easier to drop in a sewer or someplace than that ridiculous sword above.


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Sorry Pal, have to disagree on that. In Europe I often go animal hunting with my neighbour, who's an experienced hunter. This knife causes the most damage, and if pulled back it will bring everything out... :o . So it's like the I wanna die slowly.. Straight knifes, don´t make that much damage at all, only if you want to cut of limbs.

And for that knife, yes you need to have a little muscle to put it in.. :D

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Wait, so that phallic compensatory tool goes into the first little pouch with the oh so pretty leather dangly thingies....

what goes in that cute little pouch next to it? Keys to the Hummer, perhaps?

10-4, we got white-T on board......

edit: Oh, and I think you mean you "often go manimal hunting with/in/on your neighbor"

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Sorry Pal, have to disagree on that. In Europe I often go animal hunting with my neighbour, who's an experienced hunter. This knife causes the most damage, and if pulled back it will bring everything out... :o . So it's like the I wanna die slowly.. Straight knifes, don´t make that much damage at all, only if you want to cut of limbs.

And for that knife, yes you need to have a little muscle to put it in.. :D

What can I say...your dead wrong.

I've been in prison. Yup. Not proud of that but I've been there and I've seen first hand the damage a rounded shank will do to a man, and sweetheart you couldn't be any more wrong. Going in to emergency surgery a straight blade's wounds are easy to sew up, while a rounded shanks will require the sewing of "patches" over the holes they create in organs.

Are you seriously going to try and argue with the hundreds of years the prison system has been around and the thousands of deaths they have been through perfecting the quick killing of humans?

Are you THAT stupid?

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It is possible that the Thai people 'tutting' was an outward display of disapproval of you the 'farang' and your thai lady, I have had this several times however I just try to ignore their small uneducated racist minds. On the other hand it could be that those tutting possibly had sweetcorn stuck in their teeth and were simply trying to remove it (ok possibly not!)

just ignore them and smile, they are just Thai.

:o DSG

By all means, do ignore them because they are "just Thai" and "uneducated and racist too " !!

Read your own posting again, you western superior thinking idiot !

Go home to where you came from, to your superior country where everybody is ofcourse educated to incredible high levels, but now try to take some lessons in social education, you absolutely do need them.

YOU are the racist here !

Ahhh I see so by your ahem... "logic" Carib, only racists come from "western" societies.

Good thing you are on these boards to instruct the rest of us in geopolitical race relations.

So why not explain to us the Thai cast system and it's superiority over western "superior" thinking?

Don't make a fool of yourself too by asking non relevant and stupid questions, and no, you don't see my logic, I never stated that racists come from western countries only .

Why don't you ask the one who made the racist remarks to tell his girlfriend that she is "just Thai" and therefore has an "uneducated little mind". If he still can get back on line after that, ask him the stupid questions.

I am not instructing this board in anything, I was just telling this joker to take a good look at himself and his superior education, which he must have had, otherwise one cannot call anybody else uneducated.

Now if you do defend his remarks, and don't even slightly recognise them as racist ones, than something is wrong with you too. Have a nice day.

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:D Watch out mate, he's saying he's been in prison and next thing he's calling you sweetheart! :D

So I do need a stainless steel underpants :o

Would you laugh at a man who has been raped?

How hard would you fight not to be raped?

I know exactly how hard.....until you pass out or are knocked out that's how hard.

How much of a man would you consider yourself after having sutures removed from your anus?

Sure it's funny ha ha here on the TV boards, but I hope none of you ever have to answer those questions.

See you on the streets.

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Don't make a fool of yourself too by asking non relevant and stupid questions, and no, you don't see my logic, I never stated that racists come from western countries only .

Why don't you ask the one who made the racist remarks to tell his girlfriend that she is "just Thai" and therefore has an "uneducated little mind". If he still can get back on line after that, ask him the stupid questions.

I am not instructing this board in anything, I was just telling this joker to take a good look at himself and his superior education, which he must have had, otherwise one cannot call anybody else uneducated.

Now if you do defend his remarks, and don't even slightly recognise them as racist ones, than something is wrong with you too. Have a nice day.

Well we refer to the larger geopolitical places on the earth as "east" or "west"...you know the saying "East meets West" right?

So I was merely pointing out that you only incriminated one of the two most obvious geopolitical "sides" on the planet. I'm just saying be fair....treat everyone like sh*t !!

Further, your right I don't see your logic.

You say a man must have a superior education to call another man uneducated? Isn't that proof of a lack of education?

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Sorry Pal, have to disagree on that. In Europe I often go animal hunting with my neighbour, who's an experienced hunter. This knife causes the most damage, and if pulled back it will bring everything out... :o . So it's like the I wanna die slowly.. Straight knifes, don´t make that much damage at all, only if you want to cut of limbs.

And for that knife, yes you need to have a little muscle to put it in.. :D

What can I say...your dead wrong.

I've been in prison. Yup. Not proud of that but I've been there and I've seen first hand the damage a rounded shank will do to a man, and sweetheart you couldn't be any more wrong. Going in to emergency surgery a straight blade's wounds are easy to sew up, while a rounded shanks will require the sewing of "patches" over the holes they create in organs.

Are you seriously going to try and argue with the hundreds of years the prison system has been around and the thousands of deaths they have been through perfecting the quick killing of humans?

Are you THAT stupid?

hmmmm another one that got past immigration!

Is there really any need to point out that weapons in prison are fabricated out of what is available and not what is 'best'

But now we have both Rambo and Ratso Rizzo on the same thread!

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