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Constant Throat Clearing


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I clear my throat quite often - especially at night, but I don't smoke and have no bronchial or other throat related problems.

I believe it may well be connected with my intestinal ailments, as it is as it can be a side effect of these problems. I don't know how or why, but remember reading it somewhere.

Ask your fried if he has any stomach problems - indigestion, chronic diarrhoea, or the like.

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Mobi may be referring to GORD (Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disorder - Americans call it GERD because they can't spell oesophageal :o )

Google it, but basically it could be that the throat is being burned at night by small quantities of stomach acid leaking back up the oesophagus (food pipe) while he is horizontal. He should get checked for this as more sinister damage could be being done to the lower parts of the oesophagus.

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Mobi may be referring to GORD (Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disorder - Americans call it GERD because they can't spell oesophageal :D )

Google it, but basically it could be that the throat is being burned at night by small quantities of stomach acid leaking back up the oesophagus (food pipe) while he is horizontal. He should get checked for this as more sinister damage could be being done to the lower parts of the oesophagus.

That's it, that's what I've got - amongst other things :D

(I'm due for yet another gastroscopy and small bowel biospy next week :o )

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(I'm due for yet another gastroscopy and small bowel biospy next week :o )

ARRRGGGHHHH Mobi! when i read about your various problems my upcoming open-heart surgery seems to be a piece of cake :D

edi-tit to korreckt shpelling :D

Edited by Naam
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Boy, replying here makes me feel like I'm stalking Mobi! :o Once again, following my father's health (which seems to have similarities to Mobi's) and reading up on things, I saw that throat clearing and choking sensations are also a common symptom that seems to accompany diabetes.

But in Thailand, particularly Bangkok, I think there are also a lot of folks with unhappy sinuses and the post-nasal drip can lead to frequent throat clearing...

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I have a Thai friend who constantly coughs and clears his throat. He said he's always done it and has had xrays and check ups in the past which were clear. Can someone do this all the time and still be healthy? :o

Some locals are obsessed with it - once had a neighbor....awesome! Once he started...felt to throw up after a couple of minutes!

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(I'm due for yet another gastroscopy and small bowel biospy next week :o )

ARRRGGGHHHH Mobi! when i read about your various problems my upcoming open-heart surgery seems to be a piece of cake :D

edi-tit to korreckt shpelling :D

I think I'd rather have all of my medical problems than you're open heart surgery. Good luck with it :D

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I have a Thai friend who constantly coughs and clears his throat. He said he's always done it and has had xrays and check ups in the past which were clear. Can someone do this all the time and still be healthy? :o

As several people stated, it could be acid reflux. I took Pariet for awhile to control it. Expensive, but effective. Unfortunately if you reduce acidity too much and too long you can create new problems.

It might also just be too much chilli and other spices. Haven't noticed that response very often amongst Thais, but many Indians I've known who loved very "hot" food seem to be world class throat clearers... for some reason it seemed more often men than women.

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