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Visa To Canada, My Options?(long)

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I have read all the topics i could find in the search function on visa's to canada so heres my situation

Me and my gf are common law spouse, we have a kid and we are both in our low mid 20's.

My gf has had a creditcard stolen, she went to court to get it fixed, but meanwhile(takes 10years) she's paying 10k a month on the 100k owed(just started now) but she has valid bank accounts in ALL banks which have had transactions in over the past 10years.

Some of her accounts had large sums in and out, one of her accounts has around 15k baht put in every month(she owns a shop with her sister but she's not registred in it, just her sister(real)) but the date of the transfer is never the same since it comes from her sister.. I guess we could ask her sister to put her in the employee list i dont know much about thai businesses.

She owns half a 2006 honda Jazz but her name is only on the insurance(she pays for it) her sister's name is on the car.

She had propriety(land) but gave it to her mom who stupidly sold it a couple months ago

She does not have a job, she's an athome mother

I have been here for 1year on tourist visas(have had 2months extention for paternity)

I have no registred job, i do have a thai bank account which i put money in all the time to pay bills and use as a visa card.. (would it be better to put the house rent in her account everymonth and she pays for it? its 20k baht) so i have no proof of income, but at some point i could put a 1 time payment for like 100-200k baht in one of her bank accounts. (i dont do anything illegal)..

I have cashed canadian governement checks in my kasikorn bank account. (health inssurance + GST refund or something)

Her mom and pop are sickish.. could probably gegt doctor letter, she's really close with her mom, she has been living here for 3months.. shes going back to issan soon though

One of her sister, has a boyfriend who owns a huge tourist agency.. many shops, boats, anyway hes pretty big in phuket. Maybe that can help. he offered her a job (30-40k baht a month) im sure he could 'fake' her working there and we'd just give the money back to him every month. she has no intention of working right now and i dont really want her to, anyways we want to leave soon so having a new job seems stupid?

One her of friends has a visa business in pattaya. im not sure on the details but i hear she helps thai get visas to other countries, if they need a job she registers them in her company and other weird stuff, i will get more info on htat but that seems scary

I have family and friends with businesses in canada that could offer her a 'job' in fields that she's competant. my uncle could hire her as nanny since he has 3 young kids. i dont know.. my friends when we were young they'd visit countries by being nannies in other countries, would that work for thailand?

I read about how easier it is to get to canada if im not in the requets since they'd be scared she'd stay in canada even though her mom is sick. But what the heck can she say to explain why she's going to canada? Visit? she has a half canadian son.. sounds sketchy to me.

so heres the questions

Whats my best option?

Also I would like to apply for permanant residence at the same time(in case), my father has a huge business and has been wealthy for a long time, i would think he could sponsor her? he would do the whole application, how would we go about that? he's in canada.

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Sorry sir,

But I don't understand your questions.

You are mixing credit card stolen, family, visa, jobs, etc.

I worked for a credit card company before and if your credit card is stolen, you just tell them and don't have to pay ANYTHING that you didn't sign. So, normally, you don't have to reimburse ANYTHING. Looks like there is something wrong in her story... on top of that, can't understand why she went to Court?

Go to the Canadian Embassy in Bangkok's website and click VISA.

You will see all your options.

I would NEVER make all the family come to Canada.

And if you sponsor your girlfriend, you will be responsible for 3 years.

If you have any other questions, write to me at [email protected]



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her THAI credit card was stolen a while ago and she didnt handle it well, she has to pay the debt now. She had a monthly income of over 100 000 baht a month back then so it really wasnt her fault. Also a signature is easy to spoof, its on the back of the card?

You think that would affect the visa process or they wont hear about it since its a very low sum and not with her main bank? it will be paid in half already

I just have no idea what to put as a reason to come to canada on her application, i dont want to write down that she will visit me as others have said it's the wrong way to go?

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her THAI credit card was stolen a while ago and she didnt handle it well, she has to pay the debt now. She had a monthly income of over 100 000 baht a month back then so it really wasnt her fault. Also a signature is easy to spoof, its on the back of the card?

You think that would affect the visa process or they wont hear about it since its a very low sum and not with her main bank? it will be paid in half already

I just have no idea what to put as a reason to come to canada on her application, i dont want to write down that she will visit me as others have said it's the wrong way to go?

I agree with Issan Lawyer, your posts make no sense, you are just going off in all manner of directions .. If you want be to help you, you have to be more clearer. "She had a monthly income of over 100 000 baht a month back then so it really wasnt her fault". PLEASE tell me that you didnt fill in her visa application...

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I have read all the topics i could find in the search function on visa's to canada so heres my situation

Me and my gf are common law spouse, we have a kid and we are both in our low mid 20's.

My gf has had a creditcard stolen, she went to court to get it fixed, but meanwhile(takes 10years) she's paying 10k a month on the 100k owed(just started now) but she has valid bank accounts in ALL banks which have had transactions in over the past 10years.

Some of her accounts had large sums in and out, one of her accounts has around 15k baht put in every month(she owns a shop with her sister but she's not registred in it, just her sister(real)) but the date of the transfer is never the same since it comes from her sister.. I guess we could ask her sister to put her in the employee list i dont know much about thai businesses.

She owns half a 2006 honda Jazz but her name is only on the insurance(she pays for it) her sister's name is on the car.

She had propriety(land) but gave it to her mom who stupidly sold it a couple months ago

She does not have a job, she's an athome mother

I have been here for 1year on tourist visas(have had 2months extention for paternity)

I have no registred job, i do have a thai bank account which i put money in all the time to pay bills and use as a visa card.. (would it be better to put the house rent in her account everymonth and she pays for it? its 20k baht) so i have no proof of income, but at some point i could put a 1 time payment for like 100-200k baht in one of her bank accounts. (i dont do anything illegal)..

I have cashed canadian governement checks in my kasikorn bank account. (health inssurance + GST refund or something)

Her mom and pop are sickish.. could probably gegt doctor letter, she's really close with her mom, she has been living here for 3months.. shes going back to issan soon though

One of her sister, has a boyfriend who owns a huge tourist agency.. many shops, boats, anyway hes pretty big in phuket. Maybe that can help. he offered her a job (30-40k baht a month) im sure he could 'fake' her working there and we'd just give the money back to him every month. she has no intention of working right now and i dont really want her to, anyways we want to leave soon so having a new job seems stupid?

One her of friends has a visa business in pattaya. im not sure on the details but i hear she helps thai get visas to other countries, if they need a job she registers them in her company and other weird stuff, i will get more info on htat but that seems scary

I have family and friends with businesses in canada that could offer her a 'job' in fields that she's competant. my uncle could hire her as nanny since he has 3 young kids. i dont know.. my friends when we were young they'd visit countries by being nannies in other countries, would that work for thailand?

I read about how easier it is to get to canada if im not in the requets since they'd be scared she'd stay in canada even though her mom is sick. But what the heck can she say to explain why she's going to canada? Visit? she has a half canadian son.. sounds sketchy to me.

so heres the questions

Whats my best option?

Also I would like to apply for permanant residence at the same time(in case), my father has a huge business and has been wealthy for a long time, i would think he could sponsor her? he would do the whole application, how would we go about that? he's in canada.

I'm not Canadian, but a few points.

I wouldn't go depositing a large amount into her account right before you apply for the visa. Embassy staff dealing with visa's have seen that kind of thing before and will know it's not her money, so it will get you nowhere. They want to see a level of income going into her account over a period of time, not a one time payment obviously made by a foreign partner to get a visa.

I wouldn't do the 'fake' job scam either, because if you are caught, future visa applications could be seriously affected. How are you going to get around that if you eventually want to take her to live in Canada and you've already got big red tick against her name with the embassy.

Honesty is the best policy with this kind of thing. Embassy staff from all western countries have seen all the dodgy scams people have tried to pull, so don't think you're the first to try it and they won't find out. I think you should go and do some research about what visas Canada offers and what the requirements are. You seem to be mixing up settlement visa's, work visa's and visitor visas in the same post. Set your sights on one and find out all you can about it.

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