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Mayor Orders News Papers To Report Only 2 Deaths A Week


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I would like to propose that they also limit coverage of drunken Scandanavians jumping out of high-rise condos to 4 stories a month, and a maximum of two of those can be Finns.

i would also like to propose if the city actually does fill in any potholes in public roads, that can be a front page headline with unlimited publication dates.

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Although we are not a newspaper, I can assure you that Pattaya One News will continue to report as normal. This idea about reporting restrictions issues by the Mayor is utter nonsense and has never and will never happen.


Pattaya One News


I wonder really wether you would really admit to this.

I remember asking you to follow up a story of a German developer who had cheated me out of 1.6 million baht also my friends as well. In total over 5 million baht and you refused on the grounds you didnt want to get a bullet in your head.

Fair point as that guy has had soemthing to do with a major development in jomtien that has managed to shut every forum that mentions it. but bearing this in mind i really dont think in my opinion you would dare breach the mayors rules if he has issued them.

You wouldnt want to become another statistic as you have told me before. And that would definatly follow with the Mayor and any order he issued.

Pattaya is in major turmoil. There is very little law enforcemenmt unless it comes to telling girls at 2pm in the afternoon to get back in there bars in soi6 or some other "lets Gloss Over The facts" direct action to grab the headlines.

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Someone one this forum about six months ago suggested that the murder rate here was higher than Washington DC (which is considered to be the highest murder rate per capita in the USA, which is arguably the highest in the world outside a war zone).

What are you, a UK travel writer? :o

Have you seen the murder stats from Mexico, Brazil, Russia, South Afrika, or any of a few dozen other places that aren't (formally) experiencing wars? The Mexican police are defecting to the drug cartels in droves, when they aren't on the take or ignoring the traffickers or getting executed. In Brazil, crime is out of control. Russia, the government is out of control. South Afrika, it's crime again, and I'll bet those statistics don't include the death-by-AIDS inflicted by the rapists who are dumb enough to think they can cure themselves by giving it to someone else.

I can't vouch for the accuracy of the following, but it's roughly in line with what I expected:


The big surprise to me was Venezuela, which is second (below only Iraq). But, then, they've got Hugo Chavez's thugs murdering anyone who opposes the imposition of "Bolivarian socialism".

Well, and also Jamaica (fifth, at well over 8X the U.S. murder rate), but I guess being in a beach paradise gets wearing after a while so you just have to KILL THE BASTARD WHO STOLE YOUR SUNNY SPOT!!!!!

hel_l, Thailand's murder rate is a good 60% higher than the U.S. But of course there's that conflict in the far south, so maybe that hurts. Sympathies.

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The saddest part of the whole story is that the media in Pattaya tend to report only violent deaths which are a very small fraction of the total deaths. They are following a trend started in the United States and Europe whereby the vast majority of deaths due to lifestyle (over-eating, sedentary lifestyle, smoking and alcohol consumption) go unreported.

This is why there is an obituary column in in the newspapers in the west. They are not un-reported.

Or are you suggesting the the Pattaya Mail ect run headlines like.

"Khun such and such, aged 78, died from a lifetime of eating fried foods and drinking lao cow :o "

or "Lazy Man Dies on Couch - Remote and Heineken in Hand"

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Interesting wording; 'deaths'. Does this mean if there is one farang condo jumper and another that drowns due to too much beer and a midnight swim that finds him with a skull fracture and without his wallet that there is no murder in Pattaya?

Does this reporting only affect Pattaya based "news" agencies or the nationals as well?

Seems there might be an opening for a free press agency for Pattaya - it would just have to be based outside Thailand.

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Interesting wording; 'deaths'. Does this mean if there is one farang condo jumper and another that drowns due to too much beer and a midnight swim that finds him with a skull fracture and without his wallet that there is no murder in Pattaya?

Does this reporting only affect Pattaya based "news" agencies or the nationals as well?

Seems there might be an opening for a free press agency for Pattaya - it would just have to be based outside Thailand.

That's a great idea. But isn't there already a completely free press in Pattaya - surely you have seen it. It "Dares when Others Keep Silent". And it has many listed honorary advisers in City Hall and Soi 9, so it is well placed for its in-depth investigative journalism into local corruption and incompetence.

Unfortunately if a truly free press agency was ever to be based IN Thailand its motto would have to be be "Report Free, Die Fast".

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Although we are not a newspaper, I can assure you that Pattaya One News will continue to report as normal. This idea about reporting restrictions issues by the Mayor is utter nonsense and has never and will never happen.


Pattaya One News


I wonder really wether you would really admit to this.

I remember asking you to follow up a story of a German developer who had cheated me out of 1.6 million baht also my friends as well. In total over 5 million baht and you refused on the grounds you didnt want to get a bullet in your head.

Fair point as that guy has had soemthing to do with a major development in jomtien that has managed to shut every forum that mentions it. but bearing this in mind i really dont think in my opinion you would dare breach the mayors rules if he has issued them.

You wouldnt want to become another statistic as you have told me before. And that would definatly follow with the Mayor and any order he issued.

Pattaya is in major turmoil. There is very little law enforcemenmt unless it comes to telling girls at 2pm in the afternoon to get back in there bars in soi6 or some other "lets Gloss Over The facts" direct action to grab the headlines.

So there is a german as well as an Australian ripping people off in developments in Jomtien that we can not mention

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Although we are not a newspaper, I can assure you that Pattaya One News will continue to report as normal. This idea about reporting restrictions issues by the Mayor is utter nonsense and has never and will never happen.


Pattaya One News


I wonder really wether you would really admit to this.

I remember asking you to follow up a story of a German developer who had cheated me out of 1.6 million baht also my friends as well. In total over 5 million baht and you refused on the grounds you didnt want to get a bullet in your head.

Fair point as that guy has had soemthing to do with a major development in jomtien that has managed to shut every forum that mentions it. but bearing this in mind i really dont think in my opinion you would dare breach the mayors rules if he has issued them.

You wouldnt want to become another statistic as you have told me before. And that would definatly follow with the Mayor and any order he issued.

Pattaya is in major turmoil. There is very little law enforcemenmt unless it comes to telling girls at 2pm in the afternoon to get back in there bars in soi6 or some other "lets Gloss Over The facts" direct action to grab the headlines.

Back to you Howard. Would you care to answer the guy? Restaurant reviews might pay the bills and provide a few free meals, but ain't really news, is it?

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Although we are not a newspaper, I can assure you that Pattaya One News will continue to report as normal. This idea about reporting restrictions issues by the Mayor is utter nonsense and has never and will never happen.


Pattaya One News


I wonder really wether you would really admit to this.

I remember asking you to follow up a story of a German developer who had cheated me out of 1.6 million baht also my friends as well. In total over 5 million baht and you refused on the grounds you didnt want to get a bullet in your head.

Fair point as that guy has had soemthing to do with a major development in jomtien that has managed to shut every forum that mentions it. but bearing this in mind i really dont think in my opinion you would dare breach the mayors rules if he has issued them.

You wouldnt want to become another statistic as you have told me before. And that would definatly follow with the Mayor and any order he issued.

Pattaya is in major turmoil. There is very little law enforcemenmt unless it comes to telling girls at 2pm in the afternoon to get back in there bars in soi6 or some other "lets Gloss Over The facts" direct action to grab the headlines.

Back to you Howard. Would you care to answer the guy? Restaurant reviews might pay the bills and provide a few free meals, but ain't really news, is it?

Well the silence answers the question. Its deafening hey!!!

And just look at who pays the advertising for some of the local papers that claim to speak out where others dont.

Unless the developer has spent a fortune on advertising whole pages. you might be tempted to give him a free small spot on the front of your paper just to try to keep the development name up to detract from the people who question wether you will be building the project.

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Although we are not a newspaper, I can assure you that Pattaya One News will continue to report as normal. This idea about reporting restrictions issues by the Mayor is utter nonsense and has never and will never happen.


Pattaya One News


I wonder really wether you would really admit to this.

I remember asking you to follow up a story of a German developer who had cheated me out of 1.6 million baht also my friends as well. In total over 5 million baht and you refused on the grounds you didnt want to get a bullet in your head.

Fair point as that guy has had soemthing to do with a major development in jomtien that has managed to shut every forum that mentions it. but bearing this in mind i really dont think in my opinion you would dare breach the mayors rules if he has issued them.

You wouldnt want to become another statistic as you have told me before. And that would definatly follow with the Mayor and any order he issued.

Pattaya is in major turmoil. There is very little law enforcemenmt unless it comes to telling girls at 2pm in the afternoon to get back in there bars in soi6 or some other "lets Gloss Over The facts" direct action to grab the headlines.

Back to you Howard. Would you care to answer the guy? Restaurant reviews might pay the bills and provide a few free meals, but ain't really news, is it?

Well the silence answers the question. Its deafening hey!!!

And just look at who pays the advertising for some of the local papers that claim to speak out where others dont.

Unless the developer has spent a fortune on advertising whole pages. you might be tempted to give him a free small spot on the front of your paper just to try to keep the development name up to detract from the people who question wether you will be building the project.

First of all I do not run a newspaper, and the developer in question does not run advertising with me. If you have been cheated by a developer and you want your money back you must consult a lawyer and if there is clear proof that the money has been "stolen", then a court case against the company or individual can be initiated. If you only want to shout about it then use chat forums. I am assuming that legal receipts for any monies handed over were received and contracts were signed. If they were then you have a case....if not then it will be harder to recover the money if not impossible.

I am not in the business of exposing dodgy people or businesses as I would like to remain on this World for many years to come and I really don't want to be threatened with law suites or worse. If you try another media organization in Pattaya, maybe they can help you.


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Although we are not a newspaper, I can assure you that Pattaya One News will continue to report as normal. This idea about reporting restrictions issues by the Mayor is utter nonsense and has never and will never happen.


Pattaya One News


I wonder really wether you would really admit to this.

I remember asking you to follow up a story of a German developer who had cheated me out of 1.6 million baht also my friends as well. In total over 5 million baht and you refused on the grounds you didnt want to get a bullet in your head.

Fair point as that guy has had soemthing to do with a major development in jomtien that has managed to shut every forum that mentions it. but bearing this in mind i really dont think in my opinion you would dare breach the mayors rules if he has issued them.

You wouldnt want to become another statistic as you have told me before. And that would definatly follow with the Mayor and any order he issued.

Pattaya is in major turmoil. There is very little law enforcemenmt unless it comes to telling girls at 2pm in the afternoon to get back in there bars in soi6 or some other "lets Gloss Over The facts" direct action to grab the headlines.

Back to you Howard. Would you care to answer the guy? Restaurant reviews might pay the bills and provide a few free meals, but ain't really news, is it?

Well the silence answers the question. Its deafening hey!!!

And just look at who pays the advertising for some of the local papers that claim to speak out where others dont.

Unless the developer has spent a fortune on advertising whole pages. you might be tempted to give him a free small spot on the front of your paper just to try to keep the development name up to detract from the people who question wether you will be building the project.

First of all I do not run a newspaper, and the developer in question does not run advertising with me. If you have been cheated by a developer and you want your money back you must consult a lawyer and if there is clear proof that the money has been "stolen", then a court case against the company or individual can be initiated. If you only want to shout about it then use chat forums. I am assuming that legal receipts for any monies handed over were received and contracts were signed. If they were then you have a case....if not then it will be harder to recover the money if not impossible.

I am not in the business of exposing dodgy people or businesses as I would like to remain on this World for many years to come and I really don't want to be threatened with law suites or worse. If you try another media organization in Pattaya, maybe they can help you.


I think you should give Howard a break. If you feel so wronged, and don't wish to sue, then metaphorically put your money where your mouth is, set up your own media outlet and go around shouting about your grievances and see how long you last here. That's the reality, unfortunately.

Why would someone risk getting whacked /beaten/deported by publicising some other individual's financial grievance when the recourse of the law is open to that individual, unless by his own naivety he has failed to properly document the payments. In which case he has learned an expensive lesson. But to try to get - what - justice/publicity/leverage on the cheap by someone writing about it in their paper is a dangerous game here.

If you just look at all Pattaya's media as entertainment and street-crime oriented, you will be about right. Fleet Street it 'aint.

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Back to the original topic: I have a solution.

We grade crime in Pattaya from A to F. Things like murders get an A for newsworthiness while the old katoey pickpocket routine gets the proverbial F.

Things like farangs being beat up, short changed and arrested would qualify for C (sorry, too run of the mill)

Balcony diving (either assisted or un-assisted) would rate a B to B+ depending on the height.

Drug offenses and robberies only get a D because of their commonplace.

In practice, if one A = two B's then on any given week, we could have any of the following combinations.

Two A's

One A and two B's

Two B's and 4 C's

Eight D's

Sixteen F's

Problem solved. :o

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