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Passport Pics


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You do not say what nationality you are so I can only advise on the requirement for a UK passport, the phot requirement is very prescriptive and is best met by downloading the application notes from the Foreign & Commonwealth Office website and going to a photo shop and showing them what is required re size, back ground etc.

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Whoops. Yeh im British.

ActuaIIy I can do photoshop stuff myseIf. Its just that i thought a photobooth wouId be the easiest choice because of how restrictive they are. 100% what they want without going through any nonsense.

(Hmm, but maybe i can just do it myseIf..*think think*)

Photobooth, first choice then. Doing it at home, second.

I have checked out the guidenotes on the website, JohnC, thanks. :o

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I have had Imigration office reject photos that I made using Photoshop since there is every opportunity to do alterations to the Photo you print. I would not recommend trying that on anything as important as a Passport photo and suggest you go to a regular shop that does photos and have them make your photos for you. Once every ten years won't break the bank or add significantly to the inconvenience.

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Yes, thanks, I want to make sure they will not be rejected.


Will get down to Thapae then StevieH, thanks!

I have seen photo processing shops all over town that do this and have the impression most of them have a polaroid for that purposed. You just have to specifiy the background color and the size (both the overall picture and your face size).

I have gotten them or taken friends several places, but most regularly use the shop that does Mae Jo University grad pictures (i.e., a shop that does protraits). I have even gotten one set at a shop at Kad Gom where they speak no English and get no expat business whatsoever.

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I have seen photo processing shops all over town that do this and have the impression most of them have a polaroid for that purposed. You just have to specifiy the background color and the size (both the overall picture and your face size).

I have gotten them or taken friends several places, but most regularly use the shop that does Mae Jo University grad pictures (i.e., a shop that does protraits). I have even gotten one set at a shop at Kad Gom where they speak no English and get no expat business whatsoever.

they still use polaroids? how quaint. :o

i used a kodak place by tha pae and he took one digi shot of me, duped it onto four squares on the laptop, printed it off on photo paper, 80 baht, bob's your uncle.

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I goto a place just on the corner to the left of 3 King Monument when you face it. They have all the rules posted for which nationality you are and what the dimensions should be. These guys use digital which is nice. You can look at the 3-4 pix they take and, though smiling is not permitted, pick the most 'favorable' of the pix as the one they should run copies of. I usually then go up the way and grab some lunch at the row of restaurants just beyond then come back 20 min later for my prints.

Eekster, I also believe you can look at the visa app/ requirements online somewhere and it will say what the dimensions should be. I do know that usually with a smile a slightly larger pic can easily be trimmed down by the processor without a hassle. I've had it done myself in the past!

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Thanks all.

I really like the digital idea tbh, as I have to live with this pic for the next ten years (unless i use all the pages before then). Would definitely like to choose the best one! :o

Btw, for anyone else interested, here is the link to the pic requirements (the examples of what not to do are quite funny really): http://www.ips.gov.uk/passport/downloads/photos.pdf

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I had my passport done at one of those sticker booths in carre four, at the entrance go upstairs to the food court and on your left hand side right next to the skippy land is a sticker booth. Think it was about 100 bht, I had to watch the screen and make sure that I had no glasses on and that my head was centre and large in the pic.

I have since used the pics for a new visa from Hull, no problems.

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I had my passport done at one of those sticker booths in carre four, at the entrance go upstairs to the food court and on your left hand side right next to the skippy land is a sticker booth. Think it was about 100 bht, I had to watch the screen and make sure that I had no glasses on and that my head was centre and large in the pic.

I have since used the pics for a new visa from Hull, no problems.

how did you make your head large? did you breathe in?

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Its such a pantomime getting the pics right enough to be acceptable these days, so, be watchful.

Too near to camera, too far away and they will be rejected

The face too high up the frame, or too low down in the frame and they will be rejected

Not looking directly at the camera and they will be rejected

ANYTHING causing a shadow on any part of the face and they will be rejected

Sunglasses or even tinted spectacles being worn will mean they will be rejected

Anything that looks doctored in any way will be rejected

Any other "article" in the photo apart form a portrait and they will be rejected (things like stray arms, plants etc. Views of other peoples bodyparts too)

Probably a whole host of other reasons too, but those are the ones i remember

I went to a photo booth in UK recently to get mine done and it took me 8 passes before i got it right. Luckily the software withing the booths these days can tell whether the photos are going to be acceptable before taking them, so you dont waste time, effort and cash

Those in Thailand, however probably dont


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  • 2 weeks later...

had to get this done the other day as it goes and went to a printing shop on moon muang a few doors along from john's place / cozy corner, next door but one to the scandinavian tailor's shop there i think. digital camera, four photos for eighty baht, very friendly lady photographer, in and out of there in about three minutes. job jobbed.

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