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Farangs Total Disregard For Their Own Safety


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I saw a helmetless Farang roaring down 2nd Road on a sports bike at breakneck speed, flying past bars that had other Farangs smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol, and some of these guys actually ended up taking an unknown girl with all her possible unknown diseases back to a hotel room.

What the he-ll is wrong with these people ? :o

in Farangstan, their (our) lives are burdened with rules and regulations.

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I am amazed at Farangs total disregard for their own safety.

I was absolutely shocked last night in Pattaya, I saw a helmetless Farang roaring down 2nd Road on a sports bike at breakneck speed, flying past bars that had other Farangs smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol, and some of these guys actually ended up taking an unknown girl with all her possible unknown diseases back to a hotel room. :o

Do Farangs have no regard for their safety at all ?

I wonder how many of these so called educated people have a wife back in Farangland that they will endanger with whatever disease they contract in Thailand?

the funnyest post i ever did see what do you think thailand has been living on the last twenty years and believe me them diseased rid girls are more clean than most farrang girls and thats for sure if you dont like what thailand has on offer simply dont come

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  • 10 months later...
And how many care about their parents, kids or grandkids, leaving them behind while grandad fulfills his wildest sexual fantasies.

They should look at Thais who never abandon family.

I hereby recommend you for this years most stupid comment!

your prize will be a censored book , by a foreigner,about one certain family

shall we say a very well respected family

I will let you read it, you may dispute it, and then again, you may not, the evidence is most compelling- and you know what. Every one in the know, knows its 100% accurate.

I wonder how you will feel about that " Thai's never abandon their family's" comment.

Do you also know how many single young mothers receive zero support?

Actually its true what you say in some ways.

I have taken quite a number of improvised young lady's off the streets. Or tried to.

How many times do they get an SMS, email, or visit form their mothers urging them to get back on the streets , sell their bodys and send some money home. I hope you are not blind to this.often the pimp is their faithful family.

I have even been insulted because those proud thai familys which you support who do not abandon their loved ones! Great situtions- give yourself a nice pat on the pat for that great ethical source of pride.The world will look upon you with envy.

Okay- now for some hard truths.

A short story about pets.

A dog has to know its a dog.

It may want to be a cat.

It cannot. It is genetically different. Likewise a cat cannot become a dog just because it decides it want to fetch and carry .

One is great at some things.And not others.

But what looks really stupid is when a dog thinks its a cat and wants to climb trees- and even boasts about doing so! Honestly and self evaluation are the keys to improved, not false belief's and a evaluated status.

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