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Endless Vacant Expressions


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This is not about race or culture its about poverty.

One of the things about Thailand which gets me down is that on a day to day basis the majority of Thais I encounter have this vacant expression on their face like they have less than 10 brain cells. I like going to The Emporium because the looks on the faces of the customers are different. You can see their minds moving in their facial expression. You suspect that they have goals and ambitions and money. That maybe they like film or painting.

Can anyone else relate to this? Am I just another elitist who wants to stick to his own kind?

Hand to mouth existences create zombies out of peoples and its sad

Edited by dave9988
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I remember the "good ol days" in Australia when most people had rather animated facial expressions. In those days, people had "good weekends". To me, it all changed when stock market reports became regularly televised.

Alas, Australia is now like all the other "rich" countries, where people are so happy that they smile all the time (NOT!). The old question, "Javagoodweegend" (did you have a good weekend?) is now answered usually with, "What bloody weegend? I had to work." or "What bloody weegend? I was too tired to scratch my arse let alone enjoy myself."

Maybe these blank faced Thais are already feeling the effects of an "improved" lifestyle? Maybe the others who are still smiling don't know what a "wonderful world" is about to be put upon them?

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I was back in the UK for a couple of weeks recently and couldn't help notice how ugly and depressed the people look, especially the women.

Give me expressionless any day.

this is true. I guess I was just able to avoid it more in the west as I worked and had a larger social network. here, i am spending more time around staff.

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This is not about race or culture its about poverty.

One of the things about Thailand which gets me down is that on a day to day basis the majority of Thais I encounter have this vacant expression on their face like they have less than 10 brain cells. I like going to The Emporium because the looks on the faces of the customers are different. You can see their minds moving in their facial expression. You suspect that they have goals and ambitions and money. That maybe they like film or painting.

Can anyone else relate to this? Am I just another elitist who wants to stick to his own kind?

Hand to mouth existences create zombies out of peoples and its sad

it's all relative. i'm sure there are people out there who look at YOU and think "that guy has a vacant expression on his face and less than 10 brain cells"...and so on and so forth.

so, no sorry, i cant relate to it because i can see the forest for the trees.

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I was back in the UK for a couple of weeks recently and couldn't help notice how ugly and depressed the people look, especially the women.

Give me expressionless any day.

this is true. I guess I was just able to avoid it more in the west as I worked and had a larger social network. here, i am spending more time around staff.

Beginning of this century when BTS started you were able to see smile on faces. Just because that was new.

Now, the use of it it is more a necessity than a conveniance.

Actually, same for MRT...

Just wondering, how could you expect smile on people faces who are doing a routine job and don't give a dam_n except that, everyday, making sure to be back on time to feed the kids and not missing the new episode of their favorite series?!?

But of course, if you are thinking meeting bangkok "elite": just a stroll around (THE) Emporium: go for it... And enjoy your sightseeing!

P.S.: Haven't you try (THE) Paragon, yet?

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cant say i see any vacant expresions here on samui(except the odd drunk)only smiles.If i lived in Bkk maybe i'd see many.

In the west its different,if your happy there everyone thinks your weird,if you smile at a woman they think you want to get into her pants,if you are unfortunate and your caught smiling at a guy,then they think you're gay,just best not to smile.I mean you are smiling just cos you're happy,not allowed to be happy in the west.

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on a day to day basis the majority of Thais I encounter have this vacant expression on their face like they have less than 10 brain cells.

If this joined-yesterday-trolling-crap doesn't fall under...

3) Religious or racial slurs, rude and degrading comments towards women, or extremely negative views of Thailand will not be tolerated.

I don't know what does...

Edited by sriracha john
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This is not about race or culture its about poverty.

One of the things about Thailand which gets me down is that on a day to day basis the majority of Thais I encounter have this vacant expression on their face like they have less than 10 brain cells. I like going to The Emporium because the looks on the faces of the customers are different. You can see their minds moving in their facial expression. You suspect that they have goals and ambitions and money. That maybe they like film or painting.

Can anyone else relate to this? Am I just another elitist who wants to stick to his own kind?

Hand to mouth existences create zombies out of peoples and its sad

I really dont know where your attitude comes from.One of the endearing features of the thai people is their ability to maintain a smile inspite of adversity and hardship.

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This is not about race or culture its about poverty.

One of the things about Thailand which gets me down is that on a day to day basis the majority of Thais I encounter have this vacant expression on their face like they have less than 10 brain cells. I like going to The Emporium because the looks on the faces of the customers are different. You can see their minds moving in their facial expression. You suspect that they have goals and ambitions and money. That maybe they like film or painting.

Can anyone else relate to this? Am I just another elitist who wants to stick to his own kind?

Hand to mouth existences create zombies out of peoples and its sad

LOL With a name like dave i can imagine your pretty vacant also. :o:D:D:D:D:(

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I really dont know where your attitude comes from.One of the endearing features of the thai people is their ability to maintain a smile inspite of adversity and hardship.

I don't intend to be anti-Thai, but I know exactly what the OP means by blank expressions. The smiling ideal and the blank expressions can indeed exist in the same country.

Edited by Jingthing
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I really dont know where your attitude comes from.One of the endearing features of the thai people is their ability to maintain a smile inspite of adversity and hardship.

I don't intend to be anti-Thai, but I know exactly what the OP means by blank expressions. The smiling ideal and the blank expressions can indeed exist in the same country.

well maybe the blank expression is just reflecting an inner calm,h_ll they sure can get excited too.

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I can't say I get annoyed with blank expressions or that I even encounter it very often in Thailand.

I get the total blank expression when dealing with Africans. They often give the impression that they have never seen a white man before or that they are in danger of being attacked by me, even when I've talked to them many times before. Maybe it's Britain's colonial past coming back to haunt me :o . Very annoying anyway.

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I was back in the UK for a couple of weeks recently and couldn't help notice how ugly and depressed the people look, especially the women.

Give me expressionless any day.

Maybe that's because the women were thinking of getting home before it rained, get the washing off the line, get it ironed, get the husband fed, do the housework and hope it didnt rain at the weeknd so they could get out and mow the grass, apart from wondering it they'd have a job at the end of the week as they'd already been working from 9 - 5. Wouldn't you look depressed???

I did that for years, but for the last 6 have been a very happy bunny living in Thailand with maid, nice house and garden. I smile very day, I will even smile at you, why wouldn't I.

But UGLY....... I wont even go there. Post a picture of yourself, lets see how handsome you are.?

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