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They Are Waiting For The Dec 2 Ruling Right?


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Pretty clear now that there is not going to be any action until then.

Was this whole thing a move to put pressure on the court to disband the PPP? From a purely strategic standpoint, this whole occupation seems like a very bold move by the PAD with little benefit, why didn't they check with the army about having a coup before hand and save all the trouble?


After the Dec 2 ruling disbands PPP what is likely to happen? How long until elections. Will PAD make further demands or will they vacate the airport? While we wait for elections, who is incharge of the government? Is it possible that PAD will remain in the airport through the elections? And is there any scenerio inwhich PPP/TRT does not win the elections again?

Edited by soundman
No reference to Royal family please.
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The present situation will not end easily, unless PAD register themselves as polictical party to fight the PPP, but PAD knows that they will lose. PPP has the support from the rural voters (+/- 60%) whereas Democrats has the urban voters (+/- 40%). If PPP wins, PAD will come out to protest again. PAD only making noise and offer no solution. So I think there will be no end to it.

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(Jai Dee @ 2008-11-29 14:45:56) *

UDD to rally in Sanam Luang on Sunday

Mr Veera said the Sunday's rally will discuss the court’s urgency to finalise the People Power party (PPP) dissolution case on Tuesday, which discouraged the police to disperse the People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) demonstrators at Government House, Don Mueang airport and Suvarnabhumi airport.

That's a particularly interesting comment. The government already sacked the national police chief and replaced him with a new guy in the past days. I had assumed that would have cleared whatever internal resistance was occurring. Plus, the same pro-government TV host guys earlier had promised only to rally publicly if the police didn't clear the airports this weekend.

So does the above comment not suggest that there's still official resistance to the police moving in based on the likelihood of the PPP dissolution verdict??? And that the red shirts now don't expect police action this weekend, at least. If that's the case, that'd mean the airport standoffs would likely be continuing at least thru Tuesday...

That'd make the ghost PM look even more ridiculous than at present, if that were even possible. It's also bringing the whole spectacle even closer to a certain upcoming birthday.

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