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My fiance returned to Thailand a couple of weeks ago from a stay in the uk on a tourist visa.We are now applying for a fiance visa. The embassy say they need proof you intend to marry in order to grant the visa. Listing church or registry office papers as the proof. The local registry office will not give any proof or a wedding date untill they have seen her 8 days after entering the country she then has to wait a minimum of 17 days [total 25] before we can legally marry.

Because she has no travel insurance I looked into nhs care and to get primary hospital care they need the same proof.

Pease tell me how I can get proof . What did you submit?


Ask the area registrar to confirm via email that you cannot book a wedding until the foreign national has arrived in the UK, insert that with the application. You could for instance book an evening reception and include that with the application with a covering letter explaining your marriage plans.

Because she has no travel insurance I looked into nhs care and to get primary hospital care they need the same proof ???

You can take out travel insurance on the UK/Vac site if required.

Please take note you cannot book a wedding or make arrangements until your fiance is here in the UK.

Duly enclosed:

AECIP 83/03 states :

"A reminder has now issued to all our offices overseas (under reference AECIP 83/03). The relevant section of this AECIP reads as follows:

"1. There has been some confusion over whether ECOs [Entry Clearance Officers] should be asking for confirmation of wedding bookings at a registry office. This should not be happening. Registrars cannot make arrangements until the foreign national has arrived in the UK.

"2. ECMs [Managers] are therefore asked to re-acquaint themselves and their staff with the procedures outlined in DSP 13.9".



Thankyou for your informed and comforting reply.Has anyone therefore satisfied the nhs? It looks to me like the only legal proof you intend to marry is a marriage licence? My fiance would never get travel insurance concidering her medical history.


From Are you coming to the UK to marry a person living in the UK?

Under the current Regulations anyone who comes to the UK to take up permanent residence is fully exempt from charges for National Health Service (NHS) hospital treatment in England. A person who has been given leave to enter the UK by the Home Office to marry or become the civil partner of someone who is ordinarily resident here may be regarded as taking up permanent residence, and therefore exempt from charges for NHS hospital treatment.
If you read further down the page linked to you will see that this applies to primary care as well.

She may need to provide 'documentation from the Home Office to prove you are entitled to come to the UK to live' but her visa should cover this.

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