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Taking Your Partner To Your Homeland!


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One of my friends - who's big enough to 'give em a slap' and quick enough to silence them with a one liner, just smiles and agrees every time he hears the abuse or the stupid stereotypes.

His view is he's got a bright and beautiful girlfriend and lives half his life in paradise. Let the ignorant Little Englanders have their moment of fun and pity their ignorance and secret jealousy.

Most of the time I try to do the same, but occasionally :o

While here in Thailand I tend to ignore all the dumb-ass stereotypical remarks that I hear from many many Thais (allbeit mainly from black-faced taxi/cycle drivers, and street urchin/vendors/hawkers/labourers). Whereas, when I am abroad with my wonderful Thai wife, I never hear any negative comments. That's probably because countries like Australia have opened their doors to Asians to a degree of about 50% of the population. To a point where an Asian face is accepted socially as the norm.

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One of my friends - who's big enough to 'give em a slap' and quick enough to silence them with a one liner, just smiles and agrees every time he hears the abuse or the stupid stereotypes.

His view is he's got a bright and beautiful girlfriend and lives half his life in paradise. Let the ignorant Little Englanders have their moment of fun and pity their ignorance and secret jealousy.

Most of the time I try to do the same, but occasionally :o

While here in Thailand I tend to ignore all the dumb-ass stereotypical remarks that I hear from many many Thais (allbeit mainly from black-faced taxi/cycle drivers, and street urchin/vendors/hawkers/labourers). Whereas, when I am abroad with my wonderful Thai wife, I never hear any negative comments. That's probably because countries like Australia have opened their doors to Asians to a degree of about 50% of the population. To a point where an Asian face is accepted socially as the norm.

We had that experience in Thailand too, but sometimes i can I ignored sometimes freak out but thought they are lack of social life and low eucated...For a man I think they able to handle more than woman who was insults.

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One of my friends - who's big enough to 'give em a slap' and quick enough to silence them with a one liner, just smiles and agrees every time he hears the abuse or the stupid stereotypes.

His view is he's got a bright and beautiful girlfriend and lives half his life in paradise. Let the ignorant Little Englanders have their moment of fun and pity their ignorance and secret jealousy.

Most of the time I try to do the same, but occasionally :o

While here in Thailand I tend to ignore all the dumb-ass stereotypical remarks that I hear from many many Thais (allbeit mainly from black-faced taxi/cycle drivers, and street urchin/vendors/hawkers/labourers). Whereas, when I am abroad with my wonderful Thai wife, I never hear any negative comments. That's probably because countries like Australia have opened their doors to Asians to a degree of about 50% of the population. To a point where an Asian face is accepted socially as the norm.

We had that experience in Thailand too, but sometimes i can I ignored sometimes freak out but thought they are lack of social life and low eucated...For a man I think they able to handle more than woman who was insults.

The only issue I've had in Thailand is when I speak Thai and my wife has had some abuse from the hawkers telling her not to teach me Thai - 'certain' Thai men think that they lose the advantage to double their prices when we understand the language.

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  • 3 years later...

Been married for 35 + years, and over 20 years in the states. We have never received any insults here in the states but we did several time in Thailand when we first married.

Once everyone gets use to the idea it becomes part of the norm....

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When I took the mother of my children back to meet the family, everyone was wonderful. Unfortunately my still-teen-at-heart sister took her to the local druggie campfire scene down the road, where some of the local rowdies tried to bargain with her for short time.

Apparently one ended up sitting smack down in the middle of the fire and had to go to hospital. The girls had to walk five miles home at 2am because the cops wouldn't let my sister drive.

This was her second day in the US and first exposure to western culture. She's not so keen to return - which option I wouldn't give her anymore anyway but that's another story.

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Having not long come back from a trip to the UK with the wife, I can honestly say I didn’t hear a single negative comment. She had a great time and loves the UK, it was very strange, I did think from the stories I’ve heard I may have been having to negotiate a few apologies, but everyone was really nice to her.

One funny story, my wife English is good, but she still slips sometime, as we all do. On meeting my sister for the first time, (my sister is a vegetarian) my wife asked my sister how long she had been a vegetable……..

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5 miles. they did not have a cell phone? the cops wouldn't drive them, offer them a phone?

No the cops back home don't generally provide free taxi service after busting up illegal drug parties, do they where you come from? Part and parcel of the punishment, lucky not to get locked up.

And I don't even know if my sister had a phone or not, but she'd taken my mum's car anyway, she was probably embarrassed to wake us up.

Country miles aren't as long as city ones and only two of them were uphill, my wife was young at the time, didn't do her any harm,

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I have no problem with peoples attitude to my Thai wife in the UK,people are respectful,and friendly.No one has ever said anything out of place,or made intimidating remarks.

For those that have had problems,with friends strangers,and aquaintences,making poor comments or inuendos, really says more about the company you keep,rather than the attitudes of a nation.

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