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Why So Many Gays At California Wow Fitness?


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^ :o

^^You're free to start any poll you like, but I doubt it will show anything- after all, you have to show how the straight guys knew that the gay guys knew that they were straight. Unlike the OP, I don't seem to have the magic talisman that shows who is straight and who is gay.

Gotta go now, work calls- play nice, I'll be back later.

come on! unless you are here for few days,, it is very easy to tell certain thai gay man. i don't want to pin each points but i guess it is natural and they didn't adopt such movements or whatever. i respect the way they are and they are not obstacle for me not to go the asoke gym. I still go there because it is easy location for me.

But they are quite unusual for me as i don't see them everyday back at home quite so often. so of course i'm uncomfortable when guys dreaming of my sweaty body or drooling their hungry eyes upon me. and how do i know who is flirting with me? yes everyone knows when they are been flirted and if you don't know then it is the problem of your age.

but i'm very much available to socialize if they don't have any intention in their mind.

You have to be joking ....

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well, i have nothing against them but wondering, why too many of them are in that particular california wow at asoke? do they get a good deal? Specially you go in the evening, i guess straight guys are less than them. At times i feel very uncomfortable guys flirting with me. Most of they are Thais, small body but muscular walking rhythmically. Their body structure and movement tells they are not straight. Most of them are wealthy as i see them having expensive gadgets with fairly good English.

do they go there to catch fish? i can feel pairs of eyes rolling on my body while i'm at sauna or steam. I have been to paragon and asoke branch only. How about the other clubs?


Don't drop the soap! or you might get more of a work out than you expected.


Don't as them to pass the soap that they toss onto the floor for you to pick up :D

An old trick I remember well from my days in the Merchant Navy :o

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^ :o

^^You're free to start any poll you like, but I doubt it will show anything- after all, you have to show how the straight guys knew that the gay guys knew that they were straight. Unlike the OP, I don't seem to have the magic talisman that shows who is straight and who is gay.

Gotta go now, work calls- play nice, I'll be back later.

come on! unless you are here for few days,, it is very easy to tell certain thai gay man. i don't want to pin each points but i guess it is natural and they didn't adopt such movements or whatever. i respect the way they are and they are not obstacle for me not to go the asoke gym. I still go there because it is easy location for me.

But they are quite unusual for me as i don't see them everyday back at home quite so often. so of course i'm uncomfortable when guys dreaming of my sweaty body or drooling their hungry eyes upon me. and how do i know who is flirting with me? yes everyone knows when they are been flirted and if you don't know then it is the problem of your age.

but i'm very much available to socialize if they don't have any intention in their mind.

It's not the gay guys fault. If you weren't so damned hot it wouldn't happen. Just a negative to being an adonis... :D

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Some people have good gaydar and other's don't. I've met a lot of men in Thailand who I thought were gay and they weren't, they were friendly. Cruising is common in gyms everywhere. In the States people tend to be quite discreet--here less so, especially if it involves a foreigner, who is less emotionally 'threatening' than one of their own.

But even so it's about type. Some folks like Asians, some like farangs, some like older, younger, heavier, skinnier etc. etc.

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But they are quite unusual for me as i don't see them everyday back at home quite so often. so of course i'm uncomfortable when guys dreaming of my sweaty body or drooling their hungry eyes upon me. and how do i know who is flirting with me?

If that is the way you feel, then that is the way you feel. But to take this slightly off topic, there was a recent thread about leering at Thai women. Most men thought it was harmless (including myself, if the watching is not noticable), but a few women wrote that it was demeaning or made them feel uncomfortable.

I am going to assume that since you go to the gym, you are fit enough to fend for yourself. But many Thai women are significantly smaller than most men. So if you feel uncomfortable with men "drooling" at you, how do you think a much weaker and smaller Thai woman might feel if some huge foreigner is drooling at her?

I am not picking on you personally, but just using your statement to draw a parallel to the other thread.

no i'm not a super good lookin guy but i wonder why i'm attracted to gay man than woman. i have been approached several times in Bangkok by gays in an unusual places like Big C, panthip plaza or some restaurant. the guy at the BIG C wanted to go bathroom with me to see my chest!!! He just came next to me and unveil his intention. My GOD! very aggressive.

yes i do flirt with small thai woman but in a polite way. Thai woman are not so good at flirting specially with foreigners but the moment i feel they are uncomfortable , i just pass by or swap my attention to something else. Even if i get a positive node from them i still stand still. coz i know approaching towards a girl in public in Thailand doesn't go with their culture.

To me, to get a thai girl the best places should be gym, some disco or the net. And i prefer the gym as i go there almost everyday. So looking for the perfect gym to socialize.

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Some people are forgetting the male nature... gay or straight we are more aggressive and obvious... even when we dont mean to be, how many times have you been caught staring at a woman? You probably dont even know it... women notice all the time, guys always looking at them. Gay men are always looking but at men. So comparing women to men and saying "well women arent always staring at you so it must be in your mind that gay men are" is not correct, men WILL stare more than women. Gay men are staring at me 20 times more than women, dam_n make that 100 times. They are men, they like to look.

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Welcome to my life in BKK.

Even the wife complains that more guys look at me then at her. Her favourite line is ...."they look like they want to eat you"......

But back on topic. One word Narcissism (or however its spelt).

Go to any gym here and the soft, skinny, fat thai guy is the straight guy. The ones really working, 80% are probably gay. Although I have seen straight (I think) Thai guys spend 30mins on their hair in the change rooms.

Doesnt bother me at all, except when they offer to spot me. I have to admit I dont feel comfortable with an overly muscled gay guy standing over me.

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i have to agree with ladyheather here.

just because a man is attracted to men, it doesnt mean that he WANTS you.

llikewise, if a woman is attracted to men, it doesnt mean that she wants YOU.

sheesh. some of you ought to get a grip. (sounds like some of you may already have a firm grip)

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Would imagine that OP has some major issues re. sexuality

Ijustwannateach, you are one of my favourite posters, but in this case you might make a completely wrong assumption.

Myself, at the age of 54 I am pretty sure I am fully at ease with my own sexuality. I am a heterosexual family man, but I did a lot of social mixing with gays and lesbians, and as a business owner I employed gays and lesbians at many occasions.

But still, in a gym with a vast gay majority, I maybe wouldn't feel so much at ease: guys jokingly pretending to flirt with me, and so on.

Ijustwannateach, would you as a male feel 100% comfortable in a gym completely populated by females?

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no i'm not a super good lookin guy but i wonder why i'm attracted to gay man than woman. i have been approached several times in Bangkok by gays in an unusual places like Big C, panthip plaza or some restaurant. the guy at the BIG C wanted to go bathroom with me to see my chest!!! He just came next to me and unveil his intention. My GOD! very aggressive.

yes i do flirt with small thai woman but in a polite way. Thai woman are not so good at flirting specially with foreigners but the moment i feel they are uncomfortable , i just pass by or swap my attention to something else. Even if i get a positive node from them i still stand still. coz i know approaching towards a girl in public in Thailand doesn't go with their culture.

To me, to get a thai girl the best places should be gym, some disco or the net. And i prefer the gym as i go there almost everyday. So looking for the perfect gym to socialize.

You said it very well in your own words, lol.

Edited by orchis
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I agree. It a stupid argument.

Most normal men wouldn't feel comfortable in the showers of the gym surrounded by gay men. I'd have thought that it's the homosexual men who are usually not comfotable with their sexuality.

I agree also. I used to live in San Francisco for many years and am not usually uncomfortable around gay men, but all too often in health clubs they would start making out with each other or having sex in the sauna or juccuzi and pay no attention to those that it might put off. I DO find that offensive.

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But they are quite unusual for me as i don't see them everyday back at home quite so often. so of course i'm uncomfortable when guys dreaming of my sweaty body or drooling their hungry eyes upon me. and how do i know who is flirting with me?

If that is the way you feel, then that is the way you feel. But to take this slightly off topic, there was a recent thread about leering at Thai women. Most men thought it was harmless (including myself, if the watching is not noticable), but a few women wrote that it was demeaning or made them feel uncomfortable.

I am going to assume that since you go to the gym, you are fit enough to fend for yourself. But many Thai women are significantly smaller than most men. So if you feel uncomfortable with men "drooling" at you, how do you think a much weaker and smaller Thai woman might feel if some huge foreigner is drooling at her?

I am not picking on you personally, but just using your statement to draw a parallel to the other thread.

Oh no, bonobo, there is no correlation at all. The OP wants to go to a gym to leer at pretty girls, which is, of course, perfectly acceptable, since, as you point out, most ThaiVisa members recently came to the conclusion that women like being leered at, even by the most unattractive of men. But of course, the flip side of the coin is not true at all and it is totally unacceptable for a man to be leered at by men he doesn't find attractive. :o

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i will have to try from a different angle so you can see past your false alarm homophobic radar.

Yes. that is a totally different angle. Your original angle was talking about hetero men being uncomfortable about attention from homosexual men. Your new analogy, very different, very irrelevant.

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I have seldom been to gym clubs, so I kind of wonder what kind of guy (straight guy, especially) goes there regularly. Let's see, that would be a man who cares enough about how his body looks, to work out often. And, do it where other people can see him working out, and he can watch others working out. Then there are the locker rooms and shower rooms. Unlike what UG recalls in San Francisco, Thais are incredibly shy; some of them have sex with one person behind locked doors, in the dark, even when money is involved. So what kind of farang man goes to the gym? And in what ways is this similar to a gay Thai man who goes to the gym?

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I have seldom been to gym clubs, so I kind of wonder what kind of guy (straight guy, especially) goes there regularly. Let's see, that would be a man who cares enough about how his body looks, to work out often. And, do it where other people can see him working out, and he can watch others working out. Then there are the locker rooms and shower rooms. Unlike what UG recalls in San Francisco, Thais are incredibly shy; some of them have sex with one person behind locked doors, in the dark, even when money is involved. So what kind of farang man goes to the gym? And in what ways is this similar to a gay Thai man who goes to the gym?

I am not sure what your point is about the showers and lockers. I quite frankly do not care at all who sees me there, nor do I look at other guys.

Yes, I care about how my body looks, and yes, that is a big aspect of why I go to the gym. As I get older and the body sags a little, I care about how women view me. THe other side of the equation is I like being stronger than most everyone else.

And while I admit I like looking at the women at California Fitness, I have never once picked up someone at a gym, so I don't care who is looking at me. If it were really a good place to pick up women, maybe I would take more care in how I look when I am there! :o

Edited by bonobo
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I have seldom been to gym clubs, so I kind of wonder what kind of guy (straight guy, especially) goes there regularly. Let's see, that would be a man who cares enough about how his body looks, to work out often. And, do it where other people can see him working out, and he can watch others working out. Then there are the locker rooms and shower rooms.

Actually, PB, you're very much in the wrong there - but that's understandable as you said in your opening statement that you have seldom been to the gym.

I used to go to the gym (same gym described in th OP actually, California Wow at Asoke) quite regularly but it wasn't anything to do with how my body looks, and even less to do with the showers and locker rooms. And who exactly would go there for that reason, unless they had a really poorly equipped bathroom at home???

I used to go to the gym mainly to stay fit and healthy, but also because I enjoy exercising and working out. Nothing to do with other people seeing me working out, in fact I used to quite enjoy switching off on the treadmill for half an hour listening to music and running: when doing that I wouldn't have had a clue who else might be watching me - but, being as most other people were doing the same thing as me and concentrating on their own workout, it was probably no-one at all.

By the way, I didn't once see any evidence of men or women checking me or anyone else out in the gym in all the times I went there. Maybe if I went with some pre-conceived ideas about what it might be like in there I might have "seen" things differently...

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I suspect you just made PB's point, bonobo :o

Yes, I admited that body image is one reason I exercise.

But I am not sure about the rest of his post. But then again, maybe LadyHeather is right about PeaceBlondie's intent.

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Would imagine that OP has some major issues re. sexuality

Ijustwannateach, you are one of my favourite posters, but in this case you might make a completely wrong assumption.

Myself, at the age of 54 I am pretty sure I am fully at ease with my own sexuality. I am a heterosexual family man, but I did a lot of social mixing with gays and lesbians, and as a business owner I employed gays and lesbians at many occasions.

But still, in a gym with a vast gay majority, I maybe wouldn't feel so much at ease: guys jokingly pretending to flirt with me, and so on.

Ijustwannateach, would you as a male feel 100% comfortable in a gym completely populated by females?

Thanks for the compliment Keestha.

However, you seem to have misunderstood my personality- like most gay men, I'm not threatened, repulsed, or confused by women. In fact, if I am completely honest, I find some of them very attractive- just not as attractive (and not as often) as I do other guys (and when I like guys, it's because they're guys- no ladyboys, please). Women frequently flirt with me, and I flirt back in a spirit of fun. I've had very close female friends who felt comfortable sleeping (only) with me. And (shock, horror!) there was even a period of my life when I dated women. However, as wonderful as women are, they're not what my system is looking for. That wouldn't make me uncomfortable being surrounded by females in a gym, even if they were flirting with me.

I can maybe imagine one type of situation- unfortunately, I went out with a group of straight friends once to, um, a place with women servers of dubious character. Despite my assertions that I was gay and not interested in them physically, they wouldn't leave me alone, which was annoying- but not threatening.

I do know of a type of rather histrionic misogynist gay personality; I have the feeling these were more common back in the days of the closet and that might related to gays that are more in your age group, so maybe that's part of the misunderstanding.

There are some gay posters on this board who have more grandchildren than I have relatives.

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I agree. It a stupid argument.

Most normal men wouldn't feel comfortable in the showers of the gym surrounded by gay men. I'd have thought that it's the homosexual men who are usually not comfotable with their sexuality.

I agree also. I used to live in San Francisco for many years and am not usually uncomfortable around gay men, but all too often in health clubs they would start making out with each other or having sex in the sauna or juccuzi and pay no attention to those that it might put off. I DO find that offensive.

I would find it offensive, too, UG (unless it were an officially gay sex club for voluntary non-commercial acts between consenting adults, for instance, where a straight man should be perfectly aware if he goes there that such things might occur). And I have never seen such activity in the 'normal' sports clubs in Bangkok- but then again, I don't go looking for it, either.

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i had a chance to talk with one of the personal trainer (?) regarding this matter. I asked him about so many gays in this fitness. He gave me a shocking information. He said, most thai gay man at asoke fitness, are professionals. They are in entertainment business or in call centers. They also go to personal indoor party (kitty party where only woman allowed) and entertain them. And yes they are gay and mostly are not single.

He clearly said they are not in fitness to catch customers but to stay healthy for their business. He said , i'll never see them making out in the sauna or locker room as they do it professionally every night. He also said, after 9pm , i won't see a single gay there.

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