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Security Stepped Up In Bangkok, Tourist Hot Spots


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Security stepped up in Bangkok, tourist hot spots

BANGKOK (AFP) - Security in the Thai capital and popular tourist spots has been stepped up to prevent terror attacks, police said Tuesday after the Thai premier said strikes were planned against heavily populated targets.

"Police have increased strict security measures especially at embassies and tourist areas," Bangkok metropolitan police commissioner Pansiri Prapawat told AFP.

Surveillance of "suspicious groups" had also been increased and intelligence-gathering efforts had intensified, he said.

Last week a Thai security source told AFP that Islamic militants in southern Thailand were planning to extend their attacks beyond provinces near the Malaysian border, where a separatist insurgency has claimed more than 560 lives this year.

The militants were planning "large-scale" attacks in Bangkok and southern Thai provinces in January to mark the first anniversary of the uprising and promote the struggle for an independent Muslim state in the mainly Buddhist kingdom, the source said.

When asked by reporters about specific terror threats in Bangkok as well as the northern city of Chiang Mai and southern tourist haven Phuket, Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra on Monday said: "Yes. We have that information ... we have the way to handle it".

Thaksin did not say who might be planning attacks or what the targets were. Pansiri said he had not received a report of any specific threat in Bangkok.

The Nation newspaper quoted Interior Minister Bhokin Bhalaluka as warning the public to remain vigilant as "terror threats cannot be treated lightly".

--AFP 2004-12-22

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"Take a look at Nana Plaza"

It's a perfect target, indeed.

Wouldn't take high tech.

The supply trucks are allowed to back into the place at all hours.

A beer truck with a couple hundred gallons of fuel/fertilizer........?

Those wooden bar fronts would fold-up like match sticks.

A good reader-submitted horror story on Stickman's:

He may not have the details entirely believable, but he's pretty close.



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BANGKOK (AFP) - Security in the Thai capital and popular tourist spots has been stepped up to prevent terror attacks, police said Tuesday after the Thai premier said strikes were planned against heavily populated targets.

if increased security means just a few more police lounging around on street corners then i doubt if an increased security presence could prevent anything happening , they would need all the luck in the world to identify the terrorist before the event.

security needs to be active and not passive.

perhaps what is also needed is public awareness of what might happen , then, those that work in the target areas on a daily basis and are familiar with things should be able to spot anything suspicious or out of the ordinary.

i dont know if the thai government are running any kind of public awareness campaign or if they are just keeping news of the threats relatively low key so as not to frightnen the punters and reduce the takings.

are any of the business owners in these areas talking to their staff about keeping their eyes open ? are there any parking restrictions in force , are garbage bins sealed off ? any security checks at doorways or street corners.

are the owners in any way looking out for their customers ?

another bali and there will be no customers for the next few years.

either you take security seriously or you dont bother with it at all.

or is it just the usual thai way of not worrying, not caring ,not taking or thinking about any preventative measures until its too late.

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I plan to celebrate New Year count down at Centre World Plaza but I am very affraid something might happen?

Yeh, this will happen - you will be crushed solid for 4 hours, it will take 5 hours to get to a toilet, 3 hours to queue for a drink....

After last year, I wouldnt go back again. Somewhere quieter will be better.

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