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Need Help Mac Slow & Pics Disappeared


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my macbook has recently begun to slow down and the little ball goes around a half minute or so before each action. i have put 18,000 pics on iphoto since coming here this year. so i erased 8000 from iphoto. now when i click on the first half of the remaining little pics, i get a drawn surround with an exclamation mark in it. can anyone advise me or recommend a place to take it to to be be fixed? i am not very computer savy! thanks.

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my macbook has recently begun to slow down and the little ball goes around a half minute or so before each action. i have put 18,000 pics on iphoto since coming here this year. so i erased 8000 from iphoto. now when i click on the first half of the remaining little pics, i get a drawn surround with an exclamation mark in it. can anyone advise me or recommend a place to take it to to be be fixed? i am not very computer savy! thanks.

Firstly, I would like to know is your Mac specification also do you know how many free space (Gb.) on your Mac harddisk?

We are Mac user in Chiang Mai and we have been help our friends who has problem with Mac. PM. me for more help


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my macbook has recently begun to slow down and the little ball goes around a half minute or so before each action. i have put 18,000 pics on iphoto since coming here this year. so i erased 8000 from iphoto. now when i click on the first half of the remaining little pics, i get a drawn surround with an exclamation mark in it. can anyone advise me or recommend a place to take it to to be be fixed? i am not very computer savy! thanks.

Firstly, I would like to know is your Mac specification also do you know how many free space (Gb.) on your Mac harddisk?

We are Mac user in Chiang Mai and we have been help our friends who has problem with Mac. PM. me for more help


thank you and the others for replying. i am afraid my computer ignorance reaches to not know what it means to pm someone, so i will answer here, as well as i can. when i push on the apple, it say i have osx 10.4.11, 2 ghz intel core duo, 1.25 gb memory, 667 mhz ddr2 something or other. that is about all i can tell you. i recently had to upgrade my firefox, they gave me no choice, and since then my safari seems even less useful than it was before, although i am not sure if this really had anything to do with it. someone told me i should erase all my pics off of the hard drive and said go to the apple face thing and type jpeg and then drag. but when i went in, there was stuff i did not know what it meant, so i left it alone. i suspect i have at least 30,000 pics in there. whether this has anything to do with this, i do not know. thanks for replying. any suggestions of what i should do or where i should take it, i would appreciate your time.

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any suggestions of what i should do or where i should take it, i would appreciate your time.

You've already been told where to take it!

sorry! i was asking the last poster, as he seemed to have more info for me after i had given him the info he requested from me and i was unable to pm him, not knowing what this meant.

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my macbook has recently begun to slow down and the little ball goes around a half minute or so before each action. i have put 18,000 pics on iphoto since coming here this year. so i erased 8000 from iphoto. now when i click on the first half of the remaining little pics, i get a drawn surround with an exclamation mark in it. can anyone advise me or recommend a place to take it to to be be fixed? i am not very computer savy! thanks.

Firstly, I would like to know is your Mac specification also do you know how many free space (Gb.) on your Mac harddisk?

We are Mac user in Chiang Mai and we have been help our friends who has problem with Mac. PM. me for more help


thank you and the others for replying. i am afraid my computer ignorance reaches to not know what it means to pm someone, so i will answer here, as well as i can. when i push on the apple, it say i have osx 10.4.11, 2 ghz intel core duo, 1.25 gb memory, 667 mhz ddr2 something or other. that is about all i can tell you. i recently had to upgrade my firefox, they gave me no choice, and since then my safari seems even less useful than it was before, although i am not sure if this really had anything to do with it. someone told me i should erase all my pics off of the hard drive and said go to the apple face thing and type jpeg and then drag. but when i went in, there was stuff i did not know what it meant, so i left it alone. i suspect i have at least 30,000 pics in there. whether this has anything to do with this, i do not know. thanks for replying. any suggestions of what i should do or where i should take it, i would appreciate your time.

I am living in a mooban (Sansai area). I usually running around to take care all my clients, so if you would like I can visit you. It seem basic problem I should be able to do some help. I know you can go to Mac center but think about big bill for a small problem.

my phone no. 089 8544253


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The circles with the exclamation mark around them indicate that the photo has not been imported into iPhoto or that the photo no longer exists in the iPhoto library. What you are clicking on is a thumbnail image of the original photo. You should delete the thumbnail because it is no longer relevant or linked to the original image file.

It sounds like the thumbnails are in albums as opposed to in your events library or that they were never properly imported into iPhoto. Sorry to tell you but when you trashed them from other places on your hard disk you removed the original files and all that remains is the thumbnail imported into iPhoto.

You need to have iPhoto set up to copy photos to the iPhoto library on importing if you want to store them in iPhoto. Otherwise they still reside on your hard disk and you only have a thumbnail image in iPhoto. This setting is found in the advanced menu of the preferences settings.

You should also download Onyx from the Apple website (free) and run it to clear your caches and reset the Unix commands periodically. Using some paid-for tools such as Tech Tool (also available from some torrent sites such as thepiratebay.org) you can optimise and de-frag your hard disk. Be warned though that full defraging of a badly neglected hard disk can take many, many hours. If Firefox is running slow then you should delete your preference files. Full details are available on the Mozilla forum.

You can also try a restart holding the command+option+shift keys down and waiting until the second startup tone before releasing the keys. This will clear the PRAM.

To PM someone click on their uer name next their post and select Send a Message.

Edited by photojourn
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