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Canadian Embassy Bkk

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I need to renew my passport in 2 days, would apply Monday and need it back Tuesday afternoon. Have a flight booked and paid for from bkk to Vientiane Tues night, non-refundable ticket, mistakenly thought i had exactly 6 months left, but actually only 5 months. Anyone know if its possible?

I have heard that someone at the embassy can act as your guarantor if you apply in person, is that right?

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I need to renew my passport in 2 days, would apply Monday and need it back Tuesday afternoon. Have a flight booked and paid for from bkk to Vientiane Tues night, non-refundable ticket, mistakenly thought i had exactly 6 months left, but actually only 5 months. Anyone know if its possible?

I have heard that someone at the embassy can act as your guarantor if you apply in person, is that right?

IF they can do the replacement, remember that you need to factor in some time to go to Immigration over at Suan Plu to switch your visa status here and your arrival info over to the new passport.

On the other hand, if that doesn't work, and since you have a non-refundable ticket, I'd give it a shot for going out to Swampy, don't say anything about your passport, just check in and fly up there. It's sort of like horseshoes and hand grenades, five months "close" might just be close enough to get you into Laos, and out again.

My Thai wife got into Seattle 6-7 years ago with just seventeen (17) days left on her passport, and some sweet & swift talking by me. We had return tickets in 14 days, which helped.


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This is only hearsay but I was told very recently that Thai Passport control are enforcing 6 months validity scrupulously at the moment. Coincidentally I heard a story earlier tonight about a guy turned away at Swampy a week ago because his passport was 5 months 2 weeks valid, he was travelling from Vietnam. So with two recent incidents in mind, I would be careful about risking it.

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This is only hearsay but I was told very recently that Thai Passport control are enforcing 6 months validity scrupulously at the moment. Coincidentally I heard a story earlier tonight about a guy turned away at Swampy a week ago because his passport was 5 months 2 weeks valid, he was travelling from Vietnam. So with two recent incidents in mind, I would be careful about risking it.

Good point. Does make me wonder, tho, why most countries have this 6-month validity rule. Does shorten the "life" of your passport a bit since you need to get a new one at least six months before the current one expires.

I note that there's no Canadian Embassy in Vientiane just in case the OP got stuck there, however:

Canadian Embassy in Laos

Laos People's Democratic Republic send edits

The Government of Canada has no resident representation in Laos.

Services are offered through our Embassy in Bangkok, Thailand.

For consular services, please contact the Australian Embassy in Laos.


Looks like the Ozzies would process a new passport but might take some time as probably has to be processed via the Canadian Embassy in Bangkok.


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Laos embassy visa requirements states 6 months minimum to get a visa, so I will call them Monday. Actually I tried to call them Friday for 2 hours but got no answer even trying different extension numbers, no one picked up the phone. I also went to the Laos embassy in bkk last Thurday, arrived 330pm and they were closed! Website and door says open to 4pm, Guard tells me they had something to do outside...TIT...

Anyone know about the guarantor, and if someone at embassy can act as that...I cant remember what they allow...

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If they give the old passport back with a VOID stamped trough it, cant you use the stamp in that to exit the country? May save the trip to Suan Plu. I'm going through the same thing and thats what I was going to do. Not 100% sure though.

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Laos embassy visa requirements states 6 months minimum to get a visa, so I will call them Monday. Actually I tried to call them Friday for 2 hours but got no answer even trying different extension numbers, no one picked up the phone. I also went to the Laos embassy in bkk last Thurday, arrived 330pm and they were closed! Website and door says open to 4pm, Guard tells me they had something to do outside...TIT...

Anyone know about the guarantor, and if someone at embassy can act as that...I cant remember what they allow...

Guarantor for Lao Tourist Visa? I got a tourist visa last Wednesday, left that portion of the application blank, no problem.


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Laos embassy visa requirements states 6 months minimum to get a visa, so I will call them Monday. Actually I tried to call them Friday for 2 hours but got no answer even trying different extension numbers, no one picked up the phone. I also went to the Laos embassy in bkk last Thurday, arrived 330pm and they were closed! Website and door says open to 4pm, Guard tells me they had something to do outside...TIT...

Anyone know about the guarantor, and if someone at embassy can act as that...I cant remember what they allow...

Guarantor for Lao Tourist Visa? I got a tourist visa last Wednesday, left that portion of the application blank, no problem.


Sorry I mean guarantor for the PP renewal at Canadian embassy. I have heard that someone at the embassy can act as a guarantor, for the PPphotos or something...

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Yes the Embassy staff can act as your guarantor for C$ 50 plus C$ 100 for 48 pages passport, however you will need 15 working days to get your passport (3 weeks), which will be sent to the Embassy from Canada.

They might speed it up for 2 to 3 days less but that is all they can do as they told me last year, when I changed my passport because it was full and not expired.


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I have a few questions related to all this..

How long are the passports valid that are issued in Bangkok? I got a passport done in Taipei and it is only good for 5 years!

Are the passports they issue in Bangkok "Machine Readable"? I sometimes have issues going through immigration at various countries because my Taipei issued Canadian passport is NOT machine readable!

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I have a few questions related to all this..

How long are the passports valid that are issued in Bangkok? I got a passport done in Taipei and it is only good for 5 years!

Are the passports they issue in Bangkok "Machine Readable"? I sometimes have issues going through immigration at various countries because my Taipei issued Canadian passport is NOT machine readable!

The 'new' ones are valid for 5 years also but machine readable.

To Engrin, as bjhabal said, they will act as your guarantor (if you pony up 50-100 loonies depending on # of pages). The machine readable requirement is apparently the reason the CDN Embassy requires 3 weeks to process a new one (believe the 'new' passports are now processed back in Ottawa and then fwd to Bkk). Outside of shaving a few days off the required 3 week turnaround, you may have to stay put (sorry). Don't take this as the latest though, my new passport was issued last year and the process may have changed. Hope so for your situation. Please post what may come on Monday so others can get up to date and be prepared. Good luck!

PS: CDN Embassy staff in Bkk are tops in my book and keeping calm and reasonable is the best way to get a break (if one is possible in this case).

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Alright will do, thx for those reply's.

I dont know if I can change the name on my plane ticket, but if i can then I'll take the best offer for anyone who want a direct flight to vientiane this tuesday night, 8pm, arrive 9pm, return Thursday 10pm, arrive bkk 11pm. I paid 7000B for it.

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I need to renew my passport in 2 days, would apply Monday and need it back Tuesday afternoon. Have a flight booked and paid for from bkk to Vientiane Tues night, non-refundable ticket, mistakenly thought i had exactly 6 months left, but actually only 5 months. Anyone know if its possible?

I have heard that someone at the embassy can act as your guarantor if you apply in person, is that right?

Hi Green,

Our embassy provides a 'Temporary Passport' for about 2500 Baht and it is valid for 1 year but it only has 4 valid pages for stamps. Go to the embassy, submit your old PP application and also submit an application for the temporary PP. Don't hold your breath on getting your PP on time (they took almost a month and a very costly overstay for mine when they told me that it would only take 10 days!!) They can process your temporary passport within a day or two depending on the emergency and staff. Bring 3 valid PP pictures as our Gov. is very particular about this. Bring at least 3 pieces of Canadian I.D., They prefer Birth Certificate to prove that you are Canadian. Make sure you have all your forms filled out correctly and you can also use a local Thai person that you have known for minimum of 2 years that may also speed up the process. I recommend using a local because of the time differences back at home. If you also know a local Guarantor you can use this person as well to save yourself the $50, otherwise the embassy can be your Guarantor for $50.

When and if you do receive your Temporary Passport ( I think it is white instead of our blue) you will need photocopies from both your old and new temporary passport plus a letter from the embassy explaining that you will need a transfer of stamp, etc. to bring to Suan Plu Immigration. Which btw, is a free process at Immigration! It is time consuming but Suan Plu doesn't close until 4:30PM but I would suggest getting ASAP! After all that is complete go on your trip, come back and then wait for your blue PP, oh, and you will have to submit your Temporary Passport upon receiving your new PP.

Good Luck!!

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I need to renew my passport in 2 days, would apply Monday and need it back Tuesday afternoon. Have a flight booked and paid for from bkk to Vientiane Tues night, non-refundable ticket, mistakenly thought i had exactly 6 months left, but actually only 5 months. Anyone know if its possible?

I have heard that someone at the embassy can act as your guarantor if you apply in person, is that right?

Go to the embassy, submit your old PP application and also submit an application for the temporary PP. Don't hold your breath on getting your PP on time (they took almost a month and a very costly overstay for mine when they told me that it would only take 10 days!!) They can process your temporary passport within a day or two depending on the emergency and staff. Bring 3 valid PP pictures as our Gov. is very particular about this. Bring at least 3 pieces of Canadian I.D., They prefer Birth Certificate to prove that you are Canadian. Make sure you have all your forms filled out correctly and you can also use a local Thai person that you have known for minimum of 2 years that may also speed up the process. I recommend using a local because of the time differences back at home. If you also know a local Guarantor you can use this person as well to save yourself the $50, otherwise the embassy can be your Guarantor for $50.

When and if you do receive your Temporary Passport ( I think it is white instead of our blue) you will need photocopies from both your old and new temporary passport plus a letter from the embassy explaining that you will need a transfer of stamp, etc. to bring to Suan Plu Immigration. Which btw, is a free process at Immigration! It is time consuming but Suan Plu doesn't close until 4:30PM but I would suggest getting ASAP! After all that is complete go on your trip, come back and then wait for your blue PP, oh, and you will have to submit your Temporary Passport upon receiving your new PP.

Good Luck!!

Thanks Fatum! Few questions:

  • You say bring the old PP application, for that I need two PP photos, so the 3rd is for TempPP? Does it need the stamp address/date from the photo shop?
  • Re: Canadian ID, they just require two pieces, and for that I am using my current PP and birth certificate.
  • The two references and guarantor is for the PP renewal, but do I need to have that on the TempPP? If I do, it will mean I will have to run around and get all those signatures AGAIN and I have to wait until tomrow to get the tempPP appl form. That will take a day or two in itself!

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i will pick up my temp PP tmrow 2pm, all was smooth. So thats a 2 day service, apply day 1, pick up day 2 for temporary PP, valid 1 year, 4 pages.

They said u can go to suanplu if u want, but they didn't anticipate i would have problems carrying 2 passports. My visa expires on thursday, so once i have a stamp into Laos, theres really no need for the other passport? I would prefer to not waste the time at suan plu if I can help it. Any advice there?

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any experience about the visa transfer from passports in this case?

Transfer of stamps to a new passport is free and won't take long. But you will lose space in your passport. Be sure to have enough space for the other stamps you are going to need!

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how about from old PP to temporary PP? When i enter Laos, they will look the old and stamp the new, the old is going to be valid only until I get the new stamp from thai embassy in Laos, for 2 days, so is it really necessary to go to suan plu just for that?

When i get the new visa in the temporary PP, of course i have to get that transferred at suan plu to the new PP.

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