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Apple Iphone 3g In Thailand. What A Joke.


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Yesterday Thailand through True Move network Announced the Iphone. What a Joke. They had at least about few thousand people lined up and it would take about 3 to 4 hours at least to get in to end of the line. Suppose to sign contract for two years and get the phone. But after waiting for over 4 Hours they require loan approval by Bank to give the phone. I said I a mhere to get a Phone and not a Loan Approval to get a Phone. They were turning about 95% of their customers back and you could see everyone was so tired of waiting and they would hear this in the end. What a Joke by Apple introducing Iphone through True. I guess this is why AIS did not make the deal with Apple. Good Luck. It is better to buy the Iphone at MBK unlock and no bother with True.

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Could you supply us with more details? How much does it cost to buy the phone with the contract? How much is the contract every month? Can foreigners get this? etc...

They say can but not really. Suppose to be free with two years of contract and pay about 2000 baht per month. But for the price of the phone they want Bank Loan approval from such a bank like K-Bank. Otherwise pay about 28,000 baht and 599 Baht per month for service. It does not worth it. You can buy unlock one from MBK at this price.

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Could you supply us with more details? How much does it cost to buy the phone with the contract? How much is the contract every month? Can foreigners get this? etc...

It was posted in detail on here a week or so ago, with prices and where to buy.. as for True and contract for this phone it is all on there web site

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Could you supply us with more details? How much does it cost to buy the phone with the contract? How much is the contract every month? Can foreigners get this? etc...

It was posted in detail on here a week or so ago, with prices and where to buy.. as for True and contract for this phone it is all on there web site

What realy say on web site and what they realy honor is different. Why would you need Bank Loan approval for 29,000 Baht to buy the phone? On web site say require a credit card from K-Bank and choose the plan. But when you go there then they want Bank Loan approval for 29,000 baht before they give you. It is same for Thai. I think True do not know how honor 2 years contract as we do in USA. It is not a nature of business in Asia and Thailand. I was there last night for 4 hours seeing all what happen.

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Could you supply us with more details? How much does it cost to buy the phone with the contract? How much is the contract every month? Can foreigners get this? etc...

It was posted in detail on here a week or so ago, with prices and where to buy.. as for True and contract for this phone it is all on there web site

What realy say on web site and what they realy honor is different. Why would you need Bank Loan approval for 29,000 Baht to buy the phone? On web site say require a credit card from K-Bank and choose the plan. But when you go there then they want Bank Loan approval for 29,000 baht before they give you. It is same for Thai. I think True do not know how honor 2 years contract as we do in USA. It is not a nature of business in Asia and Thailand. I was there last night for 4 hours seeing all what happen.

This is a link to web site if you need:


Good Luck

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First, you can always get the phone-only without plan for 24,500 or 28,500.

That's pretty steep. I assume it's because True is trying to push people to buy their retarded plans, which will fail. The plans are ridiculously priced - they make sense only if you consider that a BHT 1000 unlimited internet package is part of the deal. However, nobody really needs an unlimited internet package with an iPhone, especially not over EDGE. For checking emails 20h/ month is enough and only costs BHT 100.

Second, the whole loan thing sounds like they f-ed up pretty bad with the execution of the plan as well. It's normal in the USA to do a credit check for a phone on a plan, maybe you didn't know this. I was new to the U.S. and didn't have a credit history and I was told that in order to enable a feature as exotic as "international calling" I needed to put down a $1000 (yes - one thousand!) deposit. In Europe you just need a passport and a bank account. A bank loan approval sounds like it would be a big hassle to get. If they go through with that they'll sell three or four phones, and drive customers to the little shops selling HK-unlocked iPhones.

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how do the ones in mbk work?

do you just use a normal sim card that you can top up in 711 with a scratch off card?

are all features and internet available with this method?

what if you take it overseas?

Yes they are unlocked so you pop in any sim and can use the top up cards if you want... but a cheap plan at ais is going to save you money. Yes full internet, it will charge you per minute, I have a package that gives me like 30 hours a month for very cheap.. I use only a fraction of that.

Take it overseas and use a sim card for that country unless youve got a good simcard that works overseas.

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Last Night I called True Iphone center to complian about the Service the Night before at Patagon. After I was put on hold for 15 minutes True Explain to me that only plan is available is a Basic plan for to buy the phoen for 27,000 baht and 12 months contract and pay 599 Baht per month. I told her why would of want to do this if I can buy the Phone outside unlock for same price and use better providers than True. She said that they have problem with K-Bank that only imited to give to few hundered credit line to give Iphone. So, at this time offering only Basic Package and not others.

My Understanding is True can not finance so many Iphone to buy from Apple and have K-Bank to do the finanacing for them and then K-Bank did not expect to see so many customers to go for this. I believe this is why AIS did not made the contract with Apple. This is not a nature of business in Asia to give phones with 1 to 2 years contract. So, it seems liek that True fail in introducing Iphone in Thailand.

I have unlock Iphone which I buy from MBK and now they have a 2.2 version update and jailbreak which is all problems been fix. So, my Iphoen work as good as my Iphoen from the one with AT&T in USA.

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how do the ones in mbk work?

do you just use a normal sim card that you can top up in 711 with a scratch off card?

are all features and internet available with this method?

what if you take it overseas?


As I said now they have the new versoin of 2.2 upgrade program and new Jailbreak program that Ulock the 3G Iphoen and works just like the ones you buy from AT&T. Also can take any SIM card from any providers without cutting the SIM Card or add any circuit board to SIM like before. It has fix all problems such as getting "No Service " Sometimes and had to reset or off /on the Iphone. It works faster and Battrey seems work longer than before too.

I do have a plan with AIS for unimited Internet connection which cost me only 900 Baht per month. Since I use my iphone alot for internet connection and checking e-mail with "Push" option.

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Following is Quoted by " 3G Week - Asia Mobile News

"The phone actually hasn’t arrived yet in Thailand (although first it is reported to be available on Jan 16), but the local residences may able to book for it using True Move online page. Anyway, this is the million dollar question. Thankfully, we are not going to wait any longer to find out about it. If you would like to buy the handset only, it will cost you 24,500 baht for 8GB (US$ 701) and 28,500 Baht (US$ 816) for 16GB version. The conversion is for official rate, not the offshore rate. As of today, US$ 1 equals to 34.75 Baht."

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How does the GPS option work on the new Iphones in Thailand?

I have a friend who bought a newer Samsung with GPS mapping (google) but it rarely shows the correct position of where he is. I was wondering how the Iphones compare and if they update real time and show the correct poition on the map.

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the iphone in the US cost only $199 for 8g and $299 for 16g.....

in thailand it cost 24-28 thousand baht, you are talking about $500 hundred US dollar profit....dam_n what a rip off

if all yall really want the phone, pay me 10-15kbaht each and if i have enought customer i will fly to the US myself and buy the phone and carry it back myself.

Edited by chowder
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the iphone in the US cost only $199 for 8g and $299 for 16g.....

in thailand it cost 24-28 thousand baht, you are talking about $500 hundred US dollar profit....dam_n what a rip off

if all yall really want the phone, pay me 10-15kbaht each and if i have enought customer i will fly to the US myself and buy the phone and carry it back myself.

If those prices quoted by Chowder are correct, I'll throw my hat in the ring also to do a "phone run." If I get enough PMs, along with a deposit (I have a Kasikorn Bank account :D ), I will hop on a plane, visit my mum, pick up the phones and be back within 7~10 days. I really should pop in to see my baby sister as she just had a baby, hence the 10 days.

Your humble phone runner,

TheWalkingMan :o

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Would you like the US payment plans that go with that low price ? People love to tell one side of the story. My brother in law got free HTC diamond with his contract in Singapore, and the contract is about 2500 baht / month for 2 years.
i bet you i can get it without a AT&T service plan, you just need to know where to look for it.
People love to tell one side of the story
clueless people like you is the one that cough up 28kbaht for a phone, when you can get it for half the price.
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I second Chowder's review of the new software fix for the iPhone. I just had yet another "incident" with the secondary SIM hardware. Thought I'd have to throw down another 900 baht for the sliver of Jailbreak circuitry. MBK shop informed me they just got software fix around New Year's and I don't need that fragile sliver that slides under my 1-2 Call SIM (I switch my SIM to a Nokia sometimes). So far, after a week of service, it's not been a problem.

Also noticed, on visit to MBK, iPhone prices have gone up 2500 to 3000 baht since my visit in May to 26,000 to 27,000 for 8gig phone. Confirmed by the shop I was dealing with and price inquiries at several others.

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From: Three reasons not to RSVP an iPhone 3G (CNET Asia, Jesada Chandraprasert - click for full article)

Software limitations Despite all the progress that Apple seems to allow the iPhone's software to make, it is still limiting the usability of such a capable device in many ways.

1. Still no cut-and-paste, need I say more?

2. No downloads over 10MB from the iTunes Store via 3G/EDGE, you have to use Wi-Fi.

3. Background tasks are still not available. What good is IM when you have to keep it in the foreground all the time?

4. No MMS. Not everyone in Thailand is always online. This market still heavily uses MMS.

5. Google Maps just doesn't cut it in Thailand, especially in the mountainous areas where there is no network coverage. We need a real GPS solution.

Sure, it may have legitimate reasons for not implementing some of these features, but isn't it true that by pushing the envelope and moving away from those "safe" boundaries, you're forcing yourself and others to go forward and resolve issues that may arise and thus make an even follow-up product? I'll end the nitpicking on software and get on to other areas.

Network shortcomings

True Move's network is just not the right platform to support this product at this point in time. With data still running at GPRS over most of the country, EDGE is available only in certain urban areas. There is no good way to make use of the speed advantage of a 3G device.

Its hotspots are also mostly available in urban areas and certain touristy areas upcountry. Having to go to a cafe, restaurant or mall just to make use of a device is not what mobile connectivity is about.

No clear-cut 3G rollout date yet, just "coming soon".

Financing and contract options

It's mighty nice of True Move to provide options for payment upfront or financing options but its data packages on the iPhone page are clearly a ripoff for those unlucky enough to actually research its Web site and packages. It has bundled the cost of incremental data and call packaging into the price of your monthly payments if you've chosen to go the financing route.

The least expensive package is for an 8GB model on the Bronze package. You pay 6,999 baht upfront for the iPhone and 1,199 over 24 months for 100 minutes, 100 text messages, 10 hours of data on its network and 20 hours of hotspot usage. The total, excluding anything outside the plan, is 35,775 baht.

The 16GB model brings you up another 3,500 baht for the initial cost of ownership at the same monthly plan. Hmm, over 40,000 baht for an iPhone 3G.

Now, let me linger for a moment on 10 hours of data over the airwaves. (Queue Khun Louis rant here.) Most people do not know, but the iPhone pings the network even though it is not "actively" using the data connection, does True Move know this? I foresee hundreds of people lining up at the True Move kiosks around Thailand with their bills in one hand and pitchforks or torches in the other.

If you go for its cheapest plan, which is the Basic plan, you'll have to pay 23,275 baht upfront for the iPhone and sign for a 12-month, 599-baht contract for unlimited data which includes 300 baht worth of calls and 300 text message added free of charge.

Did you know that you have to have a credit card issued by Kasikorn Bank or Bangkok Bank to qualify for its payment packages if you want to spread out the cost of the phone over 24 months? If you do not have one of these cards, then they will redirect you to an online form which you fill out, print and fax to apply for a True Move-branded Bangkok Bank credit card. However, you have to go through the approval process and do not get to pick up your iPhone with the others at Paragon Hall.

My suggestion for those who want to go legit and have ease of mind knowing you're covered by a 12-month waranty for your iPhone 3G is to go down to a True Move office near you and sign up for an unlimited data/hotspot access plan for 450 baht per month. Then RSVP an iPhone without a plan and pay for it in full or charge it to your current credit card and utilize your own "easy payment plan" like Citibank's Paylite or Aeon's Happy Plan. This way, you have the safety of a warranty and the freedom of jumping ship if the True Move network just doesn't cut it for you.

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From: Three reasons not to RSVP an iPhone 3G (CNET Asia, Jesada Chandraprasert - click for full article)

Software limitations Despite all the progress that Apple seems to allow the iPhone's software to make, it is still limiting the usability of such a capable device in many ways.

1. Still no cut-and-paste, need I say more?

One slight correction on copy n paste to the usually thorough and xclnt Khun Jesada -

COPY N PASTE function instructions for iPhone (click, includes vid tutorial)

I've used it for awhile now, a bit cumbersome at first but a welcome 3rd party app (privacy concerns aside).

Also see OPEN CLIP (link)

You Tube COPY N PASTE demo 1.1.3 (may need red-bull after watching this Mr Rogers techy zzzZzz)

Edited by baht&sold
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Would you like the US payment plans that go with that low price ? People love to tell one side of the story. My brother in law got free HTC diamond with his contract in Singapore, and the contract is about 2500 baht / month for 2 years.
i bet you i can get it without a AT&T service plan, you just need to know where to look for it.
People love to tell one side of the story
clueless people like you is the one that cough up 28kbaht for a phone, when you can get it for half the price.

Before anyone buys a ticket thinking they are going to find the Iphone for under $200 and buy a bunch to bring back, take a quick look through ebay(US) and you will find your answer that that is impossible. To buy a new or even slightly used and/or jailbroke phone especially 3G 16gb, you will pay minimum $500 without a contract (2year) with AT&T. At best and you are lucky you may save 1000 baht before shipping......I have been looking and they are slightly cheaper but not that much. Ebay is the place to find them though without a contract. If you find a smoking deal PM me and I will bring one back for both of us.

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True actually offers a new promotion, just saw it on thaideals:


True doesn't seem to sell too many of those phones it seems.

I anyway would not support a conglomerate that owns True, 7/11, has a monopoly on cable TV and money in lots of other companies in Thailand. And is supposed to be a financial main backer of the PAD.

Go for an unlocked MBK fone to enjoy SIM freedom and support a better cause.

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1. Still no cut-and-paste, need I say more?

2. No downloads over 10MB from the iTunes Store via 3G/EDGE, you have to use Wi-Fi.

3. Background tasks are still not available. What good is IM when you have to keep it in the foreground all the time?

4. No MMS. Not everyone in Thailand is always online. This market still heavily uses MMS.

5. Google Maps just doesn't cut it in Thailand, especially in the mountainous areas where there is no network coverage. We need a real GPS solution.

^^^ erm. Who cares? None of these are real concerns.

The rest of the article is spot on though, True packages are a complete rip-off and I think they won't find many fools to sign on for that. Not with the readily available alternatives. If you can afford these packages, you can also afford sending your driver to MBK to get an unlocked HK iPhone :o

The article is also incorrect in stating that the iPhone pings the network regularly. You can set the frequency for checking email - one of the options is to not check email in the background, e.g. it only checks when you open the email app. You could also set it to check every hour in which case it won't use all that much network time either. I find web surfing and mail perfectly adequate on a 20h/month package.

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i believe i heard that other service providers like AIS and DTAC may offer iphone/packages in the future?

can someone with facts correct me?



I think DTAC would be the first one after True would offer the Iphone. But i think it would be the same deal as True and it would not work out. Best to buy from MBK unlock ones. As we talking the enw upgrade 2.2 for Iphone don't need that fragile sliver that slides under the SIM card. I done mine now for one week and have no problems or errors.

Also guys AIS now start offering 3G in limited Area in Bangkok and then soon DTAC.

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Just talked to a guy who flits back and forth to europe, he paid top dollar for his iphone, but apparently linking phone sales to contracts is a no-no there, he uses it here, says it costs NOTHING to use EDGE and wi-fi. has GoogleEarth and looks very impressive.Uses local Sim card and 12Call only.

I would go for the $200 deal, now paying about Baht1600 pm for flaky 'net in Pattaya and Bangkok.

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