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Watching Premier League Football In Chiang Mai


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where is everyone's favourite place to watch football (yes, soccer if you wish) here in chiang mai? there don't seem to be that many bars showing matches any more, just a handful. i've tried a few different places but last night watched at tuskers for the first time on their big plasma screen upstairs, absolutely top venue. plus into the bargain it was 60 baht a big leo and 100 baht all the ribs you can eat. excellent find this one.

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Huh.. I thought pretty much ALL bars show the EPL.. the only issue could be on which of the 4 or 5 matches they show when multiple matches are played at the same time!

So it's so much of a non-issue that I don't even have a favorite place.. Just any place I happen to be enjoying a beer I'd keep an eye on the game too.

I wouldn't go watch it in a bar that's otherwise dead just because they have a big screen.

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nah, don't think that all bars show the football, don't seem to be that many now in fairness. i've just been looking for somewhere to make a regular place to watch the match that has a decent telly and is comfortable to watch in, i.e. has the commentary on instead of loud music, you can get a seat with a decent spec of the screen etc. tuskers seems to fit the bill nicely.

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If on the odd occasion i go out to watch the match rather than watching it at home, i use Johns bar. They have a big screen and its very good not blurred like some big screens. beers cheap also. you can usually ask for the game that you want to watch, if theres more than a couple of games wanted they always put the others on a smaller screen.

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fa cup this weekend - any chiang mai resident evertonians want to watch the merseyside derby on sunday night? :o

although not an evertonian, i want to watch the game as its not on true, i'll be popping out for a beer or 3. where you going to watch it, i may see ya there. :D

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