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Us State Dept Warning


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Looks like the us goverment does not believe that it is safe to travel here in Phuket.

Althought the thai goverment says it is.

Here in kamala they have cleaned up the main road BUT the ebach road and the beach area is still as it was 5 days ago. Will take awhile to get back to normal.

US sate Dept WARNING


This Public Announcement is being issued to urge American citizens to avoid travel to the southwestern area of Thailand encompassing Phuket, Phi Phi Island, Krabi, and the small islands in the vicinity due to the aftermath of lethal tsunamis. US citizens in those areas are also urged to depart as soon as safe transportation is available. This Public Announcement expires on January 25, 2005.

A series of tsunami waves caused by a severe earthquake struck southwestern coastal areas of Thailand on December 26 and caused great loss of life and destruction to buildings and infrastructure in the popular resort areas of Phuket, Phi Phi Island, Krabi, and other smaller islands in that vicinity. There have been severe disruptions to normal services in these areas, including hotels and telephone services. As a result, the Department of State urges that American citizens avoid all non-emergency travel to those areas.

Americans living or traveling in Thailand are encouraged to register with the US. Embassy in Bangkok through the State Department's travel registration website at https://travelregistration.state.gov <https://travelregistration.state.gov/> . American citizens may also obtain up-to-date information on security conditions by calling 1-888-407-4747 toll-free in the United States and Canada, and 317-472-2328 from overseas.

Further Department of State travel information, including the complete text of the Consular Information Sheet for Thailand is available at the Department of State's web site: http://travel.state.gov.


December 28, 2004

This Public Announcement is being issued to inform U.S. citizens about conditions in countries affected by the December 26 Tsunami. It will expire on January 28, 2005.

The Tsunami struck several Asian and East African countries December 26, causing devastation in some -- but not all regions of these countries. The following areas were affected:

-- INDONESIA: The Northern and Western parts of the Indonesian Island of Sumatra, and particularly the province of Aceh. Tourist destinations in Bali and Eastern Indonesia were not affected.

-- SRI LANKA AND MALDIVES: The Southern and Eastern coastal areas of Sri Lanka and the island of Male in the Maldives.

-- THAILAND: The Southwestern and coastal areas of Thailand encompassing the provinces of Phuket, Phang-Nga and Krabi. Areas particulary hard hit include Phuket, Phi Phi Island, Krabi, and several small islands in this area. Islands in the Gulf of Thailand (such as Koh Samui) were not affected by the tsunami.

-- MALAYSIA: The Northwest coast of Malaysia especially, Penang and Langkawi.

-- INDIA and THE ANDAMAN and NICOBAR ISLANDS: The Southeastern coast of India on the Bay of Bengal including the Andaman Islands.

-- BURMA: The Western coast on the Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea.

-- BANGLADESH: The Southern coast on the Bay of Bengal.

-- SOMALIA: Coastal region.

-- KENYA: Coastal region.

-- TANZANIA: Coastal region.

-- SEYCHELLES: Coastal region.

The Department of State encourages all American citizens living or traveling in any part of these countries, even if not directly affected by this crisis, to call or e-mail family members to let them know their welfare. Americans traveling in these countries who require assistance should contact the closest Embassy or Consulate. U.S. citizens may also obtain up-to-date information by calling 1-888-407-4747 toll-free in the United States and Canada, and 317-472-2328 from overseas.

Further Department of State travel information, including the complete text of the Consular Information Sheets for the affected countries, is available at the Department of State's website: http://travel.state.gov.

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