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been here over 5 years and this year i have been bitten so many times and causing scars because i cant stop scratching.I have checked everywhere,even next door.to see if there is a nest or polluted water somewhere,especialy drains.cant see nothing but we i spray the house,there are loads of the dead buggers onthe floor.

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I had Dengue last year .... it sucked!

Wearing layers of clothing at night won't help (since the Dengue vector is a daytime mosquito!)

The OP does appear to be highly neurotic about it .. but I am sure he/she would look great all bundled up in the islands in the heat of the day carrying a mozzie zapper!

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been here over 5 years and this year i have been bitten so many times and causing scars because i cant stop scratching.I have checked everywhere,even next door.to see if there is a nest or polluted water somewhere,especialy drains.cant see nothing but we i spray the house,there are loads of the dead buggers onthe floor.

Mosquitoes do not build nests , they lay thier eggs in stagnant water , to kill the larvai that cling to the miniscus of the water , spray kerosene or petrol on the water to cut off air supply , if you have water barrels , keep fish in them so they can feed on the larvai . Fog the house about an hour before sunset and exit the house , that spray is NOT good for your health (Read the can) , fog surrounding brush , we used to burn "Fog pots' which helped keep them at bay . Clean yourself with UNSCENTED soap such as Dove , including your hair , do not use deoderants or anything perfumed . Remember , the mosquitoes heat sensor 'Eyes' find you and then they zero in by your breath , wearing a face mask MAY deter them , we had mosquitoe upper body screens in Canada , never saw one in Thailand , made of bug netting , covered your head to your waist and your arms , maybe you could fashion one .

Footnote : if all else fails , immerse yourself in a tub of iced water and stop breathing .

p.s. There are mosquito 'Vaccums' on the market that attract them by emitting human breath then sucks them inside to a retainer bag , never saw one of those in Thailand either :o

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If you want to keep those Mosquito's away eat food that has lots of Vitamin B in it IE Milo Vegemite etc do your home work

The Vitamin B comes out in your swet and those Mossies don't like the odor

Could you provide a link to a site/sites that substantiate your claim that vit. B scares the mossies away?

I would be very interested in this information as the little buggers are eating me alive.

To the OP: I have been living in Thailand for 15 years and have been bitten thousands of times.

In this time I have contracted Dengue fever (type 1) once three years ago.

My experience alone is not statistically meaningful, but might indicate that the danger of you getting Dengue while staying in Thailand for one month is not overwhelming.

As indicated by previous posts you are better served worrying about the traffic, contaminated food & water, fire and safety standards etc

Edited by MZurf
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Chaos, where you coming from?

Paranoia City, Sumplace.

If you are so worried, go to Iceland, hardly any insects.

In over 5 years visiting LoS, Phuket to Chiang Mai, I have neva been bitten by skeeters.

If you think you will be bitten, you will be.

My defence against skeeters has been........

Eat Marmite or Vegemite daily, bread or toast and eventually you "may" become like myself and my family, immune, or less tasty to the lil varmits. I said 'may' cos it does not work for some folk, body chemistry, I guess.

Get a life, hop on a plane and get ya ass here, lotsa fun, no need to worry so much.........<deleted>.

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