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ha ha ha ! :lol:

And that uninspiring group of Euro " leaders " we see on our TV screens are expected to unravel all that !

what about inspiring them by submitting your solutions? e-mail me a copy when you do... i am interested too.

I don't pretend to have solutions and neither should they be pretending to have solutions :blink:

of course there are solutions! not one, but a whole bunch. the only problem is that nobody, and that includes you and me, will like the results.

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i hate to break the news to you Flying but... the U.S. of A. is neither a "Republic" nor a "Democracy". look up the roots and meaning of both words. the root for republic is the Latin "res publica" and the root for democracy the Greek "demos" and "kratos". none applies!


I am sure literal definitions of words by themselves may differ but I was brought up & taught that America was a Constitutional Republic.

The biggest difference supposedly being that a Constitutional Republic has a Constitution that would limit the powers of the government.

Of course these days it is hard to see. I would sadly agree it has strayed very far from what the framers of our constitution had in mind.

Those we vote into office should remember they take an oath not to the president & not to the government & not to the lobbyist & not to the campaign contributors & certainly not to a party. They take an oath to uphold the Constitution.


of course there are solutions! not one, but a whole bunch. the only problem is that nobody, and that includes you and me, will like the results.

Yeah this is going to have an outcome, not a solution.


what about inspiring them by submitting your solutions? e-mail me a copy when you do... i am interested too.

I don't pretend to have solutions and neither should they be pretending to have solutions :blink:

of course there are solutions! not one, but a whole bunch. the only problem is that nobody, and that includes you and me, will like the results.

well yes of course one would be to call upon 12D with his AK47 but sadly he appears to have gone missing? :ermm:


i hate to break the news to you Flying but... the U.S. of A. is neither a "Republic" nor a "Democracy". look up the roots and meaning of both words. the root for republic is the Latin "res publica" and the root for democracy the Greek "demos" and "kratos". none applies!


I am sure literal definitions may differ but I was brought up & taught that America was a Constitutional Republic.

The biggest difference supposedly being that a Constitutional Republic would limit the governments powers.

Of course these days it is hard to see.

ah that document which the current administration seem to forget is even in existence B)


what about inspiring them by submitting your solutions? e-mail me a copy when you do... i am interested too.

I don't pretend to have solutions and neither should they be pretending to have solutions :blink:

of course there are solutions! not one, but a whole bunch. the only problem is that nobody, and that includes you and me, will like the results.

well yes of course one would be to call upon 12D with his AK47 but sadly he appears to have gone missing? :ermm:

"12D" is on a long holiday.

I am sure literal definitions of words by themselves may differ but I was brought up & taught that America was a Constitutional Republic.

you were also brought up and taught that the word "twenty" is pronounced "twawnny" and that the word "whom" is written and spoken "who" to indicate that you are not a citizen of your former colonial masters' country.



of course there are solutions! not one, but a whole bunch. the only problem is that nobody, and that includes you and me, will like the results.

Yeah this is going to have an outcome, not a solution.

no difference in my view.


of course there are solutions! not one, but a whole bunch. the only problem is that nobody, and that includes you and me, will like the results.

Yeah this is going to have an outcome, not a solution.

This is very insightful - I will use this phrase again, I think.


The USA are proposing to let anyone in if they have $500k to spend on property.

The reeling housing market has come to this: To shore it up, two Senators are preparing to introduce a bipartisan bill Thursday that would give residence visas to foreigners who spend at least $500,000 to buy houses in the U.S.


To fuel this demand, the proposed measure would offer visas to any foreigner making a cash investment of at least $500,000 on residential real-estate—a single-family house, condo or townhouse. Applicants can spend the entire amount on one house or spend as little as $250,000 on a residence and invest the rest in other residential real estate, which can be rented out.


ROBERT REICH: Why Selling The Right To Live In America Is A Dumb Idea



Buy a house for as little as $250K and another for the same and rent it out. For any nationality from any nation in the world.

This is not the sign of a "first world country," (although I don't like that term.

It shows the lack of confidence and optimism by the rulers....


ha ha ha ! :lol:

And that uninspiring group of Euro " leaders " we see on our TV screens are expected to unravel all that !

what about inspiring them by submitting your solutions? e-mail me a copy when you do... i am interested too.

Facts Don’t Equal The Conclusion in Europe

" If I walk away from a home I owe $200k on, and its fair market value is $100k (a 50% haircut), does a loan to my bank for $100K from the institution overseeing it change the impairment? No. They now have an asset worth $100k and a new liability of $100k. The asset is still worth $100k. Even though their little maneuver technically gives them an asset of $100k and cash of $100k, my bank now has $100K less to lend against. Thus, their leverage increases.

This analogy applies to European banks holding sovereign paper... and for that matter the countries themselves (ie Italy voting on whether Italy's debt should be purchased by the ECB/IMF/EFSF, etc). At this point, any 'plans' are only slightly more creative than card shuffling tricks from a clown at an 8 year old's birthday party. "



I wonder how much money these people received to say all this ?

They just sound like a variation of the NYPD who received a $4 million pay off to " do the right thing " by the Banksters.

From the article "What the 99% is missing is the element of personal responsibility,"

I don't see how those who are objecting to having money stolen from them through fraudulent activities

by the banksters can be any more responsible by enduring the inhospitable conditions in New York City

day in day out?

What else are they expected to do lobby their Congressmen ? :giggle:




It is time for those arrogant pricks to be strung up.

Question -Why the American Accent :rolleyes:

from http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/economics-blog/2011/oct/30/global-economy-debt-crisis?CMP=twt_gu

'The reality facing the G20 as it meets in Cannes on Thursday is that austerity plus muddling through has been a disaster. There are still those who think that the global economy is simply going through a soft patch and they can point to some recent encouraging developments: the apparent bottoming out of the US housing market and the peak in Chinese inflation. But the downside risks that the International Monetary Fund warned about at its annual meeting only five weeks ago already loom larger than they did in late September. The G20 should not be focused this week on what could go right over the next 12 months but on what could go wrong. And this can be summed up simply as recession, trade wars and the disintegration of the euro.

A good start would be to rekindle the spirit of 2008-09 and intervene decisively and collectively. It would certainly be regrettable were the summit to settle for the lowest common denominator – doing too little too late, as the eurozone has throughout its crisis. The package of measures produced by Brussels last week was a classic case of fighting the last war. Rising Italian bond yields suggest this deal will be unpicked by the markets over the coming weeks and months, with dire consequences, according to some City analysts.'


"Regulators are examining whether MF Global diverted some customer funds to support its own trades as the firm teetered on the brink of collapse," the New York Times reported. Investors who were customers of the now bankrupt brokerage were naturally outraged. Here's a response from just one of the many left reeling in the wake of MF Global's fall.<BR itxtNodeId="308">We all know the banks are bigger than the rules. But segregated customer accounts? If MF Global (MF) did in fact comingle customer monies to provide collateral for prop bets, then nothing is safe anymore.<BR itxtNodeId="305"><BR itxtNodeId="304">My link


"Regulators are examining whether MF Global diverted some customer funds to support its own trades as the firm teetered on the brink of collapse," the New York Times reported. Investors who were customers of the now bankrupt brokerage were naturally outraged. Here's a response from just one of the many left reeling in the wake of MF Global's fall.<BR itxtNodeId="308">We all know the banks are bigger than the rules. But segregated customer accounts? If MF Global (MF) did in fact comingle customer monies to provide collateral for prop bets, then nothing is safe anymore.<BR itxtNodeId="305"><BR itxtNodeId="304">My link

Not too surprising for anyone who's followed the career path of John Corzine. Goldman Sachs CEO, US Senator, Derivatives Market Maker, Political Fund Raiser. Never good to mix a larcenous nature with incompetence. The Peter Principle writ large.


I had sympathy with the Greek people before as they demonstrated and raised their objections against

the austerity measures and imminent loss of their sovereignty but now I'm starting to be totally confused

as to what they want and the reasonableness of their expectations.

If they vote no in the referendum as I understand it they can go their own way but if they vote yes as George Papandreou

is expecting them to do according to Bloomberg ( i.e.to remain in the Euro), then surely they have no right later

on to object to any austerity measures and sale of their assets? it seems to me the Greek people want it both ways?


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