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I could go into a long 'framing' of why i am asking this question but probably its best to just get to the point. I hope i get the information I want.

How can we tell if somebody has had a sex change operation from a man to a woman?

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You could always try asking them or their friends after getting to know them, assuming your interest isn't casual.

Otherwise, no clue. I'm a staunch homosexual- women or female-like things do not even come up on my radar of sexual interest. The ones who have the procedure are largely interested in straight men- you might try asking the many straight members over in general topics?


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Thanks for replying so soon.

I would like to know how to tell from inspection rather than enquiry.

And, whilst I am posting again, I guess thailand must be the state of the art place for sex change operations. Am I right? Or is there somewhere else more advanced? Has much progress been made in these operations over the past 20 years say?

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I was married to a woman for 20 years, but don't consider myself an expert on the vagina. I think I know one when I see one. If you're allowed to do direct examination, it should be obvious enough. If you want a partner with a functioning vagina, I would think your fingers and eyes would tell you all you need to know.

But now I'm like "Steven" - female anatomy doesn't interest me in the least. I realize there are all types of preferences out there, but I'm a man who looks like a man, and who wants a man who looks like a man.

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Years ago, I went to a topless bar with my then brother-in-law who is a physician.

It was a topless show during the lunch. There were six performers and the announcer made comment that one of them was a male. I tried to figure out which it was, and I just couldn't.

My brother in law was able to pick out the male easily. He said that men's arms are longer relative to the body than womens and once he pointed it out, I was able to see the difference between the male and the women performers.

The hairline in the back is reputedly different as well.

With the current surgical techniques, my guess it would take a physician examing the vagina to tell that way, but I could be wrong. Perhaps a "muff diver" par excellence might be able to tell if he gained his experience with his eyes open!!

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I could go into a long 'framing' of why i am asking this question but probably its best to just get to the point. I hope i get the information I want.

How can we tell if somebody has had a sex change operation from a man to a woman?

As a straight member of the forum perhaps I could cast some light on your question, coming from the other direction of wondering whether the person I am with is in fact a genuine girl and not a ladyboy, apart from the visual signs such as adams apple, proportion, general size, tone of voice etc., for me it is the presence of the cervix which can easily be felt on deep penetration of the finger in the vagina ( preferably when the lady is aroused , producing suitable lubrication, absent or artificially added by sex change ladyboy?) . If you group your three fingers excluding your little finger and press your thumb against this group, this is roughly what a cervix feels like deep inside the vagina being the entrance to the womb , I very much doubt if the most expert surgeon could or would attempt to construct this and if it ain't there you have a person who has had their sex changed from a man to a woman.

Edited by spacebass
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is the presence of the cervix which can easily be felt on deep penetration of the finger in the vagina

Unless the lady, assuming she is one, has a very high cervix, as I have. I only know this as I once went to have a cap fitted and the nurse couldn't find my cervix and nor could 2 doctors without being up to their elbow inside me - they told me that if they had that much trouble then I would probably find it impossible to fit the cap. (It goes over the cervix incase you weren't aware.)

If the cap doesn't fit....

Apologies if this is too graphic for any of you.

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  • 5 months later...

I could go into a long 'framing' of why i am asking this question but probably its best to just get to the point. I hope i get the information I want.

How can we tell if somebody has had a sex change operation from a man to a woman?

On easy way, unless the person remembers to have it shifted, is to look at the person's navel. Men's belly buttons are at the midpoint of their body, women's are below the midpoint.

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I don't know why this is in the "gay" section.  Straight guys undoubtedly have more experience with trannies than the gay ones do.

And I guess if they are willing to go to such great measures to inspect it doesn't matter if they are pleased with the end result. :D

Quality is after all determined by the end-user. :o

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