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Sickening Story


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Just watching Thai news eating dinner and saw the most sickening report. 7 Thai men raped a 13 year old girl in a deserted house near khon khen (how ever you spell that).

I have seen a few news stories like this in recent months and i know of 2 thai friends who were raped when young. My GF tells me that it is not uncommon for ladies walking alone to get bundled into cars and gang raped. She tells me rape is a huge problem in Thailand and is always scared of walking alone. I know this happens all over the world and is not exclusive to Thailand, but is this a major problem here? Should we be more concerned for our partners safety here than in our home lands?

It sickens me to think that 7 grown men coordinated and carried out such an evil act.

thoughts ? Experiences? Knowledge?

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Just watching Thai news eating dinner and saw the most sickening report. 7 Thai men raped a 13 year old girl in a deserted house near khon khen (how ever you spell that).

I have seen a few news stories like this in recent months and i know of 2 thai friends who were raped when young. My GF tells me that it is not uncommon for ladies walking alone to get bundled into cars and gang raped. She tells me rape is a huge problem in Thailand and is always scared of walking alone. I know this happens all over the world and is not exclusive to Thailand, but is this a major problem here? Should we be more concerned for our partners safety here than in our home lands?

It sickens me to think that 7 grown men coordinated and carried out such an evil act.

thoughts ? Experiences? Knowledge?

This was front page headlines of the Thai newspapers this morning. Yes, it is sickening but the same kind of thing goes on in Farangland everyday. Thought i would elighten you if you didnt know.

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Just watching Thai news eating dinner and saw the most sickening report. 7 Thai men raped a 13 year old girl in a deserted house near khon khen (how ever you spell that).

I have seen a few news stories like this in recent months and i know of 2 thai friends who were raped when young. My GF tells me that it is not uncommon for ladies walking alone to get bundled into cars and gang raped. She tells me rape is a huge problem in Thailand and is always scared of walking alone. I know this happens all over the world and is not exclusive to Thailand, but is this a major problem here? Should we be more concerned for our partners safety here than in our home lands?

It sickens me to think that 7 grown men coordinated and carried out such an evil act.

thoughts ? Experiences? Knowledge?

This was front page headlines of the Thai newspapers this morning. Yes, it is sickening but the same kind of thing goes on in Farangland everyday. Thought i would elighten you if you didnt know.

One big difference.

Unfortunately, a lot of the victims of these terrible crimes are not reporting them. This for many reasons.

This used to be a big problem back in Northern Europe as well.

These days (in Europe that is), the society is a bit more mature and have a better system in regards to victim support, etc.

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Yes, it is sickening but the same kind of thing goes on in Farangland everyday. Thought i would elighten you if you didnt know.

The topic under discussion is the rape of a child by seven adults in Thailand.

Now I accept that you might be predisposed to clouding this bad news item from Thailand but your suggestion that such attacks take place in Farangland everyday is nonsense.

I can't remember the last time I heard of any such attack in any of the corners of Farangland I've lived in, that such attacks take place is probably without doubt - But that they take place every day utter hogwash.

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Yes, it is sickening but the same kind of thing goes on in Farangland everyday. Thought i would elighten you if you didnt know.

The topic under discussion is the rape of a child by seven adults in Thailand.

Now I accept that you might be predisposed to clouding this bad news item from Thailand but your suggestion that such attacks take place in Farangland everyday is nonsense.

I can't remember the last time I heard of any such attack in any of the corners of Farangland I've lived in, that such attacks take place is probably without doubt - But that they take place every day utter hogwash.

Spot on.

Entire post.

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It is a huge problem here & mostly undereported.

Yes it is a problem here.

And will be so until we get into the same way of thinking as we did back in the West.

I now talk purely about how the society look, think and act about this particular issue.

It also used to be a dark issue back home (just as incest was) that nobody rather wanted to talk about.

As soon as we got it out and people became aware that this was not going away unless it was dealt with properly, then finally things started to happen.

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Shocking :o

I wonder what care system is in place for the victims... ??? Will the girl be given some kind of proper care and councilling? Anyone know what happens in cases such as this?

Very good question.

There is a well of "know how" here on TV.

I would too be interested in learning how the system works in cases like this.

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I can't remember the last time I heard of any such attack in any of the corners of Farangland I've lived in, that such attacks take place is probably without doubt - But that they take place every day utter hogwash.

Do you read the papers from back home much Guesthouse?

'They don't see it as rape. They just see it as pleasure for them'

Rose George

The Guardian, Saturday 5 June 2004

As the Metropolitan police reopen 2,000 cases in a major investigation into gang rape, Rose George reports on a grim taboo

[ ]

A year ago, I wrote an article in Guardian Weekend about gang rapes, tournantes, in France. In interviews, I confidently told people that nothing similar was happening in the UK. I was wrong. Last year, the following allegations were reported in the press: the gang rape of a 17-year-old girl in Bedford by four men aged 17-19 (the police decided not to proceed); the rape of a 12-year-old girl by four teenagers in Feltham (all were acquitted); the rape of an 18-year-old by three paratroopers who, it was said, recorded the incident on their mobile phones (no charges were brought). A group of young men in Greenwich filmed their "rape" of a 15-year-old schoolgirl and entitled the video Lethbridge X-rated Part One (they pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual intercourse).

[ ]

This year, the Old Bailey heard the case of seven men accused of raping an 18-year-old at gunpoint "as a punishment". The girl said she had been kept prisoner in a flat in Sudbury, Suffolk, where one man told her, "If you want to go home, you have to do me and my friends." After two trials (the first was thrown out for legal reasons) lasting eight weeks, the jury decided the girl wasn't telling the truth, despite the evidence of an electricity bill that proved the address of the flat.

[ ]

The Metropolitan police are worried - enough to examine the statistics on 123 incidents in three London boroughs, involving over 900 assailants (including four gang rapes around the same school). Enough for Sapphire, the Met's three-year-old specialist rape unit, to recognise gang rape as a separate phenomenon, needing specific attention.

[ ]

I doubt his figures, and so does everyone I talk to. "Gang rape is really common," says a youth worker in Hackney. "Girls won't talk about it because they think it's normal and there's nothing they can do about it." Met commander Andy Baker, who used to be in charge of street crime, says, "It's been going on for years. Before I was a policeman, I'd see boys coming out of a shed and a girl following later. Now, I'd know what that was, and so would you."

[ ]

The Haven's database has collected details from 2,000 clients from in and around London. It doesn't make for optimistic reading. Among victims aged under 16 who visited in 2001 and 2002, 25% had had multiple assailants, compared with 13% among over-16-year-olds. Kids raping kids. The figures show a rise in gang rapes by a third between 2001 and 2002. "We recorded 206 in two years," says Peter Trail, an epidemiologist with the Health Protection Agency charged with collating the Haven's statistics. "A lot of people in the field are angry about this, but they won't speak."

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These threads make me so mad, but at least a few of the posters already know what's what. Thailand has a huge problem with rape, trying to compare it to the west is just ignorance. If you really dont know how bad it is here then get educated. On top of it happening alot it is rarely prosecuted if it is even reported. HUGE problem.

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These threads make me so mad, but at least a few of the posters already know what's what. Thailand has a huge problem with rape, trying to compare it to the west is just ignorance. If you really dont know how bad it is here then get educated. On top of it happening alot it is rarely prosecuted if it is even reported. HUGE problem.

Yes it is a huge problem here.

The population need to be educated, in regards to this issue.

They need to learn that this is an evil and despicable act that can never ever be justified.

Not before this has been learned will the numbers start to decline.

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I can't remember the last time I heard of any such attack in any of the corners of Farangland I've lived in, that such attacks take place is probably without doubt - But that they take place every day utter hogwash.

Do you read the papers from back home much Guesthouse?

Well it's clear you did not read my post.... shot from the hip again eh!

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These threads make me so mad, but at least a few of the posters already know what's what. Thailand has a huge problem with rape, trying to compare it to the west is just ignorance. If you really dont know how bad it is here then get educated. On top of it happening alot it is rarely prosecuted if it is even reported. HUGE problem.

Its not ignorance Sabum, its a smoke screen for those who cannot accept any bad news coming out of Thailand - Some folk are self delusional that way.

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These threads make me so mad, but at least a few of the posters already know what's what. Thailand has a huge problem with rape, trying to compare it to the west is just ignorance. If you really dont know how bad it is here then get educated. On top of it happening alot it is rarely prosecuted if it is even reported. HUGE problem.

Its not ignorance Sabum, its a smoke screen for those who cannot accept any bad news coming out of Thailand - Some folk are self delusional that way.

This happens far too often on many subjects about Thai and Thailand , often 'Smoke-screened as 'Culture' , these myths are slowly being dis proven with posts such as your own about the wearing of bikinis , another is the vanity or modesty of Thai females now shown to be imported by Western influence . I remember as a young lad having sly peeks in a National Geographic magazine of bare breasted females in both Siam and Africa , but then , many posters are too young to have viewed these images . :o

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The fact is it is irrelevant to the topic wether these things happen elsewhere in the world - This sickening attack has occurred in Thailand, the victim is a female Thai child.

Rushing to point out that such crimes occur elsewhere and adding to that the ridiculous claim that this is a common everyday occurrence in Farangland serves only to deny the horrendous nature of the crime. It is akin to denying the suffering here because such suffering occurs elsewhere. A pathetic and scurrilous attempt to deny the significance of this heinous crime.

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The fact is it is irrelevant to the topic wether these things happen elsewhere in the world - This sickening attack has occurred in Thailand, the victim is a female Thai child.

Rushing to point out that such crimes occur elsewhere and adding to that the ridiculous claim that this is a common everyday occurrence in Farangland serves only to deny the horrendous nature of the crime. It is akin to denying the suffering here because such suffering occurs elsewhere. A pathetic and scurrilous attempt to deny the significance of this heinous crime.

OK lets all agree it happens every day in farang land (which it doesn't) but lets say it does....

So is this what should be said to the 13yr old girl.... "Congratulations, you have now been inducted into the hall of rape..."

Rather than saying Thailand is no worse than farang land, why isn't it said, "Thailand should be better...."

Why be satisfied with "on-par or sub-par?"

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Yes, it is sickening but the same kind of thing goes on in Farangland everyday. Thought i would elighten you if you didnt know.

The topic under discussion is the rape of a child by seven adults in Thailand.

Now I accept that you might be predisposed to clouding this bad news item from Thailand but your suggestion that such attacks take place in Farangland everyday is nonsense.

I can't remember the last time I heard of any such attack in any of the corners of Farangland I've lived in, that such attacks take place is probably without doubt - But that they take place every day utter hogwash.

how the hel_l do you know one way or the other,as the poster said"often go unreported"

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how the hel_l do you know one way or the other,as the poster said"often go unreported"

And that would be as true of Thailand as it is of anywhere else, perhaps more so compared with countries that have adopted victim support programs (Generally Farangland).

But again, an irrelevance - The topic is Thailand related. The crime occurred in Thailand the perpetrators are Thai and the victim is a Thai child.

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Can someone post the full details?

The bits that I caught make the story sound utterly bizarre.

Girl drove motorbike home around 7:30pm from a friend's house.

Two men sitting in a house saw her riding past. They chased her down on their motorbike, caught her and brought her to a house where they raped her.

After the rape, the girl ran from the house.

The men apparently told some other men. They decided to chase the girl down and rape her again. They caught her as she was running home and brought her to another place where they gang raped her again.

One of the men is the son of a local "big-man" so the girl's mother was afraid that the police won't help. She brought her daughter to a women's center where they got help.

That's about all I caught from the news piece.

In any case, rape is very common here.

If I had a daughter here, I'd be very, very afraid.

A few months ago, a high school girl was raped ON A BUS going from BK back to Khon Khaen, by the ticket collector. It was done in the bus toilet on the first level of a double deck bus.

A year or two ago, a man raped a high school girl (mix Thai-foreigner) in a minivan in a parking lot in public, in the middle of the day.

The list is endless.

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Just watching Thai news eating dinner and saw the most sickening report. 7 Thai men raped a 13 year old girl in a deserted house near khon khen (how ever you spell that).

I have seen a few news stories like this in recent months and i know of 2 thai friends who were raped when young. My GF tells me that it is not uncommon for ladies walking alone to get bundled into cars and gang raped. She tells me rape is a huge problem in Thailand and is always scared of walking alone. I know this happens all over the world and is not exclusive to Thailand, but is this a major problem here? Should we be more concerned for our partners safety here than in our home lands?

It sickens me to think that 7 grown men coordinated and carried out such an evil act.

thoughts ? Experiences? Knowledge?

thoughts ? ..... full genital removal with no anesthetic for the perpetrators.

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It is underreported, as it is in the West. But I would imagine that the underreporting numbers are substantially higher here due to several things:

1. fear of the rapist

2. complete and utter indifference of police

3. social stigma that somehow a girl who was raped was "asking for it"

These poor attitudes on the part of the police and the lack of any kind of counselling service were the norm for years in the West until attitudes started changing. I hope that the attitudes in Thailand undergo a similar shift and soon, before more women and girls suffer such a awful fate.

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Thailand is not alone. In other developing nations, several in Africia come to mind, there are even more incidents of rape, often committed by soldiers and officials. After the gang rape the victim is killed for sport. We are talking about incidents of rape in the thousands every month. Tragic!

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this is terrible crime, regardless of where it takes place.

all forms of violence against women should be stopped. people EVERYWHERE need to be educated. gender stereotyping need to be stopped. curriculum in still many countries that promote inferiority of women need to discontinue. authorities and health workers need to be sensitised. media sensationalising of female bodies as a sex object need to be evaluated. but what helps is for every person to act the role of policing the society and communities around them.

Im going to ask that people not turn this into an argument about which country should or should not do better, and lets keep this civil please. the nature of the crime being discussed is terrible enough, I dont think we need attacks against each other to add to it.

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What I find odd on this forum is that whenever anything bad happens in Thailand someone will say that it also happens elsewhere. Is that what the forum is for to compare Thailand to other countries and therefore in some way justify it?

We live here in Thailand for many reasons (some good some bad) but overall we make a choice, that does not mean we have to accept that everything going on here is Ok.

A gang rape anywhere is reprehensible but saying it happened elsewhere does not make it ok.

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My ex-wife was raped by one of her classmates. This was how she lost her virginity.

She explained the she and her girl friend went to one of her male classmates house after school.

The male classmates told the girls they were to either let him screw them both or he would call his brother and he would bring his friends around and they would make a party of it.

My ex said ok, and she let him rape her but the friend said no and she paid the price, the older brother came with his friends and she was gang raped.

My ex staggered home and when her dad saw the blood on her legs etc he went ballistic, informed the police and the male classmate ended up spending some time in in a prison of some sorts. I am not too sure of all the details as my ex didn't want to get into them or didn't really understand as she was too young.

So, there was as far as I know a little justice metered out on that part, unfortunately the other girl didn't have any family members that cared enough and her gang rape went unoticed.

The ex spoke about it as though it was fairly normal occurance and not much of a big deal.

A few years later into our married life she let me know a little more about why the Dad was so p1ssed off and brought charges against the guy, it seemed the Mum had already sold my ex wife's virginity to some old Japanese sicko pervert <deleted> in Sriracha and since the ex was raped the Mum couldn't collect the money.

Unfortunately for Thailand that Mum had three daughters who all ended up on the game at the age of 16, helped out by their Mum....

Now tell me how any society in the world where a parent could ever treat their daughter(s) like this can teach the young men to respect women enough not to see them as walking TNA?

The most unfortunate part about this story is that all three daughters ended up marrying foreigners and have added probably a combined tally of around 100 million baht into the family so far, not bad for an Udon family who sold fish in the local wet market before they had a couple of girls.

All three girls have had failed marriages, have drug problems and all sorts of issues but the family have nearly 10 houses and apartments, several cars and so therefore the respect of anyone who knows them...

Makes me feel sick.

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My ex-wife was raped by one of her classmates. This was how she lost her virginity.

She explained the she and her girl friend went to one of her male classmates house after school.

The male classmates told the girls they were to either let him screw them both or he would call his brother and he would bring his friends around and they would make a party of it.

My ex said ok, and she let him rape her but the friend said no and she paid the price, the older brother came with his friends and she was gang raped.

My ex staggered home and when her dad saw the blood on her legs etc he went ballistic, informed the police and the male classmate ended up spending some time in in a prison of some sorts. I am not too sure of all the details as my ex didn't want to get into them or didn't really understand as she was too young.

So, there was as far as I know a little justice metered out on that part, unfortunately the other girl didn't have any family members that cared enough and her gang rape went unoticed.

The ex spoke about it as though it was fairly normal occurance and not much of a big deal.

A few years later into our married life she let me know a little more about why the Dad was so p1ssed off and brought charges against the guy, it seemed the Mum had already sold my ex wife's virginity to some old Japanese sicko pervert <deleted> in Sriracha and since the ex was raped the Mum couldn't collect the money.

Unfortunately for Thailand that Mum had three daughters who all ended up on the game at the age of 16, helped out by their Mum....

Now tell me how any society in the world where a parent could ever treat their daughter(s) like this can teach the young men to respect women enough not to see them as walking TNA?

The most unfortunate part about this story is that all three daughters ended up marrying foreigners and have added probably a combined tally of around 100 million baht into the family so far, not bad for an Udon family who sold fish in the local wet market before they had a couple of girls.

All three girls have had failed marriages, have drug problems and all sorts of issues but the family have nearly 10 houses and apartments, several cars and so therefore the respect of anyone who knows them...

Makes me feel sick.

such a sad story,there's little love left in this world.

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Just watching Thai news eating dinner and saw the most sickening report. 7 Thai men raped a 13 year old girl in a deserted house near khon khen (how ever you spell that).

I have seen a few news stories like this in recent months and i know of 2 thai friends who were raped when young. My GF tells me that it is not uncommon for ladies walking alone to get bundled into cars and gang raped. She tells me rape is a huge problem in Thailand and is always scared of walking alone. I know this happens all over the world and is not exclusive to Thailand, but is this a major problem here? Should we be more concerned for our partners safety here than in our home lands?

It sickens me to think that 7 grown men coordinated and carried out such an evil act.

thoughts ? Experiences? Knowledge?

The question above makes comparision to ones homeland relevant. If people would read the entire post it would be helpful.

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Just watching Thai news eating dinner and saw the most sickening report. 7 Thai men raped a 13 year old girl in a deserted house near khon khen (how ever you spell that).

I have seen a few news stories like this in recent months and i know of 2 thai friends who were raped when young. My GF tells me that it is not uncommon for ladies walking alone to get bundled into cars and gang raped. She tells me rape is a huge problem in Thailand and is always scared of walking alone. I know this happens all over the world and is not exclusive to Thailand, but is this a major problem here? Should we be more concerned for our partners safety here than in our home lands?

It sickens me to think that 7 grown men coordinated and carried out such an evil act.

thoughts ? Experiences? Knowledge?

This was front page headlines of the Thai newspapers this morning. Yes, it is sickening but the same kind of thing goes on in Farangland everyday. Thought i would elighten you if you didnt know.

Well I know that it does not go on everyday in "farangland" as you call it. Why lie? Why are you diverting attention to the topic's location? Where is this place "farangland" anyhow? Why not Asialand?? or Africaland?? Don't like westeners eh? You enlightened nothing. In fact, you knowingly made it darker.

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