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Surveillance Network In Yaowaraj, Sumphanthawong (chinatown) Areas In Bangkok


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Affluent? You'd never think it by the state of the shophouses and guys sitting around playing cards/staring all day. They may want to do some research on the Chinese and Indian immigrants though...that's about all they'll find around there. Not a whole lot of open crime going on.

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Affluent? You'd never think it by the state of the shophouses and guys sitting around playing cards/staring all day. They may want to do some research on the Chinese and Indian immigrants though...that's about all they'll find around there. Not a whole lot of open crime going on.

I tend to agree. Every few visits over the years I would walk through parts of Chinatown, but never found it to be very attractive at all. Last year though, I took a more leisurely walk through...much of one day...and it seemed more prosperous, although still "behind" many other areas of older Bangkok. There were clearly efforts underway to beautify the area. Nevertheless, my perceptions of Chinatowns (in general) has always been a bit on the negative side, at least in terms of cleanliness. I also find Chinese temples to be less "friendly" than Thai temples. In fact, for no apparent reason, I was literally chased out of one Chinese shrine...I had done nothing disrespectful, not even taken a photo, but some old lady sure took a dislike to me. Never had anything like it happen before.

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I hear that the Thai government just installed video surveillance network there. Why there versus other places, I wonder.

Anyone seen these new cameras around ?

actually, the BMA installed them (wireless). why there, one can only guess but probably something to do with all the gold in the area?

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Affluent? You'd never think it by the state of the shophouses and guys sitting around playing cards/staring all day. They may want to do some research on the Chinese and Indian immigrants though...that's about all they'll find around there. Not a whole lot of open crime going on.

I think you might have your heads in the metaphorical sand.

The main street is one of the main kerb crawler prostitution areas of Bangkok. There is rampant drugs and gambling on a vast scale. And that area had a very serious riot owing to social tensions way back in times before the VisaForum even existed... yep, that long ago.

Visit after dark.

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Interesting. I did notice some downtrodden prostitution "shops" in the evening but that's about it. Maybe an after-dark visit is appropriate. It's not at all friendly though that's for sure, especially the older generation Chinese. Try going there with a Chinese Thai girl and see their reactions! Definitely not a typical friendly "Thai" reception for visitors. I just go, get my business done and get out.

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Chinatown is like any other area in Bangkok.

Prostitution? It's everywhere, whats new.

Beautify the area..... please, you're killing me, have you ever been to Chinatown?.

Chinatown is a vibrant trading area that many westerners find threatening because no one makes concessions to them.

There are surveillance cameras going up everywhere in Bangkok.....Just check out most major intersections

Nobody will monitor them though.

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it's a very crowded and afluent part of town (banks, gold shops), maybe there was high rate of crime. It's the high time they started to install cameras to catch crime

Didn't nor does reduce crime in London and even a chief police officer admitted they very rarely use it as evidence as it takes too long to trawl through or the cameras were not working or the images are of poor quality. The Uk has more cameras than anywhere in the world and the crime rate is crazy?. :o

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cameras are a deterrent and are used in a serious crime (terrorism, killing, large scale drugs). Once the crime happen it's easy to retrieve recording (timing and place). Maybe they are not used in courts, but help investigation.

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