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Three weeks ago I suffered the indignity of being relieved of my 2 baht Thai gold neck chain. I was on a motorbike, loaned from the garage where I'd left mine for some work. Aware that I was uninsured, I was toodling along Sukhamvit travelling south between Nua and Klang. Suddenly another bike was close alongside and the rider smiled at me. For a moment I was confused. Did I know him? Then the tickle on the neck and the snatch by his pillion and they were off. I chased and made some ground, but the borrowed Fino wasn't up to it and, when it got hectic, the brakes certainly weren't. I got the number (232) but not the part in Thai. I reported in to the Police but of course it was gone. I felt abused etc., but told myself it was my own stupid fault. I always wore it inside my shirt, but in a vest it was there on the back of my neck for all to see. Lesson leant - no more gold for me.

This morning at 4.30am, I was within a few hundred metres of home (dark side of Sukhamvit on the new road alongside the railway line) in pouring rain, when I saw a pair of headlights gaining on me. Assuming it was a car, I slowed a little and pulled to the left to let it past. Suddenly I had 2 motorbikes about me. One rider had a big stick and was obviously trying to make me stop. My bike is reasonably fast so I dropped a gear or two and gave it all I could to get away, but an extra 40kg on board doesn't help and one of them was clearly gaining on me. As he came close I veered out to either scare him or take his front wheel away. He ducked out and by the time they regrouped I had gained momentum and they were now struggling. All this in pouring rain and no street lights. Suddenly they gave up and turned back.

Obviously I didn't make the last turn to my house and I then made a long detour before going home and hid my credit cards, most of my money and my telephone in case they were waiting for me. They weren't.

Now I have to consider whether it was a chance encounter or whether they were waiting for me. I don't by any means come home at the same time each night, but I do come the same way. That'll have to change for starters. If they know where I live that's scary.

I have to do some thinking - and maybe I need a faster bike or I'll have to use the car.

It's all a bit unnerving in a strange land at 60yo and the first problems I've had in 2 years here and Cambodia. Hopefully that's my share.

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This morning at 4.30am, I was within a few hundred metres of home...


Naam, I have to take my hat off to you. :D You always pick out the salient point.

04:30am in the morning?

Hmmm indeed.

Not, of course, that the hour should be an issue. An honest law abiding person is entitled to go about his, or her, business any time they choose. :o

Honi soit qui mal y pense and all that.

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I am sure that you are counting your blessings,

Watch the news, and you will see that a great deal of the crime takes place between midnight and 5:00AM

Very little takes place beforehand.

Return home earlier.

I doubt they were waiting for you.

Good luck

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This morning at 4.30am, I was within a few hundred metres of home...


OK fair comment. Of course the time is relevant, that's why I mentioned it. Quite a lot of people were delayed by the rain and flooding in Pattaya last night, but it would have been lateish anyway.

Nevertheless, no harm in reminding people what is out there if they break the "curfew" surely?

BTW, for completeness, the gold chain snatch was at high noon.

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You're not going to get much sympathy here for flashing a gold necklace in this underdeveloped country. It violates the most rudimentary common sense. Som num na. You've been here long enough to know that you should dress down. Me, I wouldn't even wear fake gold, and I wear a cheap plastic digital watch only.

And being out near relatively lonely sois at 4:30 AM--it's asking for trouble. Most of the crime happens during the wee hours, for good reason.

So in your case it was really just a matter of time.

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A,though I live on the darkside, and much prefer it to the main Pattaya area, I am under no illusions that it can be a dangerous place after midnight (and sometimes even in the middle of the day), and indeed there have been a number of serious crimes committed against farangs on motorcycles, including at least one murderover the past couple of years.

You could pay me a million Baht and I would never ride a motorcycle on the darkside after dark. Even many Thais are very wary about doing this, and farangs are sitting (or should it be "moving") targets.

Get a a car mate.

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Realy sorry to here about your bad run.I have lived in Pattaya for over 5 years and never had a problem.Rule number 1 though is do not show gold,this was happening in Spain in the 70,s.

The dark can be dangerous and i for one would never live there,but you cannot ride a bike and not to expect a possible problem.A car is far safer,especialy for the pot holes and the crazy drivers over there.I never even wear my 60,000 baht watch unless i am driving the car and we are going somewhere safe.

Once again be careful out there,as you would in any parts of the world,and dont get complacent.With living in central Pattaya i know many motorbike taxi drivers and try to use the same ranks,as they take care of me,and i know if i had a problem they would be over in a flash to protect me.

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Mickba dont blaim yourself for flashing your gold or driving in the morning. You are not the one doing something wrong here, they are. I am just surprised that you had this happen twice.

In 3 years I been walking everywhere. with flashy gold, early in the morning, all alone - The only danger I have seen was a drunken irishman who threw his frenshfries at me :o

To all you other guys.. do you want us are we all gonna hide like little scared chickens because of some bad elements? Is that what your saying? What about "I wont fly because of terrorists"? Or "I wont drive on the freeway because I could have an accident"? Nope! - not me - Im not gonna hide because of some loser thieves. I didnt do it when I was in Denmark, I didnt do it when I as in US either (a LOT more crime there I might add).

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Despite all the negative replies, it is threads like this that bring attention to the fact that we can't be complacent when there are criminals around. Police do not make their presence felt and don't seem interested in nailing these perps. Don't carry too much cash. Carry a fake wallet with a bit of money in it and no credit cards. Don't wear gold jewelry when alone. I don't wear jewelry at any time.

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get a car mate.

My advice completely...I can't stand "scooter-guys" anyway...so low class :o

As to wearing gold...why not just sting a few hundred 100 baht notes together in a necklace and wear that around your neck...and see how long it remains in your possession while walking or scootering around Pattaya! It wouldn't last long in NYC, London, or many "rich" country cities...why would you think it safe to wear such a thing in a much poorer developing country?

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I didn't post this to get sympathy nor in anticipation of a few of the crass replies.

I simply thought it was worth pointing out the penalties one can pay for stupidity and complacency.

We learn by our own experiences and those of others, which is the point of posting such tales here sometimes - to be helpful.

To those who have posted constructively, usefully and even understandingly - thank you.

I don't consider that I "flashed the gold" at all. The gf bought it for my birthday and I wore it very discreetly for 18 months with the risks in mind. I wore it all around Cambodia on 4 visits there in the past year and in some very dark places. It's gone now and it won't be replaced. I don't wear any jewellery.

For those who say I got what I deserved, then fine. If that allows you to distance yourself from the possibility of it happening to you then fine also. Sleep well, but remember times are getting harder day by day for these types. Their girlfriends are not turning the tricks they once were and they may look harder for the money they need. I doubt they accept the limitations of location or time of day or night that you hope for.

Unfortunately the girlfriend has a bar in town, so it's unlikely that I'll be safely tucked in by 10 in the evening.

I do what I do and I'm not wingeing about the consequences. It's 1-1 so far and I've learnt some lessons. The first time I was asleep and they got lucky. The second time I was wide awake, saw what was coming and I was very very lucky. If the lead guy had got that pole into my front wheel, as intended, then it would have been a somewhat different story.

I do have the regulation Fortuner and, if and when the insurance/body shop sorts it out after the idiot Thai boy sideswiped me (that's another tale I've told) then I'll have to use it more at night. If you find my other tale you might understand why, since the incident on December 12th, I've been quite happy to park it up. The scooter is infinitely more useful in town at night, but I'll have to cope.

Maybe I shouldn't be living on the dark side, but that's a sweeping statement. There are lots of very nice, very expensive and very secure villages/resorts over here eg. Silk Road. Unfortunately you still have to get to them before you're "safe".

It can also be very dangerous at night in Scunthorpe. :o

Edited by mickba
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Sorry - whingeing

No apology required. I thought your post was well balanced but the original post may have benefitted from the reason you were out at that time of the morning. MJD is just an opportunist tw4t who will no doubt claim that you are a Brit and therefore it is all 100% your fault.

I spent over a year on the darkside and enjoyed it very much. I never encountered any problems but my naivity may have helped ! Those who advice getting a car want to try driving down Soi Nernplubwan/Klang and they will understand the benefits of a bike - not to mention parking.

Nevertheless, I fear that there will be a continuing growth in these sorts of incidents and it can help if people like you are prepared to recount their stories.

It could have been a lot worse for you.

Edited by Chaimai
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No apology required. I thought your post was well balanced but the original post may have benefitted from the reason you were out at that time of the morning. MJD is just an opportunist tw4t who will no doubt claim that you are a Brit and therefore it is all 100% your fault.

I spent over a year on the darkside and enjoyed it very much. I never encountered any problems but my naivity may have helped ! Those who advice getting a car want to try driving down Soi Nernplubwan/Klang and they will understand the benefits of a bike - not to mention parking.

Nevertheless, I fear that there will be a continuing growth in these sorts of incidents and it can help if people like you are prepared to recount their stories.

It could have been a lot worse for you.

Too true and thanks for that.

I'm home early tonight by a devious route. It was a very scary experience and it's made me think a lot. I believe if I'd stopped or been stopped I would have lost the bike plus some other stuff worth about 50,000 baht (please nobody tell me.....I know) plus bank cards and perhaps suffered personal injury if I'd crashed or been attacked. Perhaps they could even have forced me to empty the ATM - who knows. I just knew I didn't intend to stop. Perhaps many years riding m/bikes and having one with gears and reasonable power helped, but I know I was very lucky.

I've made a lot of mistakes in my 2 years here and where I live may well be one of them given my other circumstances, so I have to have a rethink.

My reluctance to use the car, apart from convenience, is due to what can happen to you when a Thai decides to throw his bike at you. My incident was minor, but have a read through this (where you can also find my tale). http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Motorcycle-A...on-t233572.html

In criticising some of the posts here I decided it was prudent to let others decide whom I was referring to. It certainly did not include that from basjke, whose sarcasm I appreciated (thanks for pm).

Surely we have to post such experiences here for the benefit of others and surely we don't need the smart assed posters stating the bleeding obvious eg. 4.30am is late duhhhhhhhhhhh

Anyway, no purpose served by arguing with them. I hope the incident has been of interest to some and has served to make them think about things they do, as indeed it has me.

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Motorcycle snatch/grabs are quite common and prob more so in the wee morning hours. I'd say prob just bad luck unless incident 1 was related to incident 2.

As for wearing gold - never had an issue and I do so always with a nice watch too, however I think they usually target people who are easy marks. Drunk/old/weak/disadvantaged

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I chased and made some ground, but the borrowed Fino wasn't up to it and, when it got hectic, the brakes certainly weren't. I got the number (232) but not the part in Thai. I reported in to the Police but of course it was gone. I felt abused etc., but told myself it was my own stupid fault. I always wore it inside my shirt, but in a vest it was there on the back of my neck for all to see. Lesson leant - no more gold for me.

You're 60 years old and you chased the two Thai snatchers on your mototcycle? What were you thinking? What were you going to do if you caught them?

Is your life really worth only 30k baht?

Edited by tropo
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Sorry - whingeing

No apology required. I thought your post was well balanced but the original post may have benefitted from the reason you were out at that time of the morning. MJD is just an opportunist tw4t who will no doubt claim that you are a Brit and therefore it is all 100% your fault.

I spent over a year on the darkside and enjoyed it very much. I never encountered any problems but my naivity may have helped ! Those who advice getting a car want to try driving down Soi Nernplubwan/Klang and they will understand the benefits of a bike - not to mention parking.

Nevertheless, I fear that there will be a continuing growth in these sorts of incidents and it can help if people like you are prepared to recount their stories.

It could have been a lot worse for you.

I don't want to really get into a great argument on this point but I have lived on the darkside for over 3 years and have driven a car for all that time. These days I drive into Pattaya pretty much every day, and use a variety of routes, but certainly Nern Plub Wan, and Siam Country Club road are two of my most frequently used routes. Yes, you have to get used the the amount of traffic, motorcycles and other obstructions, but it rarely takes me more than 20 minutes to get from my house in Pong to central Pattaya, and this morning I made it to soi 5 on Beach road in 17 minutes. You just need a special set of driving skills to negotiate all the hazards, but it's still a whole lot safer than driving a motorcycle - especially at night.

As for parking, well you have to be a bit cute, but once you know your way around there is rarely a problem. Friendship on Pattaya Tai for the Tuc Com area, The Wat on Pattaya Tai for the walking street area (or just drive along Soi two adjacent to Walking street and there are usually plenty of parking spaces on the road), Carrefour car Park for Carrefour, Foodland car park for Foodland, Central Car Park for Central Dept store and that area of second/Beach road, Mike's shopping Mall car park for the area a bit further down, Royal Garden City Car park for still further down 2nd/Beach, (which is also within walking distance of Walking Street), Tops Car park for the Pattaya Klang down to beach road, and also easy access to the bars etc, on Sois 7 and 8, Hotel car parks like Siam Bayshore for Sois like Soi Skaw, many of the smaller hotel car parks for other locations (some on payment of a small tip) - I could go on and on, and rarely, if ever do I have a parking problem in the areas I wish to go. Outside of this small congested area, there is absolutely no problem in parking anywhere on third road up to Sukhumvit, and anywhere in Naklua or Jomtien.

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To the OP..............either get a pair or a car/pick up............. :o

Why stop at a car or truck? Why not a tank with a machine gun tourit mounted on the top? A few flame throwers might also be handy. I always carry a few hand grenades just for occasions like that. I get a real kick out of watching their bikes fly into the air when the grenade goes off. :D:D:D

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No apology required. I thought your post was well balanced but the original post may have benefitted from the reason you were out at that time of the morning. MJD is just an opportunist tw4t who will no doubt claim that you are a Brit and therefore it is all 100% your fault.

I spent over a year on the darkside and enjoyed it very much. I never encountered any problems but my naivity may have helped ! Those who advice getting a car want to try driving down Soi Nernplubwan/Klang and they will understand the benefits of a bike - not to mention parking.

Nevertheless, I fear that there will be a continuing growth in these sorts of incidents and it can help if people like you are prepared to recount their stories.

It could have been a lot worse for you.

Too true and thanks for that.

I'm home early tonight by a devious route. It was a very scary experience and it's made me think a lot. I believe if I'd stopped or been stopped I would have lost the bike plus some other stuff worth about 50,000 baht (please nobody tell me.....I know) plus bank cards and perhaps suffered personal injury if I'd crashed or been attacked. Perhaps they could even have forced me to empty the ATM - who knows. I just knew I didn't intend to stop. Perhaps many years riding m/bikes and having one with gears and reasonable power helped, but I know I was very lucky.

I've made a lot of mistakes in my 2 years here and where I live may well be one of them given my other circumstances, so I have to have a rethink.

My reluctance to use the car, apart from convenience, is due to what can happen to you when a Thai decides to throw his bike at you. My incident was minor, but have a read through this (where you can also find my tale). http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Motorcycle-A...on-t233572.html

In criticising some of the posts here I decided it was prudent to let others decide whom I was referring to. It certainly did not include that from basjke, whose sarcasm I appreciated (thanks for pm).

Surely we have to post such experiences here for the benefit of others and surely we don't need the smart assed posters stating the bleeding obvious eg. 4.30am is late duhhhhhhhhhhh

Anyway, no purpose served by arguing with them. I hope the incident has been of interest to some and has served to make them think about things they do, as indeed it has me.

sorry to hear what happened ,if we cant wear a simple gold chain ?? thats bad .we all have to live ,we just have to be street smart ..we cant all turn into mice and be in bed by 9 and let all the thai criminals do what ever they want after dark, get a big bike join a local mc club . these pussies wont mess with you then coz they know they will have more than you to answer too ,i dont believe in carrying weapons ,but if all this crime going on keep rising then it might be an option...a small mace spray can would be good to have or a little revolver lol :o .50

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No apology required. I thought your post was well balanced but the original post may have benefitted from the reason you were out at that time of the morning. MJD is just an opportunist tw4t who will no doubt claim that you are a Brit and therefore it is all 100% your fault.

I spent over a year on the darkside and enjoyed it very much. I never encountered any problems but my naivity may have helped ! Those who advice getting a car want to try driving down Soi Nernplubwan/Klang and they will understand the benefits of a bike - not to mention parking.

Nevertheless, I fear that there will be a continuing growth in these sorts of incidents and it can help if people like you are prepared to recount their stories.

It could have been a lot worse for you.

Too true and thanks for that.

I'm home early tonight by a devious route. It was a very scary experience and it's made me think a lot. I believe if I'd stopped or been stopped I would have lost the bike plus some other stuff worth about 50,000 baht (please nobody tell me.....I know) plus bank cards and perhaps suffered personal injury if I'd crashed or been attacked. Perhaps they could even have forced me to empty the ATM - who knows. I just knew I didn't intend to stop. Perhaps many years riding m/bikes and having one with gears and reasonable power helped, but I know I was very lucky.

I've made a lot of mistakes in my 2 years here and where I live may well be one of them given my other circumstances, so I have to have a rethink.

My reluctance to use the car, apart from convenience, is due to what can happen to you when a Thai decides to throw his bike at you. My incident was minor, but have a read through this (where you can also find my tale). http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Motorcycle-A...on-t233572.html

In criticising some of the posts here I decided it was prudent to let others decide whom I was referring to. It certainly did not include that from basjke, whose sarcasm I appreciated (thanks for pm).

Surely we have to post such experiences here for the benefit of others and surely we don't need the smart assed posters stating the bleeding obvious eg. 4.30am is late duhhhhhhhhhhh

Anyway, no purpose served by arguing with them. I hope the incident has been of interest to some and has served to make them think about things they do, as indeed it has me.

sorry to hear what happened ,if we cant wear a simple gold chain ?? thats bad .we all have to live ,we just have to be street smart ..we cant all turn into mice and be in bed by 9 and let all the thai criminals do what ever they want after dark, get a big bike join a local mc club . these pussies wont mess with you then coz they know they will have more than you to answer too ,i dont believe in carrying weapons ,but if all this crime going on keep rising then it might be an option...a small mace spray can would be good to have or a little revolver lol :o .50.....i forgot to say where is this darkside every one keeps referring to ????????



Edited by barrybike
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To the OP..............either get a pair or a car/pick up............. :o

Sorry if I'm being thick but I don't understand "pair"? Pair of .38s or what?.

You obviously didn't bother to read subsequent posts as your point re a car has already been made and, as I've replied, I do have the regulation Fortuner. I just prefer(red) the m/bike.

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I chased and made some ground, but the borrowed Fino wasn't up to it and, when it got hectic, the brakes certainly weren't................. .

You're 60 years old and you chased the two Thai snatchers on your mototcycle? What were you thinking? What were you going to do if you caught them?

Is your life really worth only 30k baht?

60 but not yet helpless. You're right of course. It was a pointless and stupid thing to do, but the blood was up and if I'd been on my own bike I'd have been upon them and had them off I'm sure. I wasn't exactly "thinking"

Of course, then I would probably be in a place where I wouldn't have access to the internet at this time, so I wouldn't be writing this.

I curse the Fino for making me so vulnerable, but everything happens for a reason they say and perhaps the Fino also kept me from harm.

Without that same "blood" I certainly wouldn't have got away from the latter episode. I haven't bored you with a graphic account, but I'm sure the average scooter rider here would have stopped or been off. In driving rain and with 2 bikes and 3 Thais (I think) about me with one trying to put a pole through my front wheel or hit me with it, it was very hairy to say the least.

As I've said, I've learnt a lot.

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You're not going to get much sympathy here for flashing a gold necklace in this underdeveloped country. It violates the most rudimentary common sense. Som num na. You've been here long enough to know that you should dress down. Me, I wouldn't even wear fake gold, and I wear a cheap plastic digital watch only.

And being out near relatively lonely sois at 4:30 AM--it's asking for trouble. Most of the crime happens during the wee hours, for good reason.

So in your case it was really just a matter of time.

I agree, leave the tacky thai gold for the bgs and pimps, pattaya is full of them and there is a severe downturn in the economy,so robberies can only increase and again yes all the creeps come out of the woodwork at night,.i wont ride a bike home after a night out, no i get openly muugged by a baht bus driver to get me home ! :o
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sorry to hear what happened ,if we cant wear a simple gold chain ?? thats bad .we all have to live ,we just have to be street smart ..we cant all turn into mice and be in bed by 9 and let all the thai criminals do what ever they want after dark, get a big bike join a local mc club . these pussies wont mess with you then coz they know they will have more than you to answer too ,i dont believe in carrying weapons ,but if all this crime going on keep rising then it might be an option...a small mace spray can would be good to have or a little revolver lol :D .50.....i forgot to say where is this darkside every one keeps referring to ????????

Dark side is anywhere the "other" side of Sukhamvit away from Pattaya central as far as I know.

A big bike would have been better. They wouldn't have got near the Vmax, ZZR11 or the XTZ750s, but a scooter is just so much more practical here and anyway I'm not really very "clubby".

Also, at 60 and with my experiences here (and luck?) plus the cost of good :o:D:D insurance, I don't think this is the time or the place for me to be getting back into big bikes ( although I am hoping to ride my 135 through to Phnom Penh/Sihanoukville and back some time - maybe I dream :D)

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