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Bangkok Metered Taxi's


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Does anyone out there know to whom (what agency) a complaint about a Bangkok should be directed? I have been told that it is illegal for them:

1. Refuse to take you someplace in BKK because of traffic conditions

2. To coerce one into not using the meter

3. To over charge.

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No. Could try the police, tourist police or TAT in times of trouble.

Other than that, if a driver tries to pull a bit of a scam just walk away and find a new driver. Yes, it's against regulations that a driver can turn you away, but his simple excuse is usually in Thai "I have to take the car back to the loaners by so and so time at such a place". Cant do anything about that.

As for not turning on the meter etc... those are normally just the taxis parked outside of tourist areas. Forget them and flag your own taxi down!

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Does anyone out there know to whom (what agency) a complaint about a Bangkok should be directed? I have been told that it is illegal for them:

1. Refuse to take you someplace in BKK because of traffic conditions

2. To coerce one into not using the meter

3. To over charge.

Seems to me if point 1 is applied, then point 2/3 are irrelevant.?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Does anyone out there know to whom (what agency) a complaint about a Bangkok should be directed? I have been told that it is illegal for them:

1. Refuse to take you someplace in BKK because of traffic conditions

2. To coerce one into not using the meter

3. To over charge.

I have to admit that I would not complain about item #1. At least not in the situation I have sometimes found myself. I have never had it happen simply because of traffic. I have had it happen when there is heavy traffic and it is far AND THEY ARE SCHEDULED TO TURN THEIR TAXI BACK IN FOR THE DAY.

I've never had #2 or #3 happen since they began metering taxis, although I am sure it happens.

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Does anyone out there know to whom (what agency) a complaint about a Bangkok should be directed? I have been told that it is illegal for them:

1. Refuse to take you someplace in BKK because of traffic conditions

2. To coerce one into not using the meter

3. To over charge.


I have had taxi drivers try to con me the world over. Its not just here. The good thing is that there is ALWAYS another just behind. Simple really and it saves on the stress of letting them wind you up!

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Does anyone out there know to whom (what agency) a complaint about a Bangkok should be directed? I have been told that it is illegal for them:

1. Refuse to take you someplace in BKK because of traffic conditions

2. To coerce one into not using the meter

3. To over charge.


I have had taxi drivers try to con me the world over. Its not just here. The good thing is that there is ALWAYS another just behind. Simple really and it saves on the stress of letting them wind you up!

I think saying "get a life" is a wee bit overboard. After all, taxi drivers in Thailand are supposed to obey the laws/regs. But yes, I think having a "mai pben rai" attitude about it is the best answer.

To be honest, I've rather enjoyed more of my contacts with Bangkok taxi drivers than the negatives. Last visit I was riding from Thanon Phetburi down to the old historic district and had a marvelous time with a Thai taxi driver who decided he should teach me more Thai language. It was a hoot! The very next day, same approximate destination but different driver, and he asked me to teach him some English. The biggest problem I've had with taxi drivers was them sometimes thinking they knew where I wanted to go, rather than really listening to what I was saying. For example, ending up at Democracy Monument instead of Victory Monument. And then there was the time that somehow I ended up at the flower market along the river, rather than wherever my intended destination was. Again -- mai pben rai!

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There is ZERO point to complaining. just get out and get the next taxi. every Thai I know asks the driver if he is ok with the destination prior to entering the cab. the next cab is rarely very far away.

Very true :D !!

Just be grateful that the cabs in BKK are nothing like the overpriced thieving lot down on Samui.

They want 300 Baht just to go for a 5 minute drive. Never really had any probs with BKK cabs....however, I am always flanked by Mrs Samuiseagull who aint gonna take shit from any of them!!!!! :o

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Rarely had a problem with taxis but my last two trips from the airport...

No meter, not even one installed so he got what I knew was reasonable and didn't complain much but the last driver started complaining on the highway that where I wanted to go was too far so he wanted double the normal meter fare. Closest I've ever gotten to coming to blows with a taxi driver. He was yelling and cursing at me in Thai and being very threatening. I couldn't get out on the highway at midnight and my bag was in the trunk so I knew he would drive off if I gave him half a chance. Made it to where I live and security gave him a hard time because he didn't want to hand over his ID. Three minutes arguing with security before he handed it over as they refused to let him in otherwise and started talking about calling the police. He also took me the long way round, an extra 15kms despite my telling him the way to go. Worst taxi driver ever so got the correct fare for the shorter route and no tip, and I usually give a generous tip because I know the driver will find it hard to get another fare out my way after midnight.

Most drivers if they don't want to take you somewhere or their shift is almost over will flag down another cab for you. 

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