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British Consular Fees Set To Rise

Maejo Man

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Foreign Office Minister Gillian Merron has announced changes to consular services and visa fees which will take effect from 9 April 2009.

Read the statement

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office has recently undertaken a review of the fees charged for visa and consular services, both in the UK and Overseas. On 18 March 2009 Her Majesty in Council approved the Consular Fees Order 2009. This revokes and replaces the Consular Fees Order 2008. The Government is today announcing changes to the consular fees to be charged under this Order with effect from 9 April 2009.

Fees for passport applications made in the United Kingdom remain at current levels whereas the fees for passport applications made abroad including applications for temporary and emergency passports have increased. A new Emergency Travel Document is also being introduced during 2009-10 and is priced at £89. This is a more secure and internationally acceptable document than the emergency and temporary passports currently used and is correspondingly more expensive. Most travel insurance policies permit recovery of expenditure incurred in relation to the loss of a passport and all British Nationals should ensure their policy includes this form of cover.

The fees for both standard and premium legalisation services have increased in line with inflation, and a new fee of £37 is to be introduced for legalisation services requested overseas, where the processing is carried out in whole or in part in the United Kingdom. A new fee for translating passport details into Arabic as part of the entry requirements for Libya is being introduced.

Fees for receiving applications for entry clearance to Commonwealth countries, British overseas territories and Crown Dependencies continue to be charged in the Order and have increased since last year. The fees for entry clearance for visitors to the Crown Dependencies have been amended to reflect the longer periods for which such entry clearances can now be obtained.

Other consular fees, representing a range of services performed at Posts abroad, are also set to increase.

It is right that those who benefit from consular services should meet the cost of them, rather than the UK taxpayer. The new fees represent the full economic cost of what we do, and will ensure that British missions continue to provide a high standard of service to consular customers.

Kind regards,

FCO Webmaster

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If you're talking about the Certificate of Residence that is required for renewing driving licenses etc., the immigration department has been issuing them for quite a while now after a period last year when they decided it was too much trouble. Also, "getting in quick" is only of limited use since most other documents you may need are only valid for a set period - for example confirming income for a retirement extension application.

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'kin tossers, what with everything that's going on with finances in general. Why should expats foot the bill, it's not like they're a drain on the UK state when out of the country, unlike a significant portion of the country are at home.

Several thousand <deleted> baht for some toff to sign a bleedin form. :o

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Well said jackr,I have a company pension from the UK and pay tax on it in the Uk before it is transfered here to my Thai bank account.I live here in CM so why should the robbing B*****ds charge me for a certificate to confirm where I live? I see on this forum that they are going to put their prices even more.

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Considering that the exchange rate has fallen from circa 70 baht to the pound to 50 in the last year or so, Consulate fees should be adjusted accordingly, downwards not upwards!!!

Not much chance of that happening, as normal logic does not exist in Thailand LOL...

Cheers :o

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We could call this operation outreach, you've become an expat and now don't pay local taxes in the UK so we'll get you via the long distance route! Ha, and you thought you could escape the clutches of the Chancellor.

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