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Thai Wife On Settlement Visa In Uk

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Hi there, just some advice required please!

Thai wife currently on 2 yr settlement visa runs out May 2010. We have just realised her Thai passport runs out March 2010. How does she renew it? Can it be done from the UK? We had already planned to return to TL in Nov this year to visit her family, but can she still do this with her current passport running out in Mar2010? What about the settlement visa in her current passport? Will this automatically be put in the new passport?

Nothings ever easy it? lol

Thanks in advance for your time...



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Hi there, just some advice required please!

Thai wife currently on 2 yr settlement visa runs out May 2010. We have just realised her Thai passport runs out March 2010. How does she renew it? Can it be done from the UK? We had already planned to return to TL in Nov this year to visit her family, but can she still do this with her current passport running out in Mar2010? What about the settlement visa in her current passport? Will this automatically be put in the new passport?

Nothings ever easy it? lol

Thanks in advance for your time...



You can get her a new Thai passport when youcome over in November. Itonly takes a few days. The settlment visa will not be put into her new passport so if traveling she will have to carry both the old and the new passport, especially if traveling to the UK. My Mrs has three passports, two of which have expired but if traveling to the UK she has to carry all three. The UK immigration/consulate/embassy might be able to re-stamp your wife's new passport but that I am not sure of as I have never done that.

I's the same for me ... I have to carry three UKpassports because the others were filled up/expired yet my original visa is in

the first one and all subsequent extensions have been addd tothe others.

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As Mariner says, she can renew her passport at the Thai embassy in Kensington, See here. But if you are going to be in Thailand in November it may be more convenient to do it then. Up to you.

then you can send her new passport to get the visa transferred into new passport.

You could do that; if you want to give the government £160 by post or £560 if you do it in person; with substantial increases in the pipeline!

Or you could do what most people do and simply carry both old and new passports, showing both when necessary. The visa is still valid, even if the passport it is in has expired. Then, when she applies for ILR have that stamp put into the new passport.

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With respect, Mariner, whether she renews her passport in the UK or Thailand she will still have the choice of carrying two passports or paying the government at least £160 to transfer the visa into her new passport.

I know which I would choose.

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No problems, go to Thailand in November, get your Thai Passport renewed, retain the old one which shows history and stamps of ILR, you can then staple the books together, the oldest one at the rear of the two.My wife, had similar probs, (don't forget to apply ASAP when arriving in Thailand.)

Returning to the UK, keep appt with Immigration, they will up-date your visa in new Thai passport :o

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Hi there, just some advice required please!

Thai wife currently on 2 yr settlement visa runs out May 2010. We have just realised her Thai passport runs out March 2010. How does she renew it? Can it be done from the UK? We had already planned to return to TL in Nov this year to visit her family, but can she still do this with her current passport running out in Mar2010? What about the settlement visa in her current passport? Will this automatically be put in the new passport?

Nothings ever easy it? lol

Thanks in advance for your time...



Unless you've already done so your wife can get a five year extension on her existing passport at the Thai embassy in London.

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Thx sumrit, will check that option out!

ANd while you are about it get yourself the 2 year validity multple entry Non IM. O visa .The Thai embassy will do this for you with just a sight of your marriage lines.A bargain at £200 quid and it saves so much hassle sould you wish to stay in Thailand for a while and not deposit a large amount in a Thai bank.

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