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Hugh Jarse

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Everything posted by Hugh Jarse

  1. Why poor planning? Brit’s were not told about this when the moved abroad and believed they would be entitled to a pension based on their contributions not their residency!
  2. CBDC are a reality step 1 to Dystopian future. The Banks have been preparing fot this for several years now and will increasingly adopt it fro here on in. deeply worrying.
  3. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer bloke.
  4. Train staff to user tasers on drunken fools like this. Hope he will be banned from flying for 10 years
  5. This happened to me a few years back when I suffered a stroke and 3 hours later internal bleeding through the mouth and nose. Fortunately I was in a Chiang Mai hospital and got appropriate treatment.
  6. Good to heat the staff are back at work in the passport office.
  7. Raise the standards of teachers and pay them a living wage. This new govt. have earmarked 2 a measly 2.4% of GD for education. They need to start investing in their Human Resources and more science,technical and vocational training.
  8. Thailand seems to enjoy messing on its own doorstep and this outrageous attitude has led to death because of incompetence or the spirit of pure greed. The hospital director should be arrested and the owners called to account. Another reason for tourists to stay away from Thailand. Was this hospital part of Dusit Medical services/ Bangkok hospitals.?
  9. But beware of the sizes which are different from UK,Us sizes.
  10. There are always apps and Zoom to stay in contact with family and friends so a minor inconvenience when compared to the advantages of staying away from the hellhole that is UK.which is fast becoming a failed state.
  11. Clearly you have not looked very carefully as there are many available . Best to hire a driver and explore the options in the Hang Dong/Canal rd area as well at contacting some agents..the O/P is looking to rent not buy.
  12. Wait til they introduce Environment sales tax for frequent fliers.
  13. When a foreigner gets a credit card they must deposit an amount equal to their credit card limit. Why don’t banks do likewise with their Thai customers?
  14. On a related matter, why is the RedBull heir who killed the cop,still at large?
  15. I used Uwe Conrad’s firm 15 years ago, German engineering and parts. No problems.
  16. SCB will be removing SCB smart next month so by bye that option too. CBDC likely to make matters worse when that clicks in also.
  17. Apart from the respiratory ailments, chronic paranoia, psychosis and skitsophrenia are apparant in habitual users ..
  18. Their website is down. Unable to contact them. Please advise.
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