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Dear all,

I just wants to know if the Download PRogrammes such as WinMX is a legal way to download Mp3,avi,dvd movies etc....Is there any carch in using these proggrames....

is it legal in Thailand...and can the Thai Police detect when we're online downloading files???

any1 get caught in Thailand before???

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don't really know, as i heard that filesharing in canada is actually legal, they pay a tax on all purchased cd's which goes to the artists, as far as the police knocking on your door, unless its kiddie porn, i don't think i would worry too much.

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The Thai police aren't all that sophisticated yet. They're having a hard time just policing Thai websites. I really doubt that they'll get the manpower/knowhow to police P2P anytime soon (or even care enough to do it). The RIAA is another matter... they might get bored with lawsuits in the US and set their sights on other countires.

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