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State Of Emergency In Pattaya, Chon Buri


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Govt announces state of emergency in Pattaya, Chon Buri


The summit of Asean leaders with dialogue partners has been cancelled and state of emergency declared in Pattaya after a clash of red-shirted and blue-shirted people outside the meeting venue and a subsequent invasion of the hotel.

The government has announced a decision has been made to postpone the summit to a later date, in effect cancelling it.

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva declared a state of emergency in Pattaya and Chon Buri, partly to facilitate the departure of Asean VIP guests. He told a press conference Asean leaders and their dialogue partners understand the need to postpone the summit and support government action regarding Saturday's incidents.

Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban will be in charge of enforcing the state of emergency measures in Chon Buri and Pattaya. Saturday's turmoil will send Pattaya reeling economically. The resort city had hoped to reap the benefits of the Songkran festival but now has to cope with mounting tour and hotel cancellations.

The state of emergency law imposes tough restrictions on public gathering and dissemination of information. Authorities are given added power to search residents and venues and restrict travels.

Hundreds of protesters broke through a glass and poured into a Royal Cliff Beach Resort Hotel building where reporters stayed. The section is about 100 metres apart from a hotel section where summit leaders are supposed to meet.

This made the meeting impossible after the government earlier only announced a minor postponement of schedules.

The cancellation has also been announced by acting government spokesman Panithan Watanayagorn, who had earlier said it was only a delay, not cancellation.

Few protesters suffered minor injuries in a clash in Pattaya Saturday morning when the Asean summit with dialogue partners was about to begin.

"The government is investigating the incident," Panithan told an urgent press conference.

At 8:40 am, the red-shirted protesters armed with giant firecrackers, Molotov cocktails, sling shots and batons, battled with local people who formed a line to protect the venue of Asean +6 and Asean + 3 summits.

Government officials denied the blue shirted men, who confronted the red-shirted protesters and clashed with them, were state-sponsored.

Spokesman Panithan rejected the connection with the blue shirted men saying they are simply ordinary people who wanted to see the summit proceed smoothly. They showed up to prevent the red shirted protesters from disrupting the summit, he said.

The government was investigating the presence of the blue shirted men and they could be arrested if committed anything illegal, he said.

"We were also concerned about the safety of the leaders and the people including the protesters. We are working hard to control the situation," Panithan said.

The Foreign Ministry's spokesman Tharit Charungvat, said all delegates are not the targets of the protesters. "The protesters want to humiliate the government," he said.

Fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra and red-shirted leaders have indicated that they would consider cancellation of the summit a victory for the red-shirted campaign. They claim the Abhisit Vejjajiva government was not legitimate because it was set up following "unfair" court rulings against the former pro-Thaksin ruling party and a military-dictated defection of some formerly pro-Thaksin MPs.

The red shirted protesters under the umbrella of the Democratic Alliance Against Democracy (DAAD) demanded Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and some members of the Privy Council to step down. They claimed the blue shirt men hurt them.

Reporters saw the outnumbered blue-shirted local people was scattered and ran for cover when the red-shirted people attacked them.

Several explosion sounds of firecrackers were heard and the red-shirted people were seen as firing slingshots with bolts at the blue-shirted people who tried formed a line in front of the Royal Cliff Beach Resort Hotel.

The red-shirted people formed a line and kept advancing until the two sides stood confronting less than one metre apart and the clash broke out.

The red-shirted protesters were seen carrying Molotov cocktails but none had been thrown at the other side yet.

Terrified local residents closed their houses and many were seen weeping with fear.

On Friday, the red-shirted leaders in Bangkok recruited the protesters to be deployed to Pattaya to fight against the blue-shirted ones.

About 10,000 red-shirted protesters arrived at Pattaya in over 500 taxis, 20 buses and some six-wheel trucks, motorcycles and private cars.

They reached the Phet Trakul Road where a group of red-shirted people was demonstrating at about 11:50 pm.

At 7 am, about 100 red-shirted protesters and 30 taxis blocked the exit of Dusit Thani Pattaya Hotel to try to prevent the Chinese prime minister, Japanese prime minister and South Korean president to leave for a summit with Asean leaders.

This followed a turmoil in Bangkok on Thursday when red-shirted protesters blocked the Victory Monument and caused traffic turmoil all across the city.

Following the Pattaya incident, the red shirt movement also issued a statement condemning what was claimed to be "government's ambush against unarmed citizens."

The statement, reportedly written by Jakrapop Penkair, a former Cabinet member in a previous pro-Thaksin administration, said the UAAD came to Pattaya "in good nature" but "reactions of the government and their leaders couldn't have been more harsh and undemocratic."

The statement said there were at least 2 cases of shootings aimed to harm red-shirt supporters. It also said as the red-shirt supporters were leaving the compound of the Royal Cliff Beach Pataya hotel, where they submitted a letter appealing to the guest countries for boycott, they were "viciously ambushed by people hiding on the sides. At least 10 people were injured when large pieces of stone hit them in the heads and bodies. These ambushers were not a natural but a well-arranged setup."

The statement claimed Suthep Tueksuban, Deputy Prime Minister, and Newin Chidchob, a Thai Rak Thai defect and a major influence of the current coalition, were responsible for organising the blue-shirted activities.

"We insist that our purpose of protesting is entirely peaceful. The meetings with Thailand's side, if gone on, would be misleading, since the Thai government doesn't represent the people of the country democratically," it said.

Several people were killed and injured when anti-Thaksin protesters clashed with security forces while a pro-Thaksin government, led by Thaksin's brother-in-law Somchai Wongsawat, was in power last year.

-- The Nation 2009-04-11

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Govt announces state of emergency in Pattaya, Chon Buri

PATTAYA: -- Prime Minister Abhisit announced on TV that the government announced state of emergency in Pattaya and Chon Buri following the raid of the summit venue.

Abhisit said Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban was assigned to enforce the emergency law to control the situation.

He said the government had made sure that all Asean leaders and other foreign leaders would leave the country safely.

-- The Nation 2009-04-11

They should have made sure that all the Asean leaders could stay in the country safely.

Cheers, Rick

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Good riddance!

I think when speaking of 'losing face' this should be remembered. Government doesn't seem to be able to arrange even meeting without being totally paralyzed.

I think this will destroy the remains of the credibility of this country and its people.

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it seems as if the lunatics are now running the asylum.

a few minutes before the statement a red shirt leader spoke to the press from the lobby of the royal cliff hotel that they had stormed , saying that the government had one hour to arrest the men (blue shirts)who shot and wounded a taxi driver or they would storm the meeting itself.

i find it unbelievable that

1. the govt. chose to hold this meeting in a location like pattaya , so easy for the protesters to get there and assemble.

2. that the police and army could not secure the area where the meeting was to be held and prevent this disruption.

3. that the hotel security was breached so easily.

it is as if they wanted to let the red shirts win the day.

its very embarrassing for the country.

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State of Emergency in part of Thailand

The Thai Prime Minister has declared a State of Emergency in Pattaya, where a summit of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations was due to be held.

Abhisit Vejjajiva said 'The task for me and the government now is to provide security for the leaders to travel back home safely.'

The summit had been scheduled to start in the resort this morning.

It has now been effectively cancelled, as today's session was called off and there will not bnow be a final session which was due tomorrow.

The decision came after a large group of anti-government demonstrators stormed the hotel which was to be the media centre for the summit.

-- Agencies 2009-04-11

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OMG - how utterly embarrassing.

Losing face in front of your neighbours etc.

Now then..........there is going to be SIGNIFICANT fall out from this, and rather than Abisit shooting himself in the foot, i think this could be Taksin shooting himself in the foot.

The Government wont take this lying down.

I foresee an immediate revocation of Taksin's Thai passport which will keep him in one country. Then they will actually actively seek to extradite him, as opposed to just talking about it.

And then the real bloodbath begins. But at least it will the final chapter instead of just carrying on forever.

This is not a good day which ever way you look at it.

What a tin-pot country!

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it seems as if the lunatics are now running the asylum.

a few minutes before the statement a red shirt leader spoke to the press from the lobby of the royal cliff hotel that they had stormed , saying that the government had one hour to arrest the men (blue shirts)who shot and wounded a taxi driver or they would storm the meeting itself.

i find it unbelievable that

1. the govt. chose to hold this meeting in a location like pattaya , so easy for the protesters to get there and assemble.

2. that the police and army could not secure the area where the meeting was to be held and prevent this disruption.

3. that the hotel security was breached so easily.

it is as if they wanted to let the red shirts win the day.

its very embarrassing for the country.

Ordinary Thais wont like this red shirt action

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But what does state of emergency actually means?

Does it mean police and army will now use the force? or all of us people living in Pattaya have to walk around in fear of being attacked?

Lucky for me, i live 100 meters away from red shirts camp(which was overnight near Big C)

Not only i was unable to go get some food, but had to listen to the crap all night long. Mind you with so many people all 7 elevens and family marts were emptied out of food and drinks in under an hour.

So not only i could not buy any food, i also could not order any food.

So state of emergency means, they will use force to move the camp or does it mean i have to starve to death or ????????????????

Do not need to worry about my other half, she can cook and eat all the bugs and grass around the condo, but i am not at that level yet

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I foresee an immediate revocation of Taksin's Thai passport which will keep him in one country. Then they will actually actively seek to extradite him, as opposed to just talking about it.

Thaksin does not give a fart about his Thai passport as he has already purchased others from certain countries that are happy to issue passports in exchange for some "loose" change.

Also, he cannot be extradited from anywhere.

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it seems as if the lunatics are now running the asylum.

a few minutes before the statement a red shirt leader spoke to the press from the lobby of the royal cliff hotel that they had stormed , saying that the government had one hour to arrest the men (blue shirts)who shot and wounded a taxi driver or they would storm the meeting itself.

i find it unbelievable that

1. the govt. chose to hold this meeting in a location like pattaya , so easy for the protesters to get there and assemble.

2. that the police and army could not secure the area where the meeting was to be held and prevent this disruption.

3. that the hotel security was breached so easily.

it is as if they wanted to let the red shirts win the day.

its very embarrassing for the country.

As BBC just put it "total humiliation" and sadly i agree.

Seems that the police and army are not going to restore order regardless of shirt color.

What's next, new government again and yellow shirts turn to take the streets and airports ?

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So now Abhist is going to shot himself in the other foot by trying to save face.

Suthep was in charge of summit security, he is now in charge of restoring law and order under a state of emergency. I can see more failures coming

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it seems as if the lunatics are now running the asylum.

a few minutes before the statement a red shirt leader spoke to the press from the lobby of the royal cliff hotel that they had stormed , saying that the government had one hour to arrest the men (blue shirts)who shot and wounded a taxi driver or they would storm the meeting itself.

i find it unbelievable that

1. the govt. chose to hold this meeting in a location like pattaya , so easy for the protesters to get there and assemble.

2. that the police and army could not secure the area where the meeting was to be held and prevent this disruption.

3. that the hotel security was breached so easily.

it is as if they wanted to let the red shirts win the day.

its very embarrassing for the country.

Ordinary Thais wont like this red shirt action

Ordinary Thais can only stand by and watch, as indeed the Police and the Army are doing. How can they let this happen to such an important event for Thailand.

Cheers, Rick

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Red-shirts disperse following state of emergency

Arisman Pongruangron told red-shirted protesters to disperse from the Royal Cliff Beach Resort Hotel, TNN reported at 1:58 pm.

Arisman said the red-shirted had scored a victory to prevent the Asean summit so they no longer needed to occupy the hotel.

-- The Nation 2009-04-11

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Not that I care but just as a point of intrets as this is a tourist city does that mean nightlife closed?

Good question.... My hunch is that "State of Emergency" will have no effect on Walking Street :o

We will see. Amazing Thailand :D

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it seems as if the lunatics are now running the asylum.

a few minutes before the statement a red shirt leader spoke to the press from the lobby of the royal cliff hotel that they had stormed , saying that the government had one hour to arrest the men (blue shirts)who shot and wounded a taxi driver or they would storm the meeting itself.

i find it unbelievable that

1. the govt. chose to hold this meeting in a location like pattaya , so easy for the protesters to get there and assemble.

2. that the police and army could not secure the area where the meeting was to be held and prevent this disruption.

3. that the hotel security was breached so easily.

it is as if they wanted to let the red shirts win the day.

its very embarrassing for the country.

Well, not such a far fetched conclusion...!

Maybe the Summit did come to a standstill anyway - and this solution came in handy!

Put's the Red shirts with the Victory Monument en par with the PAD...?

Another "Victory" yeah....!!!

On the contrary there might be quite a bunch of Pattaya business people who are now really fond of the Red shirts.....

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OMG - how utterly embarrassing.

Losing face in front of your neighbours etc.

Now then..........there is going to be SIGNIFICANT fall out from this, and rather than Abisit shooting himself in the foot, i think this could be Taksin shooting himself in the foot.

The Government wont take this lying down.

I foresee an immediate revocation of Taksin's Thai passport which will keep him in one country. Then they will actually actively seek to extradite him, as opposed to just talking about it.

And then the real bloodbath begins. But at least it will the final chapter instead of just carrying on forever.

This is not a good day which ever way you look at it.

What a tin-pot country!

Let's see. People have been speculating on the end chapter of this book for longer than my marriage lasted!

I doubt anything will be done to Mr. T. If anything, this occurrence was a message that the Dems are going to get what the PAD dished out to the last government. Lots of illegal protests and no-win situations, until the government falls due to it all.

Abhisit is a better showman but this failure showed how weak he really is when it counts. In the end, both sides know there will be a reaction to whatever they do....it is the weaker one that will eventually back off...or the fear will make one group weaker. But effectively, it is the same thing...this isn't Western politics....it's not even Eastern....TiT.

I'm expecting this to last another 3-5 years...it'll go away slowly...and I'm guessing so will certain corruption charges, the political disappearance of a certain unnamed PM in a certain unnamed country, along with the final "retirement" of a certain ex-member of the military in some unnamed country. Somebody is going to have to pay on both sides....that is the way it works...TiT.

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Obviously the Thai Government reflects the Thai people = does not know what goes on outside it's borders :o .When other nations hold summits that potentionaly hold a threat of disruption they are held at a isolated residence/hotel that all the delagates stay at ,properly protected so they can still hold the meeting even if there is a war going on outside.

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it seems as if the lunatics are now running the asylum.

a few minutes before the statement a red shirt leader spoke to the press from the lobby of the royal cliff hotel that they had stormed , saying that the government had one hour to arrest the men (blue shirts)who shot and wounded a taxi driver or they would storm the meeting itself.

i find it unbelievable that

1. the govt. chose to hold this meeting in a location like pattaya , so easy for the protesters to get there and assemble.

2. that the police and army could not secure the area where the meeting was to be held and prevent this disruption.

3. that the hotel security was breached so easily.

it is as if they wanted to let the red shirts win the day.

its very embarrassing for the country.

Ordinary Thais wont like this red shirt action

Guess they prefer the Yellow shirt then......

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Thailand,hang your head in shame.

Yellow means cowardice from the police,army and red means embarrased faces.

IF the thais arent 10 against one they are lilly white cowards and its proved it after humiliating signs of them running away from the protesters.How anybody can treat Thailand with respect and dignity after these pathetic signs of law and order is beyyond me.

Shame shame shame on this country.

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I can not understand why everyone needs to blame Taksin.(no one in the foreign community realizes what Taksin really did for this country...now he's angry, and he will have his vendetta, the government WILL NEVER stop him)...

If we remember right, they declared Marshall law when he was out of the country... which in my opinion lacks backbone to face someone and charge them publicly...

They never had the b***s to charge him publicly... they did it behind his back... now.. we have what we have...

Yet, everyone complains about red, yellow,blue idiots... but what about the people? don't the people have the say?

That is true democracy... a government by the people for the people and of the people... not of the upper elite corrupt people... that is not of the people... that is the people who belong in prison... and if u condemn taksin to prison, then i think the who political system with policeman, government office and teachers/directors(government) truly belong there for their corrupt control of power. So I think Taksin has a lot of company to join him... if this is where the whole matter belongs.

stop corruption then u stop the problems... but until EVERYONE realizes that this country is in the shizz...

I'm glad the Asean conference see the loss of face of a face lost country... now, rebuild with some quality in in mind.

Remove all the government people from their jobs, put them out, then u will start having an effective system that maybe can manage itself.. or put the fear of god into those hurting this country instead of trying to steal, cheat all the people, foreign and domestic that is around...

So good, red is stirring it up... maybe we will have a solution.

I hope the dumpster is ready...

and FYI.. I confirm this with the LOCALS...this is WHAT they want... so my views are not of my own...but the "people" and eventually 'people' will rule... I think this happening in USA too... Obama, Bush... all just manipulated puppets by the rich and lawyer powerful... and soon I think u will see 'as we see in scifi, a battle to this elite classes...but i think, people still have the power to over rule the elite...and end this power'


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