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Siam Bike Shop


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hi guys well the truth is this i worked with him for 10 months and in that time i had 4mill in bikes in the shop for sale the deal was that he sold the bikes for as much as he could yes not over priced but as much as possible. the books were a bastard to get done Thai law makes it hard for jap imports to get books or plates,

they want money for the books with out the proper papers not a hope all jap bikes come in from bkk in bits the import papers are for bike bits you have to have a frame invoice and an engen invoice the tax is paid on entry the book is on top after it is sold. the tax is per cc 400cc=60000bt up to 90000bt for a big cc this gets picked up by the bkk tax agent and then you have to hope for the Thai government to pass it this can take 3 to 4 months.

but the money gets paid first we can do nothing about this its the way it is done one office one agent and they take there sweet time. the bikes are rebuilt in bkk or chonbury and we got them from the guys who built them. when a bike was sold it was a split up with the paid cost coming back to me, the rest was the book man the repairs and then a split up 50% to me 50% to the shop. the other bikes in the shop was a different story you guys would agree for Scott to sell for the agreed price he put more on top to make a profit normal it was a business after all and the over heads were high. scott had made a big mistake a few years ago with this auto trader mag good idea but very expensive

. and at the same time the thaibay.biz was costing a lot so he had funded the lot buy using the money he got for selling bikes the customer bikes in the old shop next to the Bangkok pattaya hospital north pattaya. as we now know he got in far over his head. the money was going out faster than coming in he was stuck with a mag that needed a mill a month thaibay a mill a month but he did not have any money coming in he did not own any thing in the shop. it was all customers stock but the money he got for the bikes was used up on bills he was flat busted broke.

the new shop was the answer he thought it would give him the space he needed to get back up on top the auto trader was scraped or put on hold. thaibay was left to tick over with out much activeness two staff left to run it 30000 a month out on that. ok so it seemed to be sorted but the bikes he had sold before had not been paid for and that was the problem it came and bit him in the ass when he sold a bike he had to pay the owner but he would put it off for as long as he could and pay the older sales off yes rob peter to pay paul.this is ok if you sell 3 or 4 bikes a day but that did not happen sometimes one a week or one a month. i got the shop covered by the workshop repairs and soon the wages rent tax electric where covered it was good for a few months then he started to get involved with ktm trying to get a dealership this cost to much and broke the bank again. this was the final straw it was impossible to get out of the rut without a big banker coming in i had tried i put in 2 mill

=4 mill in bikes and 10 months of my time it looked like there was no way to save this shop from the final sinarieo and then i had the problem of my bikes were not selling fast and money was tight again,.,.,.

i had to go back to the uk and fight a Greek <deleted> who was is trying to fuc_k with my restaurant in London so i had no way of being in two places at the same time and London is were i make my living i had to go and fight there last may still going on today and wont finish till July. this left Scott with a lot of my bikes and a lot of debts as well he found a new partner with money and stuffed me . some shit that was but i worked it out it was going to cost me more to try and stay in than get out so out was cheaper.after this i don't know much of what happened the new guy was paying the bills. i got back to see the end of the shop bailiffs and trucks lifting the shop stock and all out of the building and now it is for rent again.so i don't think he has a nest egg of much left he did have a living out of it but the big money he did not get unless he sold thaibay or auto trader. so it was business and the lack of sales that did it cops taking taxman taking customs trying to cease bikes and taking 60000 for a bike with no book some staff on the rob as well fuc_ked a good shop it could have been a good shop. to hard in pattaya to make a good shop work to many nasty informers and takers here to make money and the cost of the books was also a big one. i got out last may cost me a lot but i got out. only lost 4mill to much and not happy with that but that's life. had Scott been honest he could have made it work. he got to involved with some one who helped him make this thaibay and auto trader mag he should have stayed with the bikes.. the final days someone else will have to fill in i don't know what happened at the end but i can guess..

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