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Tefl/esl Qualifications


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I'm teaching a few classes at the moment but I want to do this properly but after researching training I'm just overwhelmed by so many different acronyms, can anyone recommend any schools in Thailand preferably in Bangkok.

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I'm teaching a few classes at the moment but I want to do this properly but after researching training I'm just overwhelmed by so many different acronyms, can anyone recommend any schools in Thailand preferably in Bangkok.

I guess from the topic title, you're after a TEFL course in Bangkok. If this is right, then I recommend taking the four-week CELTA course at ECC in Siam Square. Check out their website for more details.

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The TA in CELTA stands for Teaching Adults. If you are teaching kids, you may want to consider something more appropriate. They also run a CELTYL for teaching Young Learners.

TEFL includes teaching Young Learners. Some of your teaching practices will also be with young learner age groups.

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I'm teaching a few classes at the moment but I want to do this properly but after researching training I'm just overwhelmed by so many different acronyms, can anyone recommend any schools in Thailand preferably in Bangkok.

Don't waste the time and money. If you are teaching, you are learning how to do it the best way, adjusting as you go. You are not harming the students since you obviously care about doing it properly. Keep going and learning on the job. Most do who care.

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