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Police Also Plant Trees

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THE Koh Samui police are not only doing law-enforcement duties; they are also pitching in their share for the cause of the environment with their “Plant a Tree” project.

“We have so far planted 1,000 trees in schools and temples to increase the green areas on Koh Samui,” said police Maj. Gen. Taesa Sirivathro, chief of the Police Department of Suratthani. Taesa stressed the importance of trees in that they protect the people from land slides and floods. Unfortunately, he said, some people can’t be stopped from cutting down trees on mountain tops to build structures and roads.

He said landslides and washed out soil contaminate the coral reefs, creating long- lasting damage to the island’s most precious assets. “People need the trees to keep and protect the natural balance of Koh Samui’s environment; trees give food and shelter to all the island’s animals, from birds to snakes, they all depend on the trees,” he said.

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