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"premium" Classifieds


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I'm not sure the model of placing the 'premium' ads in front of the 'regular' ads is working - at least it surely doesn't work when I view them... I just scroll past EVERYTHING 'orange' and then get to the newest 'regular' ads... otherwise I'd be there all day reading the same crap from "Gerwin" and his 'amazing properties' and that "Capitulation Sale" ad that cracks me up every time (if it was a true 'capitulation' wouldn't the dang thing be sold by now - capitulation implies 'sale at any cost'... some of those ads have been on for what seems to be ages)....

Just wondering if other members do the same thing (just scroll past the 'premium ads'). If so, then there is nothing 'Premium' about them, it actually makes them less attractive and (possibly) have fewer clicks. if this is the case, then they would be of no use (advertisers paying a premium for nothing) and also just annoying for the rest of us who browse the classifieds.

Just my 2 cents, and wondering if anybody thinks like me. If not, then I guess I'm the lone weirdo :o

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