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Just Dug These Eggs Up

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Thanks Guy's , eggs now in a jar awaiting the happy event , Names all ready picked out .

Lizzy ........ Lizard

Gorrdon ..... Gecko

Tommy ........Tokey

Chelsea ........Chingchock

and finally ......Walter :)

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They are definitely not Chingchuck eggs they are white more round and smaller and are stuck to hard surfaces i.e. back of pictures etc. My money is on snakes!


Edited by TBWG
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  • 4 weeks later...

Thats sad... If you ever come across anymore, the eggs should be kept warm and humid in a DARK place, as long as the eggs are only handled briefly whilst they are transferred to their new home all should be well. The size of the eggs appear to be far to small for any native snake variety probably common house gecko. Good luck with your search for new eggs, be careful because once you hatch, your new babies it gets kind of addictive :)

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