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National Soi Dog Day

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One thing the UK has done very well is eliminate rabies with its strict animal importation/quarantine laws. The US is relativly rabies free but not totally. Countries have to be careful about allowing certain plants/animals in...some years ago an American boy brought back three beautiful snails from some exotic vacation spot and these "beautiful" snails multiplied like mad and ate the paint off houses among other things.

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If you have a pet anything, take care of it in your on frickin yard. Don't push the dammm things onto everyone else to take care of. The dogs are everywhere and even when in the temples they attack kids and sh1t all over the place. I don't care if you put a collar on a soi mutt, still doesn't mean you have taken responsibility for the bloody thing. Get them the he11 off the streets and educate the people to take care of their own frickin animals long after they're a puppy or kitten. No love lost on my part for these diease carrying,fleebitten,biting bastards and bitches. The Price is Right guy had it right when he would end the program with "Remember to have your pet spayed or neutered".

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Many of the soi dogs were once family pets that were simply tossed out into the street once the novelty of having a cute, exotic puppy wore off. A lot of people don't do their homework before getting a dog. We have a friend who has a Siberian (spelling?) Husky...cute dog but does NOT belong in a tropical environment. On top of this, Huskies are working dogs who enjoy pulling sleds and will go bonkers if cooped up in a cage all day or in a house. They also eat a ton of food which drives up the cost of caring for them. Many other breeds are not suitable for small apartments/yards such as those found in Bangkok and many other breeds are not good around kids or neighbors. Perhaps it's time to toss those bad dog owners out into the streets and see how they like living without bath!

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We're NOT talking tossed pets here, we're talking traditional Thai scruffy mongrels here with large patches of fur missing, some missing limbs, most with bad skin deseases. My dog (which I walk in a leach) was twice attacked by those scappy pieces of **** - one even had a collar and I know who put the collar on it ... but when I confronted her to pay the vet bill for my dog she denied having anything to do with it.

I say, get the dog catchers to come around and round up all those stray dogs. If they can get idiots to pay for the neutering and caring until they die then fine, I just can't see that happening in Thailand, so probably better to get it over with.

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Anyone know any effective poisons?

with Lots of Snickers??

Chocolate toxicity

Chocolate contains theobromine, a compound that is a cardiac stimulant and a diuretic.

When affected by an overdose of chocolate, a dog can become excited and hyperactive. Due to the diuretic effect, it may pass large volumes of urine and it will be unusually thirsty. Vomiting and diarrhoea are also common. The effect of theobromine on the heart is the most dangerous effect. Theobromine will either increase the dog’s heart rate or may cause the heart to beat irregularly. Death is quite possible, especially with exercise.

After their pet has eaten a large quantity of chocolate, many pet owners assume their pet is unaffected. However, the signs of sickness may not be seen for several hours, with death following within twenty-four hours.

Cocoa powder and cooking chocolate are the most toxic forms. A 10-kilogram dog can be seriously affected if it eats a quarter of a 250gm packet of cocoa powder or half of a 250gm block of cooking chocolate. These forms of chocolate contain ten times more theobromine than milk chocolate.

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All the lads saying they take care of the soi dogs have taken a hike from this thread, Must be because they don't do sh1t except feed the mongrels once in awhile and say "oh what a great guy I am". Do something constructive and at least fix the buggers so there won't be so dammmm many of the bloody things. You make a topic and say what a great guy I am to feed em but really don't know sh1t about the real situation or are just blind as a bat or you don't go anywhere.

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"Here,Gentlemen,a dog teaches us a lesson in humanity" Napoleon Bonaparte

"Heaven goes by favour.If it went by merit you would stay out,and your dog would

go in" Mark Twain

"Some days your the dog.Some days your the hydrant" Unk

Just some old dog quotes. Arf Arf Arf. :o

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  • 2 years later...
Maybe one of those dogs you are so quick to condemn was your mother in a previous life.

well then if the (possibly rabid) dog that just bit a five year old child was my mum in a previous life, i think it'd be a great favor to her hurrying her on to the next one. she'd thank you for it later no doubt.

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Most of the soi dogs I've encountered are friendly and don't even bark at you...they just more or less wander on by. Some have snapped a bit at me but not with any real effort. I had a few of them bark aggressively and approach me at which point I stomped my foot and picked up a rock or a stick and that scared them off. Unlike some people's pet dogs, most soi dogs are cowards won't get really nasty towards you unless you go after them first. The dogs that are the biggest threat are those monster Rottweilers that people keep. Most people here tend to keep their dogs locked up behind a gate unlike many folks where I'm from. That is one thing dog owners do well here...keep those nasty dogs behind a fence.

i've identified 3 separate packs, many of which are fully feral (born feral), where i live in thonburi.

some of the alpha dogs start thinking they're tough, but mostly they just bark at and bite other dogs. some are downright friendly, even feral ones. soi dogs are like anyone/anything else; few are all bad--or all good. most look fairly well disease ridden, and are quite likely a danger to a) other pets and :o humans.

when you watch how dogs live on their own, the lifestyle choices of rats sure look dignified: a) they're quieter, and for the most part cleaner (dogs and rats may be even on communicable diseases) :D i've never seen an alpha rat bully the rest of the rats for the sheer hel_l of it.

PS as for why they're not barking at you, they're probably saving their voice for 4am prime time.

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Good news for "Dog Lovers" from The Bangkok Post


Police catch man off to sell dog meat


Chiang Rai _ The trade in dog meat appears to be thriving in Chiang Rai during the Songkran festival period.

Muang district police yesterday caught a man driving a pickup truck loaded with dogs and charged him with illegal trading of animals.

The police were alerted to the man's activities by the continuous whines of dogs in the back of the truck.

When the police asked the driver Chai Kaisi, 49, whether he had a permit to transport animals, he said he was carrying 13 dogs to a buyer in the province's Thoeng district who had offered 24 baht for a kilogramme of dog meat.

He told the police that the dog meat order had been placed for the traditional Thai New Year break.

Man's best friend is increasingly ending up on the dinner table because consumers believe eating it will keep them warm and sexually active. Many stray dogs are captured and slaughtered by traders.

In Thailand, the dog meat trade is in a legal grey area. While the slaughter of dogs is not banned _ in fact, operators need not seek a licence to do so because dogs are not covered under the Control on Animal Slaughtering and Meat Distribution Act _ they may run foul of legislation forbidding cruelty to animals. But in practice this is difficult to enforce.

Dog Trader Arrested

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Nice tribute for the thread-restarters

It's been ages since I saw DJ Pat's name listed as the topic-starter of a thread on the first page of view new posts lists.... :o

This thread made me go back and read his "Backpackers" thread


The lad had a way with words.

yep, that one was good one.

He had the amazing ability to write such astute posts which had almost everyone nodding their heads in agreement with and then turn around and the next day write something so totally asinine or with such a glaring lack of accuracy that it pissed off EVERYONE (including mods and admin) so much so that he would alienate himself from the entire forum.

It's a shame that the latter so dominated his posting history. He's not sorely missed, but he was unforgettable.

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I love dogs. The well trained, family type, content dogs in a home.

I hate soi dogs. Like rats with wagging tails.

When I see well meaning but stupid people feeding them I just want to choke them.

A girl in my apartment was feeding some of the flea bags in the parking lot once, as they licked her face I said "you might want to try some worming tablets", she replied "I think these are ok". So I pointed out "not for them, for you". Dirty cow.

Let them starve. Round up the sick ones and put them down. Come back for the fit ones and gas them all.

A city is for people.

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Well I kind of agree, my introduction to Bangkok a long time back included hearing about an englishman who'd died of rabies.

As for the culinary aspect I don't understand how anyone could eat one of their own dogs and I certainly would never knowingly eat a soi dog just because of the likelyhood of food poisoning or worse.

Edited by lamphun
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I have no words to express what I think of a lot of the views on this thread. Does this stuff really need to be dragged up again? :D

Not sure what you're on about, I guess you're not a dog lover ?

Huh? Are you being literal or sarcastic - genuine question; I'm not sure, due to the lack of emoticons.

The posts that I would personally prefer to see buried are the vitriolic rants and "how to do away with them as unpleasantly as possible" posts. As with virtually every thread on soi dogs on TV, that is what the majority seem to be.

Like the kind, compassionate view of Mr Gently, above ^^ :o

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The posts that I would personally prefer to see buried are the vitriolic rants and "how to do away with them as unpleasantly as possible" posts. As with virtually every thread on soi dogs on TV, that is what the majority seem to be.

Like the kind, compassionate view of Mr Gently, above ^^ :o

If you don't want to see or hear opinions that don't match your own .....



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You know, that makes my point for me. That knitting website is for people that like knitting, right?

As this thread is on "Plants, Pets & Vets", one would assume that the posts would be from people who actually liked animals. On General, Pattaya or any of the other subforums, I would agree with you. You pays your money & takes your chances as to what you read. But it's like going on the Golf forum & having a thread talking about burning down the golf clubs with the clientele inside them. Ridiculous, right? But I'm supposed to be quite happy to read this cr@p on a forum I visit & participate in, specifically because it is a place to connect with others who like animals. Sorry, I'm not happy. And that's my opinion. Hope it doesn't upset you too much to see that my opinion is different to yours...

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Not upset in the least however this thread is called National Soi Dog Day, March 19th, you're confusing subforum and thread.

You may have a point, however tenuous. A thread about exterminating Soi Dogs might be better discussed in the General subforum. :o

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Ya! Let's exterminate the soi dogs and cats together with the smelly farang slobs. Make designer soap, lamp shade covers and peasant stews all in one go.

A reference to your recipe for Borscht no doubt. I'm rather surprised by the people on here that seem to be recommending eating dog. :o

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