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Don't Lose Your Bank Card!


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So I inadvertently walked off from the atm without grabbing my australian bank card couple of nights ago. "No big deal" I thought then next day when I discovered it was missing. How wrong I was.

Called my bank in australia...whats your registration number? 'I don't know'

What's your card number? 'I've lost it"

Anyway, after jumping through all sorts of hoops and security checks including searching my memory for a 12 year old password I've never used, I finally was able to explain my situation and ask if I could transfer money from my aus bank account to my thai bank account. "Only over the internet" was the answer. I'll need to cancel my card and reissue it I explained.

No problem they can post overseas for a mere sum of $50 aus. What? Can I get it sent to my parents or friends house? No sir, we can only post it to your registered address (no longer living there), or overseas for $50.

Sorted that problem out, applied for internet bank access and overseas account access, which took overnight.

Today finally able to log on and transferred the money. Checked my thai bank account a few hours later but it wasn't there.

Called the bank and asked why, and was then told it would take 3-5 working days to transfer the money.

I've got about 1500 baht to last me the next few days and a girlfriend who works and has money so its no problems but I'd hate to be stuck here and need to access my australian funds in an emergency or even overnight. It's absolutely impossible!

$50 to post a bank card overseas? 3-5 working days to effect a bank transfer? And I thought it was hard to get things done in Thailand.. :)

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So I inadvertently walked off from the atm without grabbing my australian bank card couple of nights ago. "No big deal" I thought then next day when I discovered it was missing. How wrong I was.

Called the bank and asked why, and was then told it would take 3-5 working days to transfer the money.

I've got about 1500 baht to last me the next few days and a girlfriend who works and has money so its no problems but I'd hate to be stuck here and need to access my australian funds in an emergency or even overnight. It's absolutely impossible!

$50 to post a bank card overseas? 3-5 working days to effect a bank transfer? And I thought it was hard to get things done in Thailand.. :)

Would you ever think to travel overseas without a spare handkerchief ?

NO !

So why go abroad without a back-up to cover the eventuality of a lost bank card.

Like those great beer ads say "Drink Australian, think Australian" :D

Similar thing happened to me - bit of a nuisance but I was able to resort to one of the following choices:-

1. The bank card on a No 2 account with the same bank (ideal because I could also simply switch money across online)

2. The credit card from the same bank.

3, The credit card from a different bank.

4. The bank card from a different bank.

5. The Amex card.

6. Borrow short-term from within the family.

7. Borrow from my mate in Rayong - he could have paid cash straight into one of my Thai accounts.

8. Oops, almost forgot - could use one of 3 Thai bank accounts.

Edited by Chaimai
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Did the same thing on Sunday Kasikorn ATM Airport Plaza Chang mai Used my UK Nationwide Card

ATM outside of Bank on ground floor

Was Checking the slip for charges and forgot about removing the card

2 mins later I went back it was not busy but the card was not there

Bank not Open untill 11 Am this was at 10.46 This is not my Main account and has limited funds in there

Took a chance and waited for the bank to Open.

Sorry we do not have access to the ATM, However if you do not Remove the card in 10 seconds it will go back into the machine

I knew I had stood at the ATM for at least 10 seconds before walking away.

The Lady explained it is a feature on ATMs with The small Extention to the card slot on the left side

Nice To Know

Recived A call from them on Monday to Say it was at the bank.

Best to use ATMs attached to the Bank and LOOK for the card slot extention

I will in Future.

The Bank must have had 50 or 60 cards in a box Maybe people just cancel them and dont bother to ask in the bank

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Did the same thing on Sunday Kasikorn ATM Airport Plaza Chang mai Used my UK Nationwide Card

ATM outside of Bank on ground floor

Was Checking the slip for charges and forgot about removing the card

2 mins later I went back it was not busy but the card was not there

Bank not Open untill 11 Am this was at 10.46 This is not my Main account and has limited funds in there

Took a chance and waited for the bank to Open.

Sorry we do not have access to the ATM, However if you do not Remove the card in 10 seconds it will go back into the machine

I knew I had stood at the ATM for at least 10 seconds before walking away.

The Lady explained it is a feature on ATMs with The small Extention to the card slot on the left side

Nice To Know

Recived A call from them on Monday to Say it was at the bank.

Best to use ATMs attached to the Bank and LOOK for the card slot extention

I will in Future.

The Bank must have had 50 or 60 cards in a box Maybe people just cancel them and dont bother to ask in the bank

Really good info, I had no idea about the 10 second thing. Thanks for posting that!

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So I inadvertently walked off from the atm without grabbing my australian bank card couple of nights ago. "No big deal" I thought then next day when I discovered it was missing. How wrong I was.

Called my bank in australia...whats your registration number? 'I don't know'

What's your card number? 'I've lost it"

Anyway, after jumping through all sorts of hoops and security checks including searching my memory for a 12 year old password I've never used, I finally was able to explain my situation and ask if I could transfer money from my aus bank account to my thai bank account. "Only over the internet" was the answer. I'll need to cancel my card and reissue it I explained.

No problem they can post overseas for a mere sum of $50 aus. What? Can I get it sent to my parents or friends house? No sir, we can only post it to your registered address (no longer living there), or overseas for $50.

Sorted that problem out, applied for internet bank access and overseas account access, which took overnight.

Today finally able to log on and transferred the money. Checked my thai bank account a few hours later but it wasn't there.

Called the bank and asked why, and was then told it would take 3-5 working days to transfer the money.

I've got about 1500 baht to last me the next few days and a girlfriend who works and has money so its no problems but I'd hate to be stuck here and need to access my australian funds in an emergency or even overnight. It's absolutely impossible!

$50 to post a bank card overseas? 3-5 working days to effect a bank transfer? And I thought it was hard to get things done in Thailand.. :)

As an Australian overseas, I feel for you, I really do...sucks not to have access to your cash.

but you live overseas, and it comes with the terriory, especially the slowish international transfers. At least they were willing to post it to you to an overseas address, many don't do that.

Best to have two bank accounts back home, and know how to access them both via internet banking. Most allow two addresses, home and postal. Use the home one as an Australian address you know you'll have access to (friend/family) and the Thai one for all things postal.

And yes, a credit card. They can be evil little buggers, but at times like that, great and useful tool.

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I had my wallet stolen during Songkran, and in it was my Bank of American bank card.  Now luckily, I had a card for a different bank of America account as well as my Navy Federal Credit Union bank card, but I merely called BoA, told them I had my card stolen, and they sent me a new card here to my Thai address.  I wasn't charged a penny.

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I also lost my Bank of America card once. Called them, told them my tale of woe, and they cancelled the lost card at once. They then sent me a new card via DHL or Fedex, can't remember which one. Got my new card in about 36 hours. Could have done it online but I felt better talking to a real live human. I forget the questions they asked me to verify that I was really me but it wasn't very difficult.

Now if they would just quit loaning money to folks who cann't pay it back. (so speaks a hurting stockholder)

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2 years back during Sonkran, I got dunked. Wallet in my back pocket got saturated as did the bank card. By the time I dried it out, discovered it did not work, I was down to a few Baht.

Getting new card sent to my home address and then sent here, by my son - at some risk - took almost 2 weeks. Luckily I have phone banking, internet banking and an account at K bank. 3 days later had money in my K bank account.

I did have to live frugally for a few days, but taught me a lesson to keep some spare cash in the K bank account.

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Now if they would just quit loaning money to folks who cann't pay it back. (so speaks a hurting stockholder)

Oh, I was the smart one who was going to buy it when it bottomed out.  So I jumped all over it when it hit $18!!!!!   :)

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So I inadvertently walked off from the atm without grabbing my australian bank card couple of nights ago. "No big deal" I thought then next day when I discovered it was missing. How wrong I was.

Called my bank in australia...whats your registration number? 'I don't know'

What's your card number? 'I've lost it"....

$50 to post a bank card overseas? 3-5 working days to effect a bank transfer? And I thought it was hard to get things done in Thailand.. :)

How's that again? You are traveling overseas and I don't even know your card details or the procedures required to report it's loss or theft? But your primary whinge is about the charges the bank levies to address your ATM ineptitude? How old are you?

Did the same thing on Sunday Kasikorn ATM Airport Plaza Chang mai Used my UK Nationwide Card

ATM outside of Bank on ground floor

Was Checking the slip for charges and forgot about removing the card

2 mins later I went back it was not busy but the card was not there....

Best to use ATMs attached to the Bank and LOOK for the card slot extention

I will in Future.

The Bank must have had 50 or 60 cards in a box Maybe people just cancel them and dont bother to ask in the bank

Well at least you are not alone in being an ATM retard, standing there reading the slip for charges and not pulling the cash and card out quickly. Instead of looking for a machine that will accommodate your ineptitude, how about simply observing the first rule of ATM usage... Don't dick about!

BTW, who ties your shoe laces for you each morning?

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Good point sir. I notice in my travels that it's European ATM's that spit back the card before the cash, whereas in the US, card after cash is still the norm. Maybe local ATM's are 'old' technology like the US ones?

Still, isn't it better for the card to be swallowed and ultimately be recoverable rather than left in the slot for someone to steal and clone?

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I had an ATM machine reboot while I was in the middle of a transaction at Lotus once. Funniest thing it started booting windows and then went to the desktop, what wasn't funny was my ATM card was inside. I guess the fortunate thing is it was a Thai bank account and it was my bank but I had to wait 5 days for them to retrieve my card and send it to the main branch and in turn I had to go pick it up in the city.

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I don't get it, mate. 3-5 days for a bank transfer is normal, even with a domestic transfer in the U.S. Well, 2-3 days. So, overseas can easily take up to 5 days, don't see how Thailand is any different than any country with this.

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I highly doubt that the ATM timeout to capture a card is set to 10 seconds. Why not try it next time you're at the ATM and lets us know.

I am just posting what the bank told me about The 10 Second Rule

It is quite a long time 10 seconds Check it out

I was also told this feature is only on ATM machines with the Card slot Extention on the Left

Nan laew Yes I did dick about My wife usualy uses the ATM And Ties My shoelaces :)

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Did the same thing on Sunday Kasikorn ATM Airport Plaza Chang mai Used my UK Nationwide Card

ATM outside of Bank on ground floor

Was Checking the slip for charges and forgot about removing the card

2 mins later I went back it was not busy but the card was not there

Bank not Open untill 11 Am this was at 10.46 This is not my Main account and has limited funds in there

Took a chance and waited for the bank to Open.

Sorry we do not have access to the ATM, However if you do not Remove the card in 10 seconds it will go back into the machine

I knew I had stood at the ATM for at least 10 seconds before walking away.

The Lady explained it is a feature on ATMs with The small Extention to the card slot on the left side

Nice To Know

Recived A call from them on Monday to Say it was at the bank.

Best to use ATMs attached to the Bank and LOOK for the card slot extention

I will in Future.

The Bank must have had 50 or 60 cards in a box Maybe people just cancel them and dont bother to ask in the bank

so I'll use these ATMs when I intend to forget the card :)

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International bank transfers shouldnt take more than 2-3 days, more than that and you're gettin screwed.

One day to send the money to a foreing correspondent bank and one day for the bank to put it in your account. You can get 24 hours if you pay. Its just the banks way of making even more money while your money is stuck in limbo. They just dont send it before they can make some interest!

Its a good idea to have some backup cash always.

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International bank transfers shouldnt take more than 2-3 days, more than that and you're gettin screwed.

One day to send the money to a foreing correspondent bank and one day for the bank to put it in your account. You can get 24 hours if you pay. Its just the banks way of making even more money while your money is stuck in limbo. They just dont send it before they can make some interest!

Its a good idea to have some backup cash always.

Actually it depends on what bank you use in Thailand. Bangkok Bank, and SCB have no ques, but all the other banks have to wait in Que, so to make a long story short if you bank with anyone of the first two I mentioned, you will have your money in 24 hrs.


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