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Red Shirts Set Up At Sanam Luang


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Taksin and Co started the Red Shirt movement , but the majority of its supporters today are decent hard working poeple who want,

"government of the people for the people by the people"

A government they elected.

If only that were true...

Thaksin and cronies still have the Red Rum wheel,

the rest are just going along not seeing the realities of their manipulation.

Right now they have a better government than the last one that they 'more or less' elected.

And they can't get the one they elected back anyway.

And the last one they ACTUALLY elected was thrown out by Thaksin himself

trying to increase his mandate post Temasek. His 2nd biggest mistake.

THAT CARETAKER government cheated during the election.

It no longer exists.

There IS NO GOVERNMENT CABINET directly elected by the people, Thaksin's never was,

but there IS a Government PM and CABINET elected by THE MP'S ELECTED BY THE PEOPLE.

Don't doubt for a minute that Thaksin's government and cabinet were not ALSO PUPPETS...

The elected the Friend's of Newin Faction to represent them. That is still happening.

They have lost no representation in parliament ; all banned Pols have been replaced with new ones.


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Go Red Go. It's uplifting to see Thais care about their country and not just lay down to the oppressors. Good Luck! Maybe they can inspire a similar movement in Myanmar!

Thais caring about their country??????????????

Believe me, not the reds for sure - how you get that idea beats me.

Time they stopped these demonstrations - for SELF INTEREST and

give the country the break it needs, to get back on it's feet.

And I bet you think changing the Constitution is going to solve all the problems?

Well it will not, believe me.

The number one problem in this country is CORRUPTION and THAT is what has

caused the situation we are now in.

I agree with, if ONE politician steps over the line, then the whole party should

pay the price. Sounds hard, school like? That's just what is needed in Thailand,

now that would be REAL change and we would have Truth.

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Taksin and Co started the Red Shirt movement , but the majority of its supporters today are decent hard working poeple who want,

"government of the people for the people by the people"

A government they elected.

They want government of the rich, for the rich, elected by red people. They will not accept if 64% who didn't vote red dare to form their own government. They would accept Thaksin meddling in politics but not generals.

And even red elections must be run without any rules and any punishment for vote buying.

Some democracy!

Majority of red supporters today are not smarter than thousands of village scouts who lynched people and burned their corpses on Sanam Luang in 1976. They also thought they were doing the right thing, they also been told they were doing the right thing. They also had their own radio stations and they didn't allow any alternative media - just like reds now listen ONLY to their own dtv.

its all the same as the world over in the end... yellows, reds, whoever... already rich, already powerful people wanting more power and wealth and using this word DEMOCRACY to get the backing from the people down at street level!! There are certainly some legit, well-meaning ideas to benefit the working classes in Thailand - notably from the 'REDS' - but Thaksin et al seem to believe policies and ideas to aid those 'grass-roots' folk, legitimises anything else they do for themselves... and, yes, regardless that most of the country just want peace and to get on with their lives (sabai, sabai)... my 'take' anyway... :)

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Hmm, no timetable for dispersal on Monday after the March- probably means just a few hundred reds showing up this time if it is the 2nd generation of leaders leading the rally this time.

Not only 2nd generation of leaders were there:


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UDD to gather on June 24

The red-shirt United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) will stage another anti-government rally at Sanam Luang on June 24, UDD prominent figure Jatuporn Promphan said on Sunday.

According to Mr Jatuporn, the concept of this demonstration would be to expose the truth about the government, as the group had gathered more facts and evidence.

The UDD leader called on the group's supporters to join the rally next month.


-- Bangkok Post 16/05/09

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and from the Nation !

Mass 'Red in the Land' rally to be held before June 24: Jatuporn

Jatuporn Promphan, a red-shirt leader, said another mass rally by the red-shirt people will be held at Sanam Lung before June 24.

He said the red-shirt leaders will decide the exact date of the next rally soon.

Initially, they planned to hold the "Red in the Land" rally on June 24 but the date is not a weekend so they have yet to select another date.


-- The Nation 16/05/09

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Please post a pic of the swarms of reds! Or are there even more than 200?

Shall we view some pictures of last night meeting?





Well, achmmm, these shots all must be first hand taken by Koo who now has

an all access pass for Red Shirt stage and technical departments.

And we can see her hob-knobing with all the good gentlemen of the 2nd generation....

And no 1st generation gentlemen are there doing anything against their terms of bail...

No one is feeding her pictiures, purposely with NO DATE showing,

since she now has learned to turn the shooting date off on her camera.

No, nothing to say she isn't being used by the Reds for her propaganda value here.


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The Red Leaders already are being investigated for violating the conditions of their bail from a previous rally....

More red-shirt leaders turn themselves in

Three red-shirt leaders were released on bail after they turned themselves in yesterday to face charges in connection with the Songkran Day riots.

Red-shirt leaders Arisman Pongruangrong and Adisorn Piangket surrendered at the Metropolitan Police Bureau headquarters yesterday morning, while Surachai "Saedan" Danwattananusorn surrendered at a police station in Nakhon Si Thammarat.

Police later released Arisman and Adisorn on Bt500,000 bail each after they agreed to three conditions: not to leave the country, not to organise political rallies or incite any unrest and not to interfere with police investigation.

Police Summon Red-Shirt Leaders for Violations of Bail Conditions

Red-shirt leaders who were released on bail are being summoned by police again for allegedly participating in anti-government activities that violate the conditions of their bail.

With their participation at last night's rally, they are prompting more investigation and potentially racking up additional charges and encouraging arrest for repeatedly violating the conditions of their bail.

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It is bold of the Reds not to just bow down before the oppressors and behave like the serfs that the PAD would like them to be. No doubt there will be more Burma-like political arrests to try to tame them and show them their place.

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Taksin and Co started the Red Shirt movement , but the majority of its supporters today are decent hard working poeple who want,

"government of the people for the people by the people"

A government they elected.

Yes, they want a government they voted for and not the government somobody else voted for. And how does this relate to democracy?

Democracy = demos cratos = rule of the people. In modern times usually means that the government is elected by the MAJORITY of vote (of the people) and governs on their belhaf. By implication the minority who didn't get their representatives to form a government must accept and submit to the "voice of the majority". At least until the next election.

But of course as someone else pointed here out Thai politics have little to do with democracy which is just used as an empty phrase by both sides but much to do with money. I would also ad .. and fight for dominance/power by some family clans.

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IN a proper modern democracy the losing side should STILL be cared for by the winning side.

If not then it is not democracy but oppressive rule of the majority.

And that leads to issues like the Holocaust, S.Africa's Apartheid, and Palestinian problems.

If parliamentary procedures allow one of several minority parties

to create a coalition then that is also democracy at work.

The Reds can protest that their minority party isn't leading the coalition,

but not that it isn't democracy at work.

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Taksin and Co started the Red Shirt movement , but the majority of its supporters today are decent hard working poeple who want,

"government of the people for the people by the people"

A government they elected.

They want government of the rich, for the rich, elected by red people. They will not accept if 64% who didn't vote red dare to form their own government. They would accept Thaksin meddling in politics but not generals.

And even red elections must be run without any rules and any puinishment for vote buying.

Some democracy!

Majority of red supporters today are not smarter than thousands of village scouts who lynched people and burned their corpses on Sanam Luang in 1976. They also thought they were doing the right thing, they also been told they were doing the right thing. They also had their own radio stations and they didn't allow any alternative media - just like reds now listen ONLY to their own dtv.

Can I ask you Plus. How much time have you spent in the poorer North and North Eastern regions of this Country. Forget Thaksin, the poor are using him like he is using them. My guess is that you have never been North of Don Muang Airport

And as for vote buying, did Thaksin spend 9 Billion baht Appeasing the middle classes( suppose to be loyal to the Democrats) when the people who really needed financial assistance got f... .ll O

Oh but wait the poor people support red ..... now I understand

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Taksin and Co started the Red Shirt movement , but the majority of its supporters today are decent hard working poeple who want,

"government of the people for the people by the people"

A government they elected.

They want government of the rich, for the rich, elected by red people. They will not accept if 64% who didn't vote red dare to form their own government. They would accept Thaksin meddling in politics but not generals.

And even red elections must be run without any rules and any puinishment for vote buying.

Some democracy!

Majority of red supporters today are not smarter than thousands of village scouts who lynched people and burned their corpses on Sanam Luang in 1976. They also thought they were doing the right thing, they also been told they were doing the right thing. They also had their own radio stations and they didn't allow any alternative media - just like reds now listen ONLY to their own dtv.

Can I ask you Plus. How much time have you spent in the poorer North and North Eastern regions of this Country. Forget Thaksin, the poor are using him like he is using them. My guess is that you have never been North of Don Muang Airport

And as for vote buying, did Thaksin spend 9 Billion baht Appeasing the middle classes( suppose to be loyal to the Democrats) when the people who really needed financial assistance got f... .ll O

Oh but wait the poor people support red ..... now I understand

here here, i think are mr abhisit is like a reverse robin hood, then again its not really him its whoever is pulling those strings.

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Can I ask you Plus. How much time have you spent in the poorer North and North Eastern regions of this Country. Forget Thaksin, the poor are using him like he is using them. My guess is that you have never been North of Don Muang Airport

And as for vote buying, did Thaksin spend 9 Billion baht Appeasing the middle classes( suppose to be loyal to the Democrats) when the people who really needed financial assistance got f... .ll O

Oh but wait the poor people support red ..... now I understand

Sorry to interrupt your rant....but good ol' Thaivisa past threads are always good to help sort out the rhetoric... so, let's rehash it.... once again.

Not only "middle class" received the 2,000 baht... unless you consider the masses of people who received it and are making, for example, 8K/month as "middle class"... :)


Lots of money has been assigned to help farmers from the same exact fund as the 2,000 baht....

So not a single rice farmer, food stall owner, small shop owner will see any of it :D

And were does the money come from? I thought Thailand is short on money?

Didn't I read they have for 6 weeks money to pay government workers?

Plenty of security guards, factory workers, hotel workers, messengers etc will see it. I could personally name at least a dozen such who are on well low monthly salaries but in the sso fund. Some of these are kids of rice farmers so it gets around. Some will spend it on food or in small shops so it moves around again.

As others have said most world leaders have accepted that pumping pure cash into the economy is the best way to get it moving. Targetting it at groups that will spend it quick is generally also recognised as the way to go. These groups usually include those on lower incomes and unemployed. The middle classes have more of a tendency to horde it.



Government to help pay farmers' debts

The cabinet on Tuesday approved a 5.7-billion-baht budget to pay off farmers' debts and rehabilitate debtors, according to Farmer Rehabilitation Development Fund acting Secretary-General Sangsit Piriyarangsan.

- Bangkok Post / 2009-02-17

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Go Red Go. It's uplifting to see Thais care about their country and not just lay down to the oppressors. Good Luck! Maybe they can inspire a similar movement in Myanmar!

I thought people who prescribe here in Thaivisa are educated and inelegant. Ok I guess that may not be true after all. Wake up guys and learn the reality of Tai politics. :D

Is not about democracy is about money


Its a fine line that borders ignorance and stupidity.

Most of the pro Democtratic anti-Thaksin contributors seem to suffer from both.

Read this and try to understand what Thai politics is really about.


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Well, achmmm, these shots all must be first hand taken by Koo who now has

an all access pass for Red Shirt stage and technical departments.

And we can see her hob-knobing with all the good gentlemen of the 2nd generation....

And no 1st generation gentlemen are there doing anything against their terms of bail...

No one is feeding her pictiures, purposely with NO DATE showing,

since she now has learned to turn the shooting date off on her camera.

No, nothing to say she isn't being used by the Reds for her propaganda value here.


Maybe, instead of employing the strategy of character assassination, you can take your own photos at the rallies and post them here. If you feel that these photos of Koo82 are fake, then please, prove your point by posting your own images from Sanam Luang.

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Well, achmmm, these shots all must be first hand taken by Koo who now has

an all access pass for Red Shirt stage and technical departments.

And we can see her hob-knobing with all the good gentlemen of the 2nd generation....

And no 1st generation gentlemen are there doing anything against their terms of bail...

No one is feeding her pictiures, purposely with NO DATE showing,

since she now has learned to turn the shooting date off on her camera.

No, nothing to say she isn't being used by the Reds for her propaganda value here.


Maybe, instead of employing the strategy of character assassination, you can take your own photos at the rallies and post them here. If you feel that these photos of Koo82 are fake, then please, prove your point by posting your own images from Sanam Luang.

Well said. Put up, or shut up, Animatic.

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The elected the Friend's of Newin Faction to represent them. That is still happening.

I think you are trying to acknowledge that the same 'Friends of Newin the Banned' are now supporting your mate Abhisit, right?

At the start, you used to vilify corruption in any shape or form. Then, that horrid reality about Abhisit cuddling up to Newin was explained to you. Now, you accept Newin because he is a 'nice' corrupt ex-TRT/PPP godfather and deserves to be rehabilitated.


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The reds said more arrest orders will be, maybe have been, issued to singers who sang on the red stage.

Was Arisman singing... ? :)

Funny you should ask...

Arisman raises fund for UDD with new album

BANGKOK, 17 May 2009 (NNT) – The United Front of Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) core leader and former pop singer Arisman Pongruangrong launched his new album today in order to raise a fund for the UDD and announced that a concert tour would be organized throughout the country.

Accompanied by UDD core leaders Suporn Atthawong and Payap Panket, Arisman chaired a press conference for the debut of his new album ‘Love in Phone-in’ at Imperial Department Store Lat Phrao today.

The singer-turned-politician said the 12-track album would serve as a fundraiser for the UDD as well as its supporters affected by the government’s crowd dispersal on April 13, 2009. He elaborated that the music license company had agreed to donate the music license and the sale income from the first year of his album to UDD supporters for use in their protest movements.

Arisman added that his concert tour had been planned in provinces nationwide, which would be joined by other UDD core leaders, including Weera Musikapong, Jatuporn Prompan, Natthawut Saikua, and Suporn Atthawong.

He said the first phase of the concert tour would commence in four northeastern provinces of Khon Kaen, Udon Thani, Roi Et and Maha Sarakham on May 22, 23, 24 and 25 respectively.

http://thainews.prd.go.th/newsenglish/index.php' target="_blank">watch?v=MZgo9Niz-OA


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And the last one they ACTUALLY elected was thrown out by Thaksin himself

trying to increase his mandate post Temasek. His 2nd biggest mistake.

THAT CARETAKER government cheated during the election.

It no longer exists.

Ah, but that was before Thaksin became a convert to 'true democracy', and anyway he never made a mistake by resigning his last elected-government, that must have been a soldier dressed up as him, or a PAD-supporter, erm ... erm ... :)

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And we can see her hob-knobing with all the good gentlemen of the 2nd generation....

And no 1st generation gentlemen are there doing anything against their terms of bail...

No one is feeding her pictiures, purposely with NO DATE showing,

since she now has learned to turn the shooting date off on her camera.

No date showing? Because you can't believe the reds showed up that many? The background of the stage changes every time they meet. This time it has the old man with the wording "dictatorship".

1st and 2nd generation were there last night. Whether they violate their terms of bail is up to Abhisit's people to judge.

I only know the first 2 terms:

1. They are not allowed to go out of Thailand: they have meetings in Thailand anyway so this one is not a problem :) . They may have problems if they want to meet Khun Thaksin.

2. They are not allowed to instigate people to do wrong things: they didn't and don't instigate. Violence in April did not start from them.

And PAD has no terms of bail.

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They're walking to Democracy Monument now to celebrate 17 years of the fight for democracy.

Who paid for protesters 17 years ago?

Some people still believe that they're paid to protest.

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Not Meaning of Insult in any fashion or manner but may I suggest for the one's whom are guest in this Great Country should always practice their best with

Hospitality Manners .This color divide has proving to be one of deadly measures and I suggest using caution

while posting .

Thai's are feed up with this turmoil and on going divide and ask all too aid in Unity and not posting of choosing sides of other than

ones of Unity and Democracy . It is a suggestion of common respect to the people and country, I mean this from my heart and mean no insult to anyone in my posting.

As know we all have the right to choose but all I'm suggesting is when posting is for all too think what maybe best for the country and the country's great citizens that have to live and survive in this daily turmoil thats a destructive force .This is just decent posting of respect.

I hope this post does not offend anyone in any sort,its just my opinion and suggestions to all my brother falangs .

Their is just to much other beauty in Thailand for outsiders to worry and get involved in Thailand's shortcoming of political arena.

The glitter of the Temples and the mist on the Mountain tops are waiting . The friendly smiles of the people are the attraction .Not the zoo of politicians and corruption.

sorry just my 2 cents worth

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Their is just to much other beauty in Thailand for outsiders to worry and get involved in Thailand's shortcoming of political arena.

The glitter of the Temples and the mist on the Mountain tops are waiting . The friendly smiles of the people are the attraction .Not the zoo of politicians and corruption.

sorry just my 2 cents worth

Then i would advise you not to post in this forum and instead go and watch some temples, mountains, mist and glitter.

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I miss Thailand, and I've been gone for about a week now. I'm not really concerned with the politics there, as it's way too convoluted for my brain to get around. However, it scares me to think about what might go down once the only thing holding the country together is gone. I'm happy not to be there for that reason alone.

"Government to help pay farmers' debts

The cabinet on Tuesday approved a 5.7-billion-baht budget to pay off farmers' debts and rehabilitate debtors, according to Farmer Rehabilitation Development Fund acting Secretary-General Sangsit Piriyarangsan."

This seems like a good thing. Prior to this, wasn't the amount a lot smaller?

"Nah, 1000 bht in Pratunam."

If he paid more than 300 baht, he was taken.

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